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4015 No. 4015 [Edit]
The end of this month marks literally 10 years since I left school and began my spiral into solitude.

Is a decade too late to fix yourself? I mean, I literally don't know how to communicate with people in real life anymore because of social diminution.

I don't know what to do. Should I just die? I think it's too late to do anything at this point.
>> No. 4018 [Edit]
>Is a decade too late to fix yourself? I mean, I literally don't know how to communicate with people in real life anymore because of social diminution.

It's pretty easy. Just pay attention to how normal people act and emulate their behaviour. Realize most people are more self conscious than they are judgemental. If you're also socially anxious, I recommend taking some MDMA or alcohol.
>> No. 4019 [Edit]
Cool, the end of this months marks 3 years since I left school. Still haven't done shit ;_;
>> No. 4022 [Edit]
You and I are maybe about the same age then.

It would be ten years since the end of high school for me here in a couple of weeks. Would be, but because I was and still am a math retard and severely depressed I failed a lot of classes and had to take an extra year and a half.

At 24 I thought I had it together when I had an awful retail job and finished getting a two year degree. Years later I am still at the awful job. The whole time I haven't had any friends at all. I know that helpless feeling you have very well indeed. "Where do I even start?" both of are asking ourselves right now.

All these years alone has me with very little hope having much of a social life, but I am really going to try. This probably is my last chance. I just started back on the meds after years off of them.

My only real plan now is to have one big blow-out vacation somewhere before I turn 30 late next year. I don't care where, or if it depletes all of my savings. I need out. Hopefully the meds help me deal with the fucking social anxiety that has crippled me for so long. If I pull it together, maybe I can get a real job.

I like the pic. I printed that out and posted it above my monitor a few months ago.

I wonder. What will happen to us when we hit our 30's? I don't want to give up 2D. It was there for me when when I needed it.
>> No. 4024 [Edit]


I think if we hit our 30s and are still like this, it's probably futile. I don't plan on abandoning 2D either.

I was thinking of starting up on meds again, also after years off them, but I got a lot of side effects on them before, and I was put on most of them.
>> No. 4026 [Edit]
I'm also in my late 20s and in a similar situation, trying to recover from solitude. I'm basically flying blind, and if you'll excuse the overextended metaphor, I keep crashing into mountains.

>What will happen to us when we hit our 30's? I don't want to give up 2D. It was there for me when when I needed it.

I know how you feel. At the end of the day, 2D, games, etc. are always there. No matter how boring, obnoxious, or creepy I might be.
>> No. 4027 [Edit]
This is better than having spent the last three years dropping out of university, putting yourself $10,000 in debt from student loans, failing upgrading classes you took afterwards (due to problems with procrastination and Internet addiction), and knowing this and still having problems with Internet addiction.
>> No. 4029 [Edit]
Early twenties here. Heading for the same situation at breakneck speed. However, I have no intentions of living past 30 at this time, so it's all good. If whatever you try doesn't work out, you can always kill yourself.
>> No. 4030 [Edit]
Congrats on making it that long. I hope I can keep up my NEET lifestyle for 10 years.
>> No. 4033 [Edit]
I dont think it's ever to late to fix yourself.
Maybe try working out, I hear that a good way to get healthy/cure depression/meet people.
>> No. 4034 [Edit]
I dont think it's ever to late to fix yourself.
Maybe try working out, I hear that a good way to get healthy/cure depression/meet people.
>> No. 4037 [Edit]
This really all depends on what you mean by "fixing yourself"

What exactly are your problems, what exactly do you want to accomplish in life?

Its never too late and their are plenty of things you can do. Be more specific if you want some help!
>> No. 4049 [Edit]
>Should I just die? I think it's too late to do anything at this point.
It's never too late, bro. If you went too far, it's always possible to come back. That doesn't necessarily mean it's easy, though, you know? Giving up and dying...That's like throwing in the towel. Letting reality win over would just be lame.
>> No. 4050 [Edit]
I'm in almost that exact situation OP, getting closer and closer to 30 here.

Just give yourself a goal like learning Japanese or art, or even academics. It's done wonders for my will to live. Having a goal is very important, humans can only thrive and be happy if they're working towards something.
>> No. 4051 [Edit]
When you say "too late" I can sort of take that many ways. When I think about it, in some ways the answer is yes. But in others there is always something you can do to move in the direction you'd like to end up in.

In my opinion the biggest issue is that after a decade sometimes your goals and perspective don't age with your body, but so long as you are able to look at where your life is now and really understand it, it shouldn't be impossible to find some way to make room for your goals to fit in it.

Maybe I'm just biased, becuase I'm too old to do hormone therapy and be a convincing trap now.
>> No. 4058 [Edit]
>In my opinion the biggest issue is that after a decade sometimes your goals and perspective don't age with your body.

Makes a lot of sense.
>> No. 4066 [Edit]

>In my opinion the biggest issue is that after a decade sometimes your goals and perspective don't age with your body.

I know that feel. I don't want to turn it into /so/ - My Diary so I'll just say that I had to repeat my senior year of high school due to being put on heavy meds and basically missing all year. When I came back I felt that everybody is way more mature than me even though I was one year older than people in my class. It wasn't as weird the year before as everybody was my age so I just found some lame excuses for such state of affairs but when I realized I treat younger folks as if they were my seniors it started to bother me. Inferiority complex alone isn't enough to explain all of it.

At heart I still feel I'm 16 tops. Feels... weird rather than bad.
>> No. 4072 [Edit]

>learning Japanese

I just started doing that actually. Feels good, but man is it difficult. I think the most important thing about a goal is you have to want to do it.
>> No. 4073 [Edit]
>At heart I still feel I'm 16 tops.

This is actually pretty common. There's even a saying, "I stopped maturing at age 14 and have been faking it since."
>> No. 4077 [Edit]
>>when I realized I treat younger folks as if they were my seniors it started to bother me

Sorry if this post is offtopic, but this reminds me of something I noticed about myself.

At the moment I have no real life friends, but I had a couple of friends at school. I didn't keep in contact after I left.
I have about 4 people I talk to online who I consider to be my friends. Strangely, they're all about two years older than me.
I have a brother and sister, and I'm the youngest in my family. My brother is 4 years older than me, my sister 2 years older. My mother was quite protective of me while I was young, and still is now, so my upbringing has been quite sheltered.

I think the events in my life up to now have caused me to become very passive, and I don't feel comfortable relating with people unless I perceive them to be my superiors.

I'm 23, and have been a NEET since I left secondary school in 2004.
>> No. 4180 [Edit]
So yeah, OP here.

I think I might try to find a job after summer, and slowly ease myself into that. I have a degree in political science but that's probably useless now. I'd be content with just a day to day job that will pass time and pay for things.

Not sure how to deal with my social situation though. Time will tell.

Though..I say this kind of shit every year and never follow through. I don't even know why I have this urge to "fix" myself, because I'm more than content with my life as it is.
>> No. 4189 [Edit]
>I'm more than content with my life as it is.
Sure doesn't sound like it.
>> No. 4194 [Edit]
>Should I just die?

No, save that for when you're really fucked; and when you REALLY think about it, there's not really a situation that is too bad.

>Literally don't know how to communicate.

I've thought this about myself before. I always told myself I wouldn't know how to talk to girls or businessmen. The thing is, you don't have to; just let them come to you (if they wanted to) and you will know how to react -- and remember, dying is a nice way to assure yourself of escaping any embarrassment.

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