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4415 No. 4415 [Edit]
I have a special talent for escaping notice wherever I go. Even when I'm around people who I share some interests with, I may as well not even be there. When people do talk to me it's as if they're conscious of that fact, so much that I'd prefer they didn't talk to me at all. This has to be something do to with my personality. I'd love to be more assertive, but just wanting to be different that doesn't change what I am.

You might ask why I care. It's partly a personal thing. It just feels like an insult. Maybe it's just me, but I actually make an effort and end up with shit to show for it. Even if I don't really like the people I have to deal with, and I usually never do like them, it still matters to me.
>> No. 4418 [Edit]
I feel a similar way. Even in the IRC chats and other places I am active in and where people somewhat know me I am almost always invisible. I think I just fail charisma forever.
>> No. 4420 [Edit]
so you're like the background character?
I myself am delegated to that role
I don't mind though, I'm socially awkward and have virtually no communication skills so the hit and run format fits me.
>> No. 4426 [Edit]
Maybe you're too indifferent or "tame"?

I used go by unnoticed, and still am but to a lesser degree, until I got more decisive with my answers/opinions.
>> No. 4441 [Edit]
Maybe that is the problem, I have strong opinions but I don't express them much or I don't get the chance. But sometimes I do, and I still feel invisible. Who knows. I know I have to be more assertive but I don't know how to do that without it coming off as weird or forced.
>> No. 4496 [Edit]
Find something you are passionate about, I mean feel really strong about. And voice your opinions on it to anyone who will stand still long enough. It'll be really weird until you get the hang of it, but it's smooth sailing from there, more or less.
>> No. 4498 [Edit]
I'm REALLY social phobic, but I can make myself be pretty emphatic when I'm talking about something I enjoy. Partially because of Aspergers too.

Anything else though, and if I don't know you, I just lock up and can't speak or look at the person. It's embarrassing.

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