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File 130608766814.jpg - (43.32KB , 1600x1200 , 1268102669971.jpg )
4204 No. 4204 [Edit]
Holy fuck my parents just found out that I'm a lolicon and my /d/ folder.

I'm gonna see them in an hour. What the fuck do I do?
Expand all images
>> No. 4205 [Edit]
How'd that happen?

I hope that things don't go too badly for you.
>> No. 4206 [Edit]
First thing is to not be overly self conscious about it. After that it really depends on what they think of it. If they think you are a disgusting sick pervert then just guilt trip them for looking through your stuff without your permission and that you weren't forcing them to look at these types of things and everyone has their own fetish.

After that just hope they can understand that lolicon != child porn and that you aren't really a full-fledged pedophile.
>> No. 4208 [Edit]
oh god I feel like I'm gonna puke

I had an old external HDD that I decrypted recently and for some stupid reason they just took it and used it.

I wish I could reason with them like that but they are very strict and judgmental, the fact I recently dropped out of college doesn't helps.
Fuck I feel like if they are gonna to throw me out.
>> No. 4210 [Edit]
I'm afraid your best choice is to simply admit you've got no interest in 3D and the thought of as much as touching 3D children never corssed your mind. It's a pretty bad solution, yes, but I can't think of anything better.
>> No. 4211 [Edit]
Maybe it won't be as bad as you think, unless you had pig disgusting 3D material.

I'm sure your parents weren't innocent when they were younger, nobody was, maybe you can play on that.
>> No. 4215 [Edit]
If you have had one IRL friend, maybe you could get off by saying that they put it on there as a joke and you just keep forgetting to delete it.
>> No. 4216 [Edit]
That really sucks man. I don't know what I would do if that happened. I don't save lewd pictures, so it would be somewhat awkward at worst if my waifu folder, etc. were found.
>> No. 4218 [Edit]
When my parents found some of my porn (no loli, guro or anything really objectionable, just a few straight hentai doujin and a couple h-anime plus one VN, so YMMV) I just told them that I, like most boys, felt the urge to have sexual experiences, and that I'd rather get porn than AIDS. It worked.
>> No. 4219 [Edit]
I feel so awkward when anything about sex comes up with my parents that if that happened to me I would probably pass out
>> No. 4220 [Edit]
You just reminded me that I have two thumb drives that I used to save things on before I got a real external. Time to erase them!
>> No. 4240 [Edit]
I like this. And if they ask why you didn't delete right away, tell them it's a hell of a lot of files and it would take forever.
>> No. 4244 [Edit]
Act innocent and calm, act like you don't know what it is, and claim that you had a virus or something on your computer.

It's an obviously bullshit answer, but a lot of parents don't know much about computers because it's not really "their" generation, you know? So if you play your cards right, you could get out of this easily.
>> No. 4246 [Edit]
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OP is probably dead by now. Sorry, guys.
>> No. 4247 [Edit]
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>> No. 4251 [Edit]
Hey OP, any news?

If you have any real life friends, say you let them borrow your hard drive. If they ask who, refuse to tell them for privacy sake.

If you've already been caught and ousted as a lolicon...well god speed my friend.
>> No. 4275 [Edit]
I see it's too late already...

I hope you were honest, defeat them intellectualy or simply told them is not of their bussiness. I mean: how old are you? you were at college already, didn't you? it wasn't even CP, so they can't send you to jail; and if you are such a man still affraid of your parents finding out your 2D sickfuck nature, the fault for this is all yours (for not rebelling before)...

Anyway, I DO wish you the best of luck and sincerely hope everyting turns out the best possible way.

Post edited on 22nd May 2011, 10:53pm
>> No. 4279 [Edit]
Parents want to believe the best.

Just lie and they WANT to believe you, because the only other option is you're a perverted failure. As long as you don't get worked up about it.
>> No. 4281 [Edit]
>> No. 4287 [Edit]
My parents once found some of my stuff when I was first getting into it, played it off as being curious about it. Luckily it was the "soft" kind of porn and not the "hard" (sick stuff) that I'm into now. At this point if they found my porn they'd probably throw me out, but at the same time that'd probably be best for me as it'd make me kill myself or get a job. Regardless I'm scared shitless they'll find it, which is why I'm going to encrypt fucking everything when I finally get around to ordering my new computer.
>> No. 4295 [Edit]
File 130616194776.jpg - (42.91KB , 1024x768 , aad9ac7cea0200d00e12ca50783695c3.jpg )
Thanks everyone for your comments, you guys are truly my family.

Long story short I'll have to get a job in a week or I'll be homeless. I would have faked ignorance but I drew a lot of those images and they know my drawing style.

I hope I can somehow manage. Again thanks for your support guys.
>> No. 4296 [Edit]
If you don't mind telling. How did they react when they talked to you about it?
>> No. 4297 [Edit]
That's pretty rough.
>> No. 4298 [Edit]
How loli is the loli?
Just say schoolgirl fetish, that's found in every single 3d porn market.

If it's not ambiguous, basically no real development then you can't use that argument.
>> No. 4299 [Edit]
Shit, didn't see that post. Well wish you the best.
>> No. 4300 [Edit]

If that's the worst of it then its not to bad. Working could be good for you depending on your situation.

Good luck finding work!
>> No. 4304 [Edit]
Goddamn that sucks man. Good luck in life, I guess
>> No. 4307 [Edit]
I'm not trying to depreciate your suffering, but it could be much, much worse. Godspeed.
>> No. 4308 [Edit]
So they expect you to go through interviews, get a job, and start work within a week?

Seriously I don't care if the most horrifying porn was on that HDD, expecting that much is a warrant for a "go fuck yourself."
>> No. 4309 [Edit]
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My mother tried to do something similar to me, when I was about 18.

After she got enough of me, she took me to the Mad House. They interviewed/tested me, and concluded I did need psychological help (I was really broken down those days, indeed) but not psychiatric treatment... and my mom just raged. We left the hospital; she bought a newspaper; she throw it at me, there on the street, yelling: "Take this! from tomorrow morning, I want you to be doing interviews for a job; you're not gonna suck a single cent from me anymore..."

And so I did. I applied on restaurants, supermakets and movie theaters for the lowest positions, but didn't get anything. After a couple weeks, I ended up on a pyramidal stuff (wich I've never heard about -oh! how stupid I was) and just before I was to get into debt, an old friend (when I went to his house to ask for money for my "investment") convinced me it was a fraud. I returned to my house; told them everything... and my mother raged again: she told me it was unthinkable that a man of my intelligence, culture and education had fallen for such a vulgar crap...

And she was right.
And I never forgot it.

I ask her forgivness and promissed to change, study hard and everything; very reluctantly, she accepted but gave me a list of ultimatums; next years were a living hell, trying to do what she wanted, until things exploded again... But that was another story, from many more to come.

Now, many years later, I'm fairly ok with her. We still live together; we help each other (it was her who ended up locked at the Mad House, from wich I fought to quickly take her out). Just, every now and then, she gets hurt because of how I criticize (and verbally punish) many of her beliefs and behaviour... wich I do (even thought I feel guilty afterwards), mainly because it's unthinkable that a women of her alleged intelligence, education and proudness, could possibly make all the stupid mistakes and fall for all the vulgar crap she does.

Post edited on 24th May 2011, 6:09am
>> No. 4310 [Edit]
It's doable, but highly unlikely.
>> No. 4311 [Edit]
Well that was an uplifting story.
>> No. 4312 [Edit]
Well, on the bright side, having a job might be nice. More money to spend on general miscellany. Unless you have to pay for food, board, etc. In which case, all I can really say is "Sorry, man".

Either way, though, good luck, brohno. I know you can do it.
>> No. 4338 [Edit]
Reminds me, a few years ago I was watching AMV hell on my projector,
and I had to go somewhere so I paused the media player on a hentai frame,
can't recall which one exactly but it was defiantly loli. Obviously I turned off my projector to spare the light bulb,

So when I came back home I forgot that it was paused and turned my projector back on and walked out of my room since it took a few minutes to warm up the lamp. At that point my mom was doing stuff upstairs, and as I got back up the stairs the projector was warmed up and my mom walked into my room (If I remember it correctly). All she did was say my name and gave me a pat on the back, probably because she didn't know how else to response to it. Maybe she didn't even realize it was loli either, She never talked about it again.

Another awkward moment was when my dad was looking at the facebook video's of my friends (Logged in on his laptop to show him some of my stuff),
and one video was about a guy doing something to with Nintendo DS in front of his comp, but he had a nude Flandre background where she was bending over, and you could seen it clearly a few times in the video. I was quite embarrassed at that moment. Luckily, my dad didn't notice or just kept his mouth shut.

These days, there are plenty of printed images of loli's hanging in my room (Not nude obviously) almost all are Touhou characters (Suwako, Flandre, Satori etc) But really, nobody is giving a shit. Neither are my friends as most of them also look at loli, the rest of my friends don't give a shit about it or even joke about it sometimes. I can even look at 3D-stuff with some of them. (Though, it hardly turns me on as much as 2D).

Hope you are doing fine OP, I guess your parents must have taken your comp away.
>> No. 4374 [Edit]
This is how most parents act in these situations. Unless they are axe-wielding religious nuts in Alabama or gigantic tea-party assholes who force their "good nature" on their kids yet listen to radio talkshows headed by the most decadent and sinful people.
>> No. 4429 [Edit]
I wouldn't know about most, but that's what my father did when he caught me masturbating to futanari back in the days. Just a wry interjection followed by "Dinner is ready". We never talked about it since.

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