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File 130542000756.jpg - (42.10KB , 613x604 , 1283222945945.jpg )
3993 No. 3993 [Edit]
Go ahead and hug your pillow as hard as you can. It feels great!
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>> No. 3994 [Edit]
That would imply I yearn for a 3DPG object to satisfy a desire.
>> No. 3995 [Edit]
You trolling? If you're sad about things and your life you should change things. I'm feeling fine, so I don't see a reason to change things. Plus I like my pillow more than I would like a girl.
>> No. 3996 [Edit]
File 130542051969.png - (217.38KB , 488x384 , concerned peter gryffyn.png )
Come on, man.
>> No. 3998 [Edit]
I hug my pillow every night. It's the only way I can sleep.
>> No. 3999 [Edit]
I keep another thick blanket on my bed just for that purpose. Every morning when I wake up, I ball up the blanket and cuddle with it for a few minutes.
>> No. 4000 [Edit]
Only felt the need of doing that once. It was after some days of talking to a girl in a most casual manner, she lived about half the world away and, even if I was close enough to hold her, I knew I wouldn't have the guts to do it. I needed to hold to something so badly that I slept clinging to the pillow.

My neck hurted alot the following morning.
>> No. 4001 [Edit]
Hug and cuddle with my dakimakura every night. I highly recommend it. The mental relief I experience while spending time with my waifu under the sheets is sublime; focusing and relaxing me so I don't over analyze my life and cry myself to sleep.
>> No. 4003 [Edit]
>If you're sad about things and your life you should change things.

Thank you! im glad im not the only one here who thinks this way.

But yeah i usually fall asleep hugging my pillow.
>> No. 4004 [Edit]
I'm not ronery, but I still sleep with my (homemade) dakimakura. I don't see what the big deal is.
>> No. 4028 [Edit]
I don't have a dakimakura but my pillow is long enough for me to lay on it and cuddle it.

Feels good, man.
>> No. 4036 [Edit]
It's gotten to the point when it's weird going to bed without a pillow to hold.
>> No. 4041 [Edit]
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As long as you aren't this guy.

I am just trying to lighten the mood here with something funny. No offense.
>> No. 4042 [Edit]
Hugging is very healthy. I'm too lazy to look for a decent article about it but I still remember that it helps to lower your blood pressure as your organism produces oxytocine while you hug. Oxytocine is good for some other things, too.

Of course, the researches made their researh subjects hug an actual person so I don't know if hugging a pillow will have the same effect. If it doesn't - too bad. At least it still feels good.

This might be reading too far into the whole matter but some psychologists claim holding your pillow like that expresses your subcouncious need to protect your vulnerable heart. I know it sounds silly but so does everything related to psychoanalysis and yet it works.

Slightly related - recently I discovered that preference for sleeping in fetal position might correlate with fondness for warm baths. I'll need to look for an article about that later.
>> No. 4053 [Edit]
But... She'll get all wrinkly...

Not to be a stickler, but psychoanalysis and psychology are different.
>> No. 4055 [Edit]
I didn't know how to word it at all, but I didn't actually actually make anything; I just use two pillows that come to about 5 feet together. I guess "makeshift" is a better term.
>> No. 4065 [Edit]

>Not to be a stickler, but psychoanalysis and psychology are different.

I know that much but I'd say what I mentioned is psychoanalysis related. You know, with all that fetal position and stuff.
>> No. 4069 [Edit]
All those actions that can be rationally avoided, and which later revealed to be healthy if we do it -even by force- are quite... disturbing.
We're that denaturated it seems...
>> No. 4081 [Edit]
I like to put my arm over my chest and pretend someone else is besides me putting their arm over my chest.
>> No. 4082 [Edit]
I like to sleep on one side of the bed then switch sides and put my hand over the warmth, pretending that mai waifu had just left the bed.

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