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4434 No. 4434 [Edit]
Ever have conversations with yourself or pretend to talk to other people?
>> No. 4436 [Edit]
I don't believe in pretend.
>> No. 4437 [Edit]
I sort of talk to myself all the time, I just don't expect a reply.
>> No. 4438 [Edit]
Yeah, I talk to myself as if I was talking to another person, even answering myself.
>> No. 4439 [Edit]
Not aloud, but yes.
>> No. 4443 [Edit]
yes, more and more lately. If I dont have anyone to talk to, why not talk to myself?
>> No. 4444 [Edit]
quite a lot
>> No. 4445 [Edit]
Yes. I like to pretend that I'm talking to my waifu.
>> No. 4447 [Edit]
See thread >>2565
>> No. 4448 [Edit]
Yes, but only to myself. Unfortunately, I've started talking out loud not too long ago.
>> No. 4449 [Edit]
Normally just in my head. I'll carry on a conversation with a fictional person sometimes, which seems to be a common thing among us. Occasionally, if I really get pissed off, I'll start raving. My neighbors almost definitely think I'm crazy now if they didn't before, but that's okay because I hate them anyway.
>> No. 4454 [Edit]
Similar to >>4449, but I imagine myself talking to people I know in real life and surprisingly, I actually like their fantasy equivalent. I feel more connected to them compared to their real, 3D versions.
>> No. 4456 [Edit]
Only in my head.
>> No. 4457 [Edit]
Isn't talking to yourself in your head Normal Common?

Post edited on 27th May 2011, 3:01pm
>> No. 4458 [Edit]

Are you concerned with normality?
>> No. 4459 [Edit]
Sometimes I'll be in the middle of a conversation with myself and my mom will walk in. Always awkward
>> No. 4464 [Edit]
i think you might have misunderstood
>> No. 4470 [Edit]
I suppose I did, sorry.
>> No. 4473 [Edit]
Yes I tend to talk to myself (mostly just say things out loud when nobody is around). I thought everyone did it.
>> No. 4477 [Edit]
I mumble and repeat things when I am alone. Usually segments of various posts I make on the internet. It's pretty awkward when someone catches me mumbling and chortling to random shit.
>> No. 4480 [Edit]
I talk to myself in my head all the time and plan out all these long replys if they say this or that but when I do it--if I do it it doesn't help.
>> No. 4493 [Edit]
Sometimes I'll repeat things/scenes I hear on television. I think I might be a good actor now
>> No. 4524 [Edit]
I do! I sometimes imagine how a person I know would respond to or think of something that I'm thinking about, and then I respond out loud, and think of their response to that. I do it without thinking. I'm not worried though, haha.
>> No. 4530 [Edit]
I think aloud quite a bit.

Also, I talk to my waifu all the time. Sadly, it is a one-sided conversation; I can't really think of her reactions to what I say, but it feels good talking to her.

When I am frustrated with someone I will have an imaginary argument with them especially if I am drunk as a result of said frustration
>> No. 4552 [Edit]
I talk to myself way too much. I feel like my mind and conscience are different people and that I talk to them.

I pretend to talk to other people, but not aloud.
>> No. 4603 [Edit]
I do it on a daily basis. I usually make funny stories though, complete with strange voices and awkwardly corny jokes. And I go on about it. I pace around the house making multiple voices and laughing at my own jokes. I don't even think there's anything wrong with it.
>> No. 4607 [Edit]
That's bordering on interesting.
Tell me, do you ever get violent urges, or sudden deep depressions?
>> No. 4628 [Edit]
I do

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