Do any of you get a really sort of happy and or a still, alone feeling when you notice some things? It could be a really small thing too, like noticing writing on your favorite figure's box.
I get really happy when I find out it's a Friday and I have holidays for the next week or so but then I'm already stressing by the next Monday.
There is a certain smell in the wind when it gets cold and the pollution gets more dense where I live. I get a certain nostalgia since I grew up in the city and had my childhood there. It is a scent that reminds me of trees and warmth. I get very happy for remenbering those times even though depressed since they'll never come back.
>>4083 Oh, dude, similar situation here. Springtime smells the same everywhere for me. It just takes me back to the days when I had friends, not a perpetually burgeoning feeling of regret, etc.
>>4083 I'm OP and I get that too. Sometimes I get it when I notice it's really a very lovely day out.
That feel when you get a fresh bread roll out of the oven. So tender. You open it and it smells so nice. Then you put some butter on it and it melts. The first mouthful is divine.
It'll sound stupid, but I feel calm and happy when I'm on Tohno-chan. I don't have an internet connection at my home right now, so I can't get on very often. I just feel at peace, kind of the feeling you get when you lay in bed with the sheets around you and the blinds shut on a cold day.
My problem is that I can feel good only randomly, but never after doing something useful.
-When I finish up watching all of the new episodes of anime I'm following for the week -When I have a dream about being in school/going to school and I wake up and realize I don't actually have school
>>4083 At the start of Winter I get nostalgic about Christmas time at my grandparents house when I was still a kid. It's a good feeling and I just love Winter.
>>4083 This post did that for me, almost shed a tear as well.
I get an unusual feel of happiness when it rains. There's this feeling of safety that comes when it's raining, when I set up incense sticks, and I have my PC playing slow music. Of course, I don't think that was an answer for your question OP. A more suitable answer is when I get happy when I notice that I left something somewhere for a reason; and then forgot about it for a week; and then realize that week later that I was supposed to do something with that object. Kinda confusing.
Going out alone to an isolated place and smelling the grass and the trees and the rain. I grew up a long way from where I live now, practically out in the country. From what I hear it's all suburban sprawl and developments now, but at least I can remember it how it was, that place where I spent the only happy part of my life.