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File 130677307262.jpg - (23.40KB , 500x330 , 1306607779332.jpg )
4505 No. 4505 [Edit]
This is our life. We rush through school in some deluded attempt at getting into the workforce as fast as possible (reinforcement of values wanted in our society; we all know the public school system is a institution of indoctrination), only to find that we now work to support the economy until the day we die so governments and corporations can wage war in the name of national and economic imperialism. Most people seem content becoming satisfied with their money and consumer lifestyle, but I am not. I want to spend my life working in science, learning and creating mediums for people to share information, express themselves, and become more independent.

I am becoming more and more angry each day.
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>> No. 4506 [Edit]
Any other way is largely obsolete. Strangely enough, NEETs and most shut ins are the obvious extension of a life built only to consume without larger purpose.

I hope you can find a satisfying answer around that. Even better, one that doesn't leave you dead in a gutter from chasing some romantic ideal.
>> No. 4507 [Edit]
>I want to spend my life working in science, learning and creating mediums for people to share information, express themselves, and become more independent.

>I am becoming more and more angry each day.

I do too, and I would love that. I really would. But I have no money.
>> No. 4508 [Edit]
>But I have no money
Hmm, we seem to have found the problem here.
>> No. 4510 [Edit]
>We rush through school in some deluded attempt at getting into the workforce as fast as possible
well I certainly dont
>> No. 4511 [Edit]
>I am becoming more and more angry each day.
Maybe you should form a fight club.
>> No. 4512 [Edit]
>I want to spend my life working in science...

Well, I want to work with renewable energy and green, eco-friendly technology.

Let's make it happen!
We can do it!
>> No. 4513 [Edit]
I failed high school and I work full time doing garbage work

I would love to get into science and actually do something important, but alas I'm to fucking stupid to do it.

Oh well
>> No. 4514 [Edit]
>complaining about work-centered lives on a NEET site

I agree with OP, but still lol.
>> No. 4516 [Edit]

This is off-topic but, when i was young i thought garbage men were awesome because they got to ride on a cool truck and were well paied for doing that.
>> No. 4519 [Edit]
What about artists?
>> No. 4520 [Edit]

If you use it to make a living you end up hating it. I'm in college for graphic design because going in I didn't realize this. Fucking hate myself for not realizing it.
>> No. 4523 [Edit]
I find it amazing that the system is working, however shitty of a job it's doing. That we've put together something that works for society, though it's being abused by the elite. Blah blah blah. I won't argue that there aren't a lot of things wrong with the way we're doing things, but we've got things pretty good.
>Most people seem content becoming satisfied with their money and consumer lifestyle, but I am not.
You seem to have a sort holier-than-thou attitude. I guess I find it somewhat.. disgusting. Like you're above all of those "consuming sheep", like you're aware of how this world works.. and if only people would listen to you then the world would be soo much better. God, I'm getting pissed writing this. If you're getting angry every day, then do something about it. Go into politics and change the system. Get power and use it to do good. But don't be suprised when you end up abusing that power. The romanticized picture of the revolutionary fighting for justice is a lie. It only exists when it's fighting a power. But when it gets the power to change he's just the same as the bastards he was fighting against. Don't think you're any different. Your attitude is created by your circumstances. Nobody is special, nobody is jesus fucking christ.
I more or less agree with you, but it's your attitude that i hate so damn much. So fucking dramatic with your words.. God I am pissed.
>> No. 4525 [Edit]

Yeah, I know. I wanted to write or something when I was younger until I realized that would not make money. So I got into science, though not one that particularly interests me (it's something like what 4512 was talking about, has good job opportunities in my area). I think something like quantum physics would be interesting to study, but whatever. I plan on living below my means in a small place (possibly easier with a partner) so I can retire early, I've had coworkers and other people I know do it and now do nothing at 35.

Also a site that may be of interest
>> No. 4528 [Edit]
Why do you say that?

Also this. Stop whining, OP.
>> No. 4531 [Edit]

You start feeling like you're whoring yourself out after a while due to having used to love doing your work and now doing it and hating it because you need money. Thats if you can find a job in it too. I need to try as much as I dread it though so I can move out since I hate living with my parents.


I'll check that out when I'm not doing something else.
>> No. 4532 [Edit]
It's good to have money, but it's better to have a calling. I chose the first because I had no hope of ever getting financial support from my family for studying music (which I probably wasn't quite talented enough at to really make it anyway.) Now I'm studying something I don't enjoy to get a job I won't like, so I can make money I'll spend to distract myself from the fact that I'll be a bitter and probably alcoholic asshole who hates his life and is a part of the ridiculous system that just barely holds the world together. I know there's something higher out there, but I won't be a part of it.

Do you think it's even possible to change this? It's the people who are to blame for the way they are, more than the elite. Nobody holds a gun to Mr. Average Joe's head and forces him to buy overpriced audio equipment from Best Buy or some silly useless crap out of the Hammacher-Schlemmer catalog. He does it because he wants to do it.
>> No. 4533 [Edit]
I'm going into computer engineering even though I'm a fucking dumbass who can hardly do any math or science. I can barely do algebra, and I still multiply using my fingers sometimes. I've tried numerous times to just sit down and study from the basics, but I always forget everything. I don't know how I'm going to do calculus and physics later on.

I like working with computers and it's the thing I'd least hate for having as a job. I'm fucked, but I have no other choice since there's nothing else I want to do, and I definitely don't want to live with my insane family any longer than I need to.
>> No. 4539 [Edit]
at least you fucking have an ambition
>> No. 4540 [Edit]
>only to find that we now work to support the economy until the day we die so governments and corporations can wage war in the name of national and economic imperialism.

It can't be helped, OP. Government and corporations will find a way screw you over and use whatever you invent to tighten their grip on the poorer segments of society, as is done with so many mediums for telecommunications, banking and entertainment.
>> No. 4541 [Edit]
What's your level of education? I'm sure it's not to late to try and get a job in a science related field.
>> No. 4542 [Edit]
This, really.
What do I want to do? Nothing, really. Spend my days in casual enjoyment, having my time around and with other people restricted to a few hours a week or so when I shop.

Or, better, live my life for my loved one as her shut-in househusband, and spending every day living in a tinted bliss.
>> No. 4544 [Edit]
It's kinda like if you put a fifty dollar bill on the street for everyone to see and available to take for anyone who wants it. Could it be possible that the bill won't be taken? Yes, but really no.
>> No. 4545 [Edit]
A show called candid camera did that with $20s I believe.
I remember they place the bills just out of reach of people or like under a car tire so people couldn't get it (without REALLY trying)
It was rather amusing seeing how hard some people tried, most would give it a shot as they walked past but not put much effort into it.
>> No. 4547 [Edit]
>> No. 4555 [Edit]
Get out of here working-class scum! Come back when you shit on the floor, and spend all day masturbating to little girls. TRUE NEET for life.
>> No. 4556 [Edit]
Hehe, I like that man at the end. Good old British politeness!
>> No. 4558 [Edit]
>I want to spend my life working in science, learning and creating mediums for people to share information, express themselves, and become more independent.
Then, why don't you? I really don't get this thread.
>> No. 4559 [Edit]
Whoa, I thought I was the only one!
I used to think it awesome how they hang from the truck and all. Totally wanted to try it out.

Such is the mind of a child, I guess.
>> No. 4562 [Edit]
File 130699163887.jpg - (20.86KB , 410x402 , Kimura FUUUUUUUUUUUUU.jpg )
Don't worry, OP, lots of people are fighting to make the world a better place. Even if it doesn't happen in our lifetime, whether it's through a nuclear winter or a world of revolutions, and whether or not there are humans left, someday the future will hold peace. As long as you hang onto perspective, that you always remember that all good change will take time, as long as you don't give up hope, then you are winning against the so many lost souls trying so hard to run our world. The lost souls that only see money and power through their insecurities and grief.
>> No. 4689 [Edit]
File 130719030019.jpg - (161.40KB , 728x1075 , 1305411155402.jpg )
This a bajizillion times.
Actually, I kinda like math, but sometimes it's just too much.
But hey, this is the only career that seemed right for me, computers and shit. Programming in Pascal right now.

Pic not related but I can't see what it is about from the thumbnail so I'm gonna upload it.
>> No. 4691 [Edit]
math isnt neccessary to become a computer programmer at all in most cases (skillwise that is, im sure you probably have to take math if you're studying programming at school)
>> No. 4694 [Edit]
I don't understand why people always say that.

Math is very much needed and makes programming impossible for those of us who can't do math at all, especially those who have trouble with anything beyond simple division.
>> No. 4695 [Edit]
have you tried learning it? what circumstances have you found where you need to use math that you dont understand?
>> No. 4700 [Edit]
Looking at the OP I must confess that we're in exaggerated terrain, but I'll play along.

>science for life!
Sure is heavy romanticism going on in here. Someone said something about how you always run the risk of hating what you desired to dedicate yourself to when actually digging in. It's like this with any area of science, just added with extreme elitism, highly detailed etiquette and hilarious collective introversion. Genuine elitism, with all ill traits that follows consequentially, to any social outcast's disgust. Cutting edge science, for the matter of science, will ultimately resolve around leveling up your sci-peen, in about any respectable research community out there.

Okay, I'll turn down the vehemence a little; though that's easier said than done when looking back to the OP. So who am I to claim such inauspiciousness in the face of science (science!)? For what it's worth, I've been studying a subject as pure a science gets in one of the more renowned universities in my country. I've conducted small-scale science; quantitative social research to be specific. A kind of science of which there's only room for in the most prosperous of countries, i.e. the fore-runners. To be quite frank - it disgusts me some. Not very, just some; but still enough for me to reconsider. I'm not going to proclaim that science is evil lest I'll be accused of advocating an uneducated opinion; because it's not. In fact, a country gifted with as many researches in as many fields as is plausible, is bound to prosper. I say plausible because becoming a scientist is in fact an investment on the government's expense. The government and all its tax-payers have interests in this investment. We can't have scientists doing whatever they please in the name of science, heavy indoctrination must apply. A scientist must conduct proper science, and will do so to entertain their respective institution, researcher community and government. To hell with researching for the benefit of the people, leave that to journalism and media. Becoming a researcher won't obscure what I interpret to be OP's generalized perception of the social life. In respect of career choices, you won't escape the social life with science as opposed to anything else. In a capitalistic consumer oriented society you are supposed to consume while in education, consume while working, and consume when in retirement. A researcher is no different - in fact the only difference is a prolonged education and stricter rules. Think back to the rules applied when returning high-school papers, those are way over-shadowed by the never-ending list of intellectual routing applied to any researcher of importance. Keep in mind that this is my personal belief in contrast to what I read in the OP, it would be your own choosing to accept my points as truths.

The way of the artist is another point of interest, though my personal perception on this matter is not weighted by related experience. I'll however perform a string of reasoning. It may or may not apply to real life, but here goes:
Say that you're sick of being labeled with the social role of a consumer, you rather want to create than to consume. What will you create? Something for everyone else to consume? How are you not bound to the consumer role when relying on other consumers. Maybe you fool yourself into believing that you're free from the rules of society, while still chained to its principles? Your guess is as good as mine.

Perhaps I'm reading the topic wrong, maybe it's not about breaking out of the norms of our society, but rather about becoming an elite of it? Someone who defines to a much greater extent what norms will apply to our society? This is not a critical comment on the structures, either social and institutional, of our society, is it? Dear me. how embarrassing that would be. Either way, in terms of freedom, my opinion is that you're the least bound by formal as well as informal norms if you choose simple. Then your intellectual self wouldn't be bound by education, your artistic self wouldn't be bound by media, your ideological self wouldn't be bound by your choices, your social self wouldn't be bound by your connections, your emotional self would be bound by next to nothing - you'd just be the simple man who doesn't know any better. In a practical sense, what I'm saying is that you might have greater joy in your interests as a hobbyist, rather than a professional. All eyes are on you if you reach towards the top of the ladder, either artistically or intellectually, you're competing after all; but as a working class man, you wouldn't know any better. Society rely on you to be diligent, do your working hours and pay your taxes - nothing more. NEETs obviously rely on social welfare, so let's not go there...

bla bla bla im a pretentious faggot bla bla a researcher is bound by the community's interests, an artist is bound by its audience's interests bla bla only your spirit can be free of society's iron grip etc kill yourself

Post edited on 4th Jun 2011, 12:32pm
>> No. 4703 [Edit]
Hear, hear!
>> No. 4731 [Edit]
I'm only scratching the surface in this write-up, in regard of the "science is despair!" topic. I'll try to provide some more in-depth intel as I go:
There's no guarantee that a researcher's work will prove to be beneficial for anyone or anything else than his or hers ego. Even if a researcher performs break-through, it is not bound to be noticed. The information age is great, right; researchers are able to share all their superior knowledge with everyone who wishes to enhance their intellect.. right? Not exactly true; I mentioned that a researcher is bound by his or hers researcher community/institution - this applies even after a piece of research is complete. Most public research is off-limits for anyone not related with given researching community/institution. You're bound by a publisher of sorts, which guarantee that your work will be available to any university that can afford to be a part of the club. Otherwise your research won't be regarded as significant or legit enough to stick out. When you get yourself a fancy degree from a fancy university, you will working under such conditions. A researcher not following code will not be taken seriously; reputation is a researcher's everything.

I'm adding one more disclaimer:
I'm sorry if my dirty opinions are conceived as offensive in any regard. My intention is not to smite anyone, I just want you to know that said adventure is as fun as you make it to be. Being in despair is bad, but don't get too awefully blinded by the shiny green of the other side; there is still so much to do even as you stand right now, right here. Do what you wanna do, and take it easy while you're at it.

Post edited on 5th Jun 2011, 9:49am
>> No. 4876 [Edit]
A lot of journals have started taking the "open access" approach. (So your free information ideal may be coming closer.)

Modern research heads down the slippery slope of accidentally engineering a superbug/making all plant life infertile/exploding the whole human race in the name of making progress (and not always the consumerist kind).

I personally don't believe that we can have any kind of idea of what progress is, since the idea of good is different for everyone.

So create your own ideas of what progress means to you, and work to it.
If it involves changing more people's habits than just your own, then... best of luck.
>> No. 4880 [Edit]
Have you considered becoming a communist?

I am not burdened by any of the obsolete ideas you struggle to hold on to, let us move into the future together comrades!
>> No. 4882 [Edit]
Typical teenage apathy.

You'll grow out of it. Only to realize things don't get any better, you just learn to live with it.
>> No. 4946 [Edit]
>A lot of journals have started taking the "open access" approach.
We'll see more of this from the parties who're not in the position to compete on the level of the biggest databases. When the open access scene gains sufficient credibility, they might actually be usable in srs bsns science. Otherwise, as a scientist, you'd rather have your sources being restricted - which is a seal of approval in itself.

>Modern research heads down (...)
That's conspiracy fuel, and I'd rather not go there.

Your concern with progress is a matter of philosophy, and believe me - there's a lot of that going on in parallel with whatever real/hypothetical scientific progression in the works; be it from insider or outsider parties. For every scientific hypothesis out there is at least 5 philosofical concerns in dispute over it, regarding morality, ethics and all that good stuff. One thing more populare than conducting science is debating it; I honestly don't feel any apprehension for whatever catastrophic consequences scientific progression might bring. There's already a shit-ton of people preaching on and on about it, there's nothing for me here.

In fact, I have developed a handy cognitive tool that zones out my brain every time I pick up on controversy regarding science. It obviously also applies to religion and whatnot.

Post edited on 6th Jun 2011, 3:49pm
>> No. 4948 [Edit]
>a handy cognitive tool

is it called COSMOS or Pale Blue Dot?

Post edited on 6th Jun 2011, 3:55pm
>> No. 4950 [Edit]
Nah, it's called zoloft, but COSMOS sounds better, so we'll call it COSMOS from now on. Zoloft sounds kinda gay anyway, yields weird looks in my general direction it does.

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