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File 130634191856.jpg - (149.03KB , 728x1041 , yougen_v2_c10_00.jpg )
4378 No. 4378 [Edit]
Ok. Where to start? I'm 19 years old, underweight and physically underdeveloped. My family moved to the states when I was roughly 11 years old and I've been brought up through the American school system up until this point which includes finishing 2 semesters of community college. I've never really particularly been a hard worker but I've always thought of myself as at least keeping a clear head on my shoulders. I'm also sort of a slob and it sometimes shows in my surroundings. My father barely finished the American equivalent of middle school in our home country.

Today, a week after finishing my last college exam, I got into a horrible fight with my father. He's not very well schooled. He works as an electrician, so in terms of a career in America he doesn't really have many options. Since roughly 10th grade I've spent most of my school breaks helping him and his company out. Today, I told him that I don't want to help him out anymore and I'd rather do my own "thing" and look for a job myself. He laughed that off because I've never particularly showed a big interest in working (never had a job not related to him), and my free time is mostly occupied by being on the computer. I'm trying to teach myself about Linux and programming. This argument was years in the making because I am just physically sick of working with and pretty much being around him. I can't stand doing electrician's work, I hate it. I hate how he doesn't plan or attempt to manage his time and I really just overall dislike being in dirty buildings on my knees inhaling drywall.

We sort of got into the classic "you will never amount to anything" cliche speech when I told him I wouldn't come with him to his next job. This morning we woke up early because the night before he told me we'd go to check out some work that needed to be done at a specific building. After finishing what we were doing there instead of going home he wanted to go check out another job at another location without telling me the night beforehand. He has always done this, and today was the last straw. I really couldn't do it anymore. I always plan out my day and manage my time very closely. His lack of a proper plan coupled with the visualization that I'd have to spend another few hours on my knees huffing drywall just made me flip.

I understand that he sacrificed a lot for me to be here and to get an education here. We're not exactly in a very good financial situation (one of the main reason why I always helped him out, cheaper than having an actual paid worker. My pay sometimes happens, sometimes doesn't). This is one of the reasons why I opted out to going to community college instead of a real school. We can afford loans, but I'd really rather not force that on them. I'm sort of sorry but at the same time I don't think what I've said is wrong. I don't want to do this type of work anymore. What should I do? I tried reaching out to my mother before but she always just guilt tripped me into helping him.
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>> No. 4379 [Edit]
I had a very similar situation with my own father. You pretty much have to stand up for what you want to do, even if your parents don't support you. You kind of have to avoid having sympathy for your parents, because they'll use it to get you to do what they want.
>> No. 4399 [Edit]
Unfortunately, unless you have a definite goal, he's right. Say your dad supported you and let you do your own thing; exactly what would that entail? If you're not a hard worker, and you're only just learning how to program, you're going to have to put up with drywall for a while until you're skilled enough to make a living at it.
>> No. 4401 [Edit]
You're probably better off helping him while learning your own thing on the side.

If you've been working this long it shouldn't be to much of an issue to keep it up. Keep working and do your own thing on the side
>> No. 4432 [Edit]
You gotta have a guaranteed something else before you switch tracks. Try not to be doing nothing.
>> No. 5027 [Edit]
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punch him in his face and tell him to fuck off and then tell him you love him.

that will be a violent break with this habit that you are a part of. think about it, shit will never be the same and it will be easier for you to move out.
>> No. 5120 [Edit]
at some point, the parents must grow up. do what you want to in life, since it -is- yours, after all.

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