No. 4342
Oh, god... I kind of know about this. My mother, a technology illiterate, has been spending the last couple months buying (or trying to buy) stuff from internet (as I do, with my scholarship); but she has done lots of stupid mistakes like biding without noticing, offering stupidly high amounts of money, erasing recipits, forgetting to pay for things, etc. So I've had to support her and come with solutions for all the mess she's done; right now, I've just paid for a few articles she (unintentionally) bought using an account she doesn't even have funds on; and today she lost her credit card on the street (maybe I should add that my mother has attempted to commit suicide in the past; and she's been using rivotril for years now, as a consequence of an epileptic... uh... thing she got, wich turned her life upside down and she's now recovering from) ...
So I can partially understand OP's situation. The first times I got really mad and yelled at her; but that just made her utterly depressed and I felt extremely guilty, thinking that she has supported me (and still does) almost all my life, and that if I could've teached her better and being more patient, she could have a hobbie close to mines and it'd be a nice experience we could share. So I fought hard to mend things up; I succeeded and she tried again... but she keeps on doing the same mistakes -and worst-, now realizing that it wasn't me being rude with her, but her being genually and unbelievably senseless.
Anyway, by all means, if your father is already taking you both to the ruin, you're gonna have to get really serious with him, OP, even if it's painful for both.
Post edited on 24th May 2011, 6:58pm