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File 130571731672.jpg - (93.38KB , 422x494 , 011.jpg )
4089 No. 4089 [Edit]
Why do you think all 3D girls are PD?
You don't like "normal" slutty behavior and appearance? Or is it general misogyny?

Not trolling, I'm just curious.

I have no 3D girl . I have a waifu. But I don't think all 3DPD.

Boyarin Ordin-Naschyokin on the picture is curious too.

Post edited on 18th May 2011, 4:20am
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>> No. 4091 [Edit]
generally I find the "sexy" look most people feel is "beautiful" quite repulsive as well as how controlling and bitchy most women are. I generally dislike people in general though.
>> No. 4093 [Edit]
People in general, and hence women as well, are disgusting both in personality and appearance. They have flaws. I believe most of us are misanthropist rather than misogynist.
>> No. 4094 [Edit]
>I generally dislike people in general though.
>People in general, and hence women as well, are disgusting both in personality and appearance. They have flaws. I believe most of us are misanthropist rather than misogynist.

This. It's not like 3D women are utterly unbearable. Or rather, it's not like it's just them. All people are, myself included.
>> No. 4095 [Edit]
This this this. The way women, especially around my age, appear and act is disgusting to me. The same goes for men, but I wouldn't be interested in men either way, so I don't care much about that.

On the upside, our abnormality means that no normal woman would ever be able to manipulate us.
>> No. 4096 [Edit]
Regardless how they act or look, I just dislike real people. Or to be more precise, I plainly can't bring myself to like anything that is outside of my mind's control. But I especially hate 3D females, because they look disgusting and when they have a sense of superiority, which is most of the time, it becomes even more unbearable.
>> No. 4097 [Edit]
I don't hate just women, I hate everybody. People in real life have these volatile personalities that I just cannot come to terms with. When I find someone that doesn't act like that, I'll think about it but, until then, everyone is trash from the same can.
>> No. 4098 [Edit]
its really more of a guilt thing for me,
years ago when I still fapped to real porn I would keep thinking about the girls, like how they were on a personal level, and ask myself stuff like
what would their parents think of this? do they have brothers and sisters?kids? did they have hopes and dreams when they were kids?do they still have hopes and dreams? what could have possibly made them give up their dignity like this? do they sometimes cry at night in recognition of what their life has become?
Basically I kept thinking of them as people and every time i fapped to real porn I would become really depressed and disgusted with myself. Eventually I couldn't bring myself to do it anymore and just fapped to 2d exclusivity.
>> No. 4101 [Edit]
I can't stand dealing with people, women especially because they're more moody and the most trivial matters can set off their neuroticism. Then again, I probably have some personality disorder, I'd still keep to myself even if people didn't act like this.
>> No. 4103 [Edit]
Women usually have shitty personalities and compared to 2D girls are simply unattractive to me
>> No. 4104 [Edit]
File 130574052938.jpg - (118.27KB , 1440x900 , 1305169471094.jpg )
I don't know about you guys, but I love 3D girls.
>> No. 4105 [Edit]
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>> No. 4109 [Edit]
Because most if not all modern day women are whores. Even the ugly or shy girls.
Why would I bother if the best I can do is already second hand goods.

If women acted more like they did a 100 years ago I would probably not be so anti 3D.
>> No. 4110 [Edit]
I don't hate 3D people, I just don't get along with them.

As for appearance, I fap to degrading 3D porn once in a while (imagining myself as the girl). I feel very disgusted about it but I can't stop.
>> No. 4111 [Edit]
this, basically. i will never understand how people see others as attractive.
>> No. 4112 [Edit]
Sometimes my brother or dad will be talking about how hot someone on TV is and I just sort of play along. They say they want to take me to a strip club for my 21st birthday and that sounds like pure torture
>> No. 4114 [Edit]
I'm not a misanthrope. I think that even though the majority of people are terrible there is still a sizable minority of decent people. However I'm still an introvert so I don't have much desire to have tons of friends or a 3DPD. I just don't hate everyone, nor do I hate all women.

I'm kind of surprised by how many brohnos are misanthropes. What's the point in hating so many people? I could see not caring about them but when you go out of your way to hate them you just make things worse for yourself. Carrying around all that spite isn't good for you, just take it easy.
>> No. 4117 [Edit]
I treat women like I treat men.

That tends to bring trouble. Most girls want to be special, they want to have more attention than the guys. As if I had to please them, since they go through all the trouble of having menstrual cramps and such female shortcomings. They believe we males really have it easy. Such people are a hassle. They tend to be less smart and more superficial, since their social pressure is stronger than ours, encouraging vanity.

This is a generalization. My best friend ever actually belonged to the opposite gender. It's only that... there's some kinds of people I just can't get along with, and popular women are the worst.
>> No. 4119 [Edit]
My dad kept talking about that but thankfully didn't take me. Strip clubs and things like it are the saddest places on the planet.

As for the topic, no I don't think all 3D are PD but most of them are. Here's the thing though, even if they make look good now age will have it's effect later on in life. I just don't like most people in general.
>> No. 4120 [Edit]
I want to go and criticize the misogyny in this thread but I don't really have any experience to do argue with. I haven't found any 3D girls whose personality I found really attractive, although there are many who are certainly physically attractive.

To those who don't even find 3D physically attractive: do you think it's a sort of reaction to negative experiences you've had? Has it always been this way for you?
>> No. 4121 [Edit]
I just dislike all people in general.
>> No. 4122 [Edit]
I've never had negative experiences with 3D women. I've barely ever interacted with any
>> No. 4126 [Edit]
I haven't always been like this, maybe after high school I lost interest in real girls completely. For me it's more a matter of style, however. Plenty of women could be attractive, but their style, mannerisms and attitude make them look ugly to me now. It's possible that bad experiences had something to do with it, or it might just be a preference I've had my whole life. Hard to say.

But I really don't think I'm a misogynist. Like several others here, I just can't stand people.
>> No. 4130 [Edit]
I don't think all 3D=PD. Just a large majority. Even then, though, it's difficult to hate 3D girls when they don't really impact my life that much anymore.

Somewhere, in the world, there is a girl who I'd be able to along with and relate to, maybe even love. Hell, there might even be more than one. I acknowledge and accept that fact. It's just a lot harder to find said girl(s), when most of the females in the world are horribly annoying, vapid creatures.

I can't relate to anything with a vagina, and vice versa, but that doesn't mean I hate them all. That would just get exhausting.

Appearance has something to do with it, too, I won't deny. That's such a superficial, mean thing to say, but it's true. Most 3D girls are just unappealing. It's almost...weird how they hide beneath layers of makeup in order to seem appealing. Like a sci-fi story or some shit. But that's besides the point, I feel.

Plus, I don't want "real" love, if the 'good end' is that we get old, nasty, smelly, ugly, and she dies before me. Fuck that, man.
>> No. 4132 [Edit]
It's mostly a physical thing for me. IRL humans are ugly, smelly, and gross. It's about as easy for me to snuggle up to another human being as it would be to snuggle up to a burlap sack full of moldy cheese and rotten eggs.
>> No. 4135 [Edit]
I should note that by style I don't just mean outward appearance. That's not even the important part of it, though it definitely is a part. Maybe "class" is a better term.
>> No. 4138 [Edit]
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3DPD are mere (bad) pretexts for men's beloved concept(s) of (hypnotic) feminity; lovable women are man-made characters, that actual women reduce to vulgarity as they try to embody them (pushed by men's world to do so). 3D/real world/girls/whatever essentially fail, deceive, rote and die. Good/value out there is unattainable; 3D it's simply unworthy of the highest passions/intentions... if you ask me.

"Woman [...] almost always and despite all her protests, is not to be loved what she wants but to be prefered. There you've got the only word of this sphinx. That's why each one of our civilized beauties always despises, with a few exceptions, the man who loves her; because he is guilty, by the very same action, of the unforgivable crime of not being able anymore to compare her with rest." -Villiers de l'Isle-Adam ("L'Eve Future")

Post edited on 19th May 2011, 1:47am
>> No. 4139 [Edit]
File 130581216826.png - (132.93KB , 233x251 , konata.png )
I hate everyone

Especially women!

Maybe I only do because I live in a bad area and it distorts my perception of the world

Oh well!
>> No. 4141 [Edit]
I find most girls are terrible things to get in a relationship with because of personal experience and from seeing/hearing of other peoples experiences.

I had a few relationships when I was younger, and it's not that any of them went terribly sour or that I was wronged by the girls. It's just that eventually the relationships ended and it continually left an empty and sad feeling inside. Then later I saw what happened in more serious relationships when they went south and how much they can ruin a person, emotionally and financially. After that I just wanted to distance myself from relationships in general.

I don't necessarily hate women, but I do frown upon what they have become in modern society and the concept of relationships now-a-days.

Though in other news, I read in the newspaper today that it's becoming increasingly common for people to live by themselves in my state. No roommates, no family, no relationships, and people are perfectly happy and content with this lifestyle.
>> No. 4142 [Edit]
women are a lot like men, except they feel like they need to be treated better than everyone else and they have shittier personalities.
>> No. 4146 [Edit]
Of course I'm not a misogynist, I love 2D girls.
>> No. 4147 [Edit]
Honestly I do not care about "sluttiness" as I am not exactly 'clean' in that regard, and even when I was 'clean' I did not care about that. I am just angry at bitchiness, but I cent even label all 3DPD as bitches.

tl;dr no but I feel like it at times
>> No. 4148 [Edit]
>Honestly I do not care about "sluttiness" as I am not exactly 'clean' in that regard

oh god
>> No. 4150 [Edit]
Personally I think it can be excusable if they've pretty much limited their sexual encounters to only long term relationships and aren't some party whore who goes and seeks one night stands every weekend.

Not that I look for a 3D relationship or anything personally, I just know that from previous experiences I really can't blame a girl if they aren't "pure".
>> No. 4152 [Edit]
File 130584052433.jpg - (29.47KB , 423x469 , asuka-cute.jpg )
>I love 2D girls

We know: we all here do, by default. The thing is, 2D girls do not count as women but more as, say, unicorns; heroines of art are some sort of myhtical/fantastic/bewitching creatures, sublimation of men's fascination with certain qualities of a given cultural standard of feminity.

This distinction isn't trivial: even slutty, cruel, abusive, egotistical, manipulative or somehow harmful female characters, can be utterly adorable and comendable and it's perfectly ok to sympathize with them. The problem comes when reality tears down the archetypes they portrait (for start: when reality takes away the irreplaceable place they occupy in their worlds)... to put it simple: tsunderes or pure derederes do not happen in the real world; the closest 3D has to offer is insufferable (aging) bitches and pathetic doormats, respectively.

TL;DR 2D girls aren't women... not a chance.

Post edited on 19th May 2011, 2:40pm
>> No. 4153 [Edit]
>Personally I think it can be excusable if they've pretty much limited their sexual encounters to only long term relationships and aren't some party whore who goes and seeks one night stands every weekend.
I would like to agree with you, but these days people think a 3 month long relationship is long term.
Most normals even believe that if you haven't had sex after so "long" the relationship isn't going to work.
So they might not be barhopping whores, they're still sluts in my eyes if they have sex after such a short amount of time.
>> No. 4155 [Edit]

Sex is not a huge taboo anymore and 3 months is plenty of time to get to know someone enough to have sex with. With the amount of safety measures we have in the modern world theirs really no problem with people having sex if they're educated enough.

And really, the statement about not having sex within a few months and the relationship will fail is most likely true unless for reasons like religion since it usually means the pair is not. Attracted to each other. And a relationship without that rarely works

we're the odd ones here, we may not be interested in it and that's fine. But looking down on other people for it is dumb, theirs no reason to delude yourself otherwise.

And no I'm not normal I've been involved with 2d love for about 10 years now. I've never got how people could be elitist about this stuff
>> No. 4156 [Edit]
>theirs really no problem with people having sex if they're educated enough.
It's completely disgusting and morally irrehensible, and I find it extremely offensive that that a platonic relationship is considered "going nowhere". Just becuase someone isin't a retard that only thinks with what's between their legs doesn't mean they don't care for the other person, and if you really believe relationships should be built on a foundation of sex above all else, then you should take a look at the divorce rates out there.
>> No. 4157 [Edit]
>And no I'm not normal I've been involved with 2d love for about 10 years now.
Wow, talk about defensive.
>> No. 4159 [Edit]
I think that your disgust stems from the fact that you think of sex like a quick fuck just to satisfy base animal desires. I would like to think that sex in a relationship is "making love" and simply an extension of deep, platonic love into something deeper. This is how I treat my relationship with my waifu after all.
>> No. 4162 [Edit]
>sex in a relationship is "making love" and simply an extension of deep, platonic love into something deeper.
Very true, becuase it's a well known fact that the average person will fall into deep platonic love with at least 30 different people during their life time.
give me a fucking brake dude.
>> No. 4163 [Edit]
I'm going to take the high ground here and say that you are both wrong. People should be able to place whatever value they want on sex, all the way from casual one night gangbangs to something done only after marriage. If someone values it differently than you then just don't enter into a sexual relationship with them. They're not hurting you or anyone else by having different sexual morality so why do you care?
>> No. 4164 [Edit]
You have to be if you're going to defend any sexual "immoralities" here.
>> No. 4165 [Edit]
we care because they're influencing others with their actions, in case you haven't noticed, it's the norm now.
If it was so simple as avoiding those disgusting people, many of us might not be at this site right now hating on them, becuase they're everywhere, they've taken over.
Don't believe me? check out some magazines in the check out line some time, or just turn on your tv, sluts and whores are not only all over the place, they're famous now, admired, loved by all, and they encouraged this shit, they've turned the nation into sex obsessed trash.
It's not so cut and dry as just being 50-50, pick the one you want.
Last I checked, no one wears signs around them saying they're not a whore.
Do you honestly believe someone not interested in sluts can easily go out there and find someone who wants to wait till marriage?
How would you even know? do you start every date you go on by integrating the other person in order to find out weather or not they sleep around? why would they even tell the truth, if you go from the word of sluts, everyone is a nun.
Only the worst of the worst of them would admit to the things they do.

Try telling someone who's been cheated on that it doesn't hurt any.

Post edited on 19th May 2011, 8:52pm
>> No. 4166 [Edit]
haha yeah, it's like an atheist going to church and trying to convince the people there that there is no god.
>> No. 4173 [Edit]
Honestly I'm beginning to think the problem is how little supervision the newer generations of kids are getting and how much influence they get from the media. Even in America where sex is considered worse than violence, there's been an alarming rate of kids having sexual relations with each other. The concept of supervision and instilling "morals" into kids is pretty much nonexistent now. I remember there were kids entering 6th grade that had already lost their virginity back in middle school. Especially at that young of an age most didn't think virginity was something important or special. By the time I graduated HS I knew of three girls that were virgins, or at least reasonable to think so, out of my entire class. I know it may be the area I lived in and that it's different in other parts of the country and world, but that's rather alarming.

I've also been hearing on the news and such recently that kids around 10-12 have begun getting STDs at an alarming rate especially in bigger city areas. It's just sickening that this is becoming a common thing. And that's not to say I find sex disturbing or that child sexual curiosity terrible, but it just seems that when even children and young adults aren't "pure" anymore somethings wrong. It also shows that kids are so bored and have a lack of other activities to do that they have sex.

And to think of all the backlash against Britney Spears back when I was a child because little girls wanted to dress just like her, and parents screamed that they didn't want to dress their little girl like a slut. Then I walk around town and see little girls in outfits that are so slutty that I feel like the parents are asking for their child to get abducted by some pedophile. It's sickening.

And usually I'm perfectly fine with sexuality and peoples perversions or fetishes. But it's getting to be too much. It's a sad day when most average girls my age can't even list the number of partners they have had on two hands.
>> No. 4174 [Edit]
I feel somewhat out of place, as I don't feel anything towards 3D girls in general.
>> No. 4175 [Edit]
That's what happens when you have stuff like this ruling the media.
These people are supposed to be role models, you've got kids out there looking at stuff like this and thinking it's what they should grow up to be like.
How would you feel if your own daughter turned out like this?

>It also shows that kids are so bored and have a lack of other activities to do that they have sex.
I would say there's more mind numbing entertainment out now then ever before in history, because kids 500 years ago didn't have have tvs but that didn't mean they had sex to pass the time, but I can't really say that because everything on the tvs now is about sex, even kids stuff pusses kids into getting boyfriends and 3DPDs.
you can't watch anything on tv now without being bombarded with smut, solution? don't let your kids watch tv, make them do homework, go out and play with friends (just not with other poorly raised kids)or do something productive.
To many parents now care more about work then rasing their kids, tvs are not parents or baby sitters, and they should not be used as such, just as how people should not be having kids if they can't raise them properly.
Yes the media and it's smut is to blame for what we see around us today, but so are parents for allowing their kids to get influenced and raised by tvs and radios.
>> No. 4176 [Edit]
You're not by yourself. Very apathetic towards 3d people. I have seen a cosplay of my 2 dimensional love and I didn't enjoy it, and I think men look better though. I wouldn't consider a relationship with one though.
>> No. 4177 [Edit]
The worst part about that is I remember one of my teachers in HS would have argued that the music video there showed a "strong" woman and would add some other feminist bullshit and promoted it.

I hate what society is becoming and what they are promoting.

And I think it's less that kids have nothing else to do so much as kids have less supervision and things to do in larger groups. How often is it that kids get home before their parents do now? How often do kids go outside to play with each other in parks or areas where there might be at least some responsible adult supervision? Hell, how often do parents even do stuff with their kids on a daily basis now?

It is disturbing that kids aren't actually raised by their parents but by failed school systems and media.
>> No. 4178 [Edit]
I don't think all women are 3DPD, but 99% are. The last 1% are not exempt from being pig disgusting, but rather, I don't care about them sexually so assuming they're intellectually on my level I could spend time with one on a friendship level. Though, I detest friends too, but that's personal.

Shit thread in and case.
>> No. 4181 [Edit]
I rarely see kids at the city park when passing by, it's mostly just a place for homeless people to live and for teens to have sex.
>> No. 4182 [Edit]
You act like there's no difference between sluts that fuck like rabbits and reasonable people.

Not all of humanity is shit.
>> No. 4183 [Edit]
sarcasm dude.
>> No. 4185 [Edit]
File 130596072277.jpg - (67.97KB , 640x480 , Asuka038.jpg )
>I rarely see kids at the city park when passing by

Well, I rarely see myself in the park passing by and I thought we were fine with this...

I can't understand why some brohnos (circa otaku/hikikomori culture, in principle) feel like talking about traditional parenting and encouraging children into that petty image about how kids should be taken away from their/our technological comforting enviroment (TV, videogames, internet et al. perverted media) and rather go outside once again, to play healthy games with other healthy kids all together (at the sunset)...

I mean: c'mon. I'm sure you can find better arguments than this to advocate any of your personal puritanical points of view (and I am not prosmicuous or even sexually active, myself: from years ago, I do not pursue women at all and have no intention to have any sort of sexual interaction in the future... but that didn't turn me into my grandma).

Post edited on 21st May 2011, 12:09am
>> No. 4186 [Edit]
I think some of us are just bitter we didn't get raised better, I was raised myself by a TV.
>> No. 4187 [Edit]

I'm a byproduct of shitty parenting from the extreme of the "keep your children safe" mentality.

I was never allowed to have friends because my parents didn't know them, didn't care for the kids my parents' friends had, as a result became insanely socially retarded and I've concluded I'm incapable of maintaining any sort of friendship unless its through a computer screen and I even have trouble with that occasionally. If only I was more rebellious as a child I might not be such a sad sack of shit now that I can't make an effort to change myself to even care about making friends.
>> No. 4188 [Edit]

If you really want a change, you could try being rebellious now against your own familiar heritage and alleged stigmas...

I personally wouldn't recommend to go out and live, as I am myself someone who was there, find it respulsive, and hence became a shut in. But I would praise, by all means, that you pursue to be free as you can: to fight for turning into the closest to the one you want to be, and live your life the way you want. That would be a commendable fight (even if a lost one).

Will stop derailing already (sorry); but apparently all this is somehow related with the reasons why we look at women and love relantionships the ways we do.

Post edited on 21st May 2011, 1:07am
>> No. 4190 [Edit]
I wanted to write a long and well thought out post but I just can't. Maybe back in the day I knew why I despise 3D so much but now I just don't care. There's nothing 3D can offer me and nothing I could offer in return so why bother?

Yeah, the behavior of most women out there disgusts me but at the same time it doesn't affect me at all. Since I have no interest in any sort of relationship with them I just don't care. I just find it sad that such behavior is encouraged by our society while admitting you're a virign past age of 18 (probably even less nowadays) will result in a social stigma that might never go away (or at least not until you find someone to have sex with just for the sake of losing viriginity; it's a pretty common occurance as most people believe that being a virign is pitiful). I have no words for such state of things.

I think all of this is also a result of something that rarely gets taken into consideration, namely the fact that it's just plain easier (well, maybe not from ethical point of view) to sleep around than to show some self control and restraint. You won't get criticized as everybody does it so why bother? That's the sort of mindset that might've led to current situation.


>but these days people think a 3 month long relationship is long term

Personally, I think 3 moths is fairly reasonable. Of course by '3 month long relationship' I mean 'we've been a couple for 3 months now' not 'we met 3 months ago'. At the same time I must admit that I plain can't imagine a couple that didn't start out as friends for at least a short amount of time. If they didn't I can only atribute it to lust. Because seriously, if you just met someone how the hell can you claim it's anything but that when you barely know anything about them? 'Love at the first sight' should be renamed to 'lust at the first sight'. I don't think I ever heard about someone who used this term when the other party isn't good looking.
After 3 months you should have a rather good idea about who the other person really is. Of course, we don't have built-in lie detectors so you can't be sure whether he/she isn't just acting but that sort of risk is always present and is plain unavoidable. You should be able to judge whether you can trust them, whether they are likely to stay faithful to you or not, whether your relationship is something serious and not just infatuation gone too far etc. So yeah, I think 3 months is fairly reasonable (as the lower limit of course).

At the same time, some relationships won't work out either way. It's pretty much unavoidable. At later stages some problems will occur. Sometimes, even if both parties are willing to compromise it might be impossible to sort things out. Of course, if they don't even try to look for a reasonable solution after first tiny problem occurs then they were wasting their time from the very beggining.
I personally think that as soon as one party feels 'this relationship is going nowhere' he/she should talk about it with his/her partner. Most of the time it's best to break up at this point. If they won't it will probably result in drama and angst.

One thing that I think is unforgiveable is prolonging such relationship just because you feel you're better of with your partner than you would be on your own. Also, if a couple splits up and one of the parties immeaditely enters another relationship (with someone he/she knew before splitting up) the other person has every right to feel cheated on, even if his/her partner hasn't even laid his/her hand on his/her new partner (well, that sure sounds confusing but I'm too lazy to re-write it). I always felt that 'cheating' isn't just limited to sex. To be perfectly honest I think I could understand if someone gave me the standard 'it was just lust and meant nothing to me' but it would be worse to hear 'I became emotionally involved with someone else and I think we should break up'. Both are unforgiveable but I'd rather hear the former.
>> No. 4191 [Edit]
Your problem is considering sluts and douches people. I don't even consider them people - problem solved.
>> No. 4192 [Edit]
>we care because they're influencing others with their actions, in case you haven't noticed, it's the norm now.
Do you seriously think people only want to have lots of sex because of society? It's a natural drive. Evidence suggests that early humans were most likely polyamorous, serial monogamous, or some combination of both. I've never seen any serious argument that humans naturally mate for life. Note that I'm not trying to commit the naturalistic fallacy here, I'm just pointing out that society isn't what causes people to be promiscuous.

>If it was so simple as avoiding those disgusting people, many of us might not be at this site right now hating on them, becuase they're everywhere, they've taken over.
I manage to avoid them for the most part, without much if any effort, and the few times I don't they don't do anything that affects me.

>Don't believe me? check out some magazines in the check out line some time, or just turn on your tv, sluts and whores are not only all over the place, they're famous now, admired, loved by all, and they encouraged this shit, they've turned the nation into sex obsessed trash.
So I have to go out of my way to consume pop culture that would be terrible even if all the sex were removed? Once again, pretty easy to avoid.

>It's not so cut and dry as just being 50-50, pick the one you want.
>Last I checked, no one wears signs around them saying they're not a whore.
Nor do they wear signs indicating any of the hundreds of other traits that would be undesirable in a lover. That's the point of going out with someone: to find out if they're the right person for you.

>Do you honestly believe someone not interested in sluts can easily go out there and find someone who wants to wait till marriage?
No, I don't. Many good things are difficult to find and obtain. That's how life is, you should be used to it by now.

>How would you even know? do you start every date you go on by integrating the other person in order to find out weather or not they sleep around?
Once again, that's why you date someone, to find out what they're like. If you could instantly tell if a person was the one just by looking at them then there wouldn't be any need for dating and you could instantly commit to a life-long relationship.

>why would they even tell the truth, if you go from the word of sluts, everyone is a nun.
>Only the worst of the worst of them would admit to the things they do.
If you're looking for a girl who is a virgin and won't have sex until marriage then very few girls will lie and pretend to be that.

>Try telling someone who's been cheated on that it doesn't hurt any.
That's a separate issue. Assuming that the couple were in a monogamous rather than open relationship then cheating is a violation of an agreement between two persons, which is something that any decent human finds reprehensible even without a sexual component. Therefore it's a problem of general morality and not sexual morality specifically.
>> No. 4193 [Edit]
I don't think all 3D girls are PD. I haven't met any, but I'd imagine there are young girls out in the country side (but not the south kind of country-side) that isn't really into the media and knows of family values and respect and all that jazz. The thing is, no matter what the occasion, they will all grow up learning what it takes to get ahead in the world. Usually it's taking advantage of others or using what was given to them during birth to get ahead. That being said, in general, I don't consider most lolis PD.

And another thing, looking at girls and even guys make me throw up.
>> No. 4195 [Edit]
I got a question, why are you here?
>> No. 4266 [Edit]
Because I'm a loser who enjoys talking about anime and all fine things 2D. I know what you're trying to imply and it's incorrect. The funny thing is I never expressed any interest in 3D girls, unlike the person I was replying to, but because I objectively pointed out the fallacies in the misogynist hivemind I'm the one who you try to brand as a normal.
>> No. 4268 [Edit]
>but not the south kind of country-side

You'd be surprised how similar a small town in the middle of nowhere in Georgia and one in New York are. The country is the country.
>> No. 4319 [Edit]
>I'm just pointing out that society isn't what causes people to be promiscuous.
No it isn't, but it is what allows people to be promiscuous.
It's society that says it's okay to be whore.
Even as little as 60 years ago a slut couldn't ever get married or have kids, no sane man would want her.
Today, expecting a virgin makes you a misogynist.
>> No. 4321 [Edit]

>Even as little as 60 years ago a slut couldn't ever get married or have kids, no sane man would want her.
O RLY? in coffee table literature, maybe, but the actual world and its -say- "Familiar affair" have always been a mess, from both parts' crap. It was just a (stronger) taboo to openly talk about it.

>Today, expecting a virgin makes you a misogynist
No, just a virginity-obsessed dude. Wich is, indeed, kind of close to a macho/animalistic behaviour around territoriality, that some ignorant pseudo-emancipated 3DPD call misogynism, but isn't (by no intellectualy oriented means) the same. PROTIP: you can't legitimately hate/despise what you don't even have direct knowledge about; human sexual behaviour.

Post edited on 24th May 2011, 7:30am
>> No. 4355 [Edit]
I hate both men and women.

The only thing I hate more than sluts are guidos.
>> No. 4392 [Edit]
The only difference is that in the past sluts kept their sluttering more on the down low. They were still just as slutty. Even the Victorian era wasn't actually the period of chastity and morality that idealistic history textbooks like to paint it as. Since the other guy complained about it being hard to identify sluts he should be glad that it's easier now than it used to be.

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