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3944 No. 3944 [Edit]
i drink a lot of coffee now because it makes me feel different

i love coffee

but i love coffee less now because it is less powerful

i want to do drugs because i think it will be better than coffee

how do i get drugs?
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>> No. 3946 [Edit]
grind coffee beans and snort them
>> No. 3951 [Edit]
Don't bother with drugs. Just control your caffeine intake. I've been drinking coffee for years now, and now I have one in the morning and one at midday and it still gives me the kick I need to not be a depressed piece of shit all day.
>> No. 3953 [Edit]
if you like coffee, you'll love amphetamines

get an adderall prescription
>> No. 3954 [Edit]
>i want to do drugs because i think it will be better than coffee
>how do i get drugs?
This is whats wrong with the world.

>if you like coffee, you'll love amphetamines, get an adderall prescription
And this isnt helping.
>> No. 3956 [Edit]
Drugs are really fucking different from coffee.
>> No. 3957 [Edit]
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>> No. 3963 [Edit]
pot is fine, but his reasoning here is fucking stupid.

He'll just end up leading into something that'll get him either killed or seriously fucked, and even if you dont give a shit now thats not a good thing.
>> No. 3965 [Edit]
I've thought about getting into pot, thinking it might calm my nerves enough to let me function at a job or something.
>> No. 3968 [Edit]
>how do i get drugs?
Depends on the type of drugs you want. A large variety of drugs can be purchased online from research chemical vendors and botanical shops. If you don't know of any, lurk the 420chan drug boards and irc and get to know users. As far as online things go, you can always also order mushroom spores and grow your own mushrooms. I did this and it was quite informative and taught me a lot about patience.

As far as acquiring anything else goes though, you'll probably have to make contacts with individuals that you know have drugs.
>> No. 3969 [Edit]
Excuse me sir, but fuck you. Drugs are awesome and make you feel great.
>> No. 3972 [Edit]
Go to a mall ask around for the skeezy-looking rockers or punks and ask them for hookups.

Go into the ghettoes and look for the people walking around all the time with backpacks or gym bags, those are couriers giving drugs to the dealers. Ask them or whatever.

Go to a pothead or hippie festival and look around/ask for hookups there.

It's funny how one time a wigger just asked me out of nowhere if I wanted weed as I was walking my bike through the suburbs (front tire was deflated and I was switching bus routes to go back closer to the city)
>> No. 3973 [Edit]
certain drugs are awesome, im not denying that...
Im just saying the reasoning behind using them is all kinds of fucked up.

So excuse me for not wanting to see a brohno wreck his brain.
>> No. 3975 [Edit]
uh, that's a general and petty pessimistic look at things. I'd say be careful yes but that is taking it extreme.

be careful due to the drug testing some jobs require and marijuana stays in the system for like a month afterward? I know you can try to countermeasure those tests but I do not know of them personally.

ya know, I'll have to edit that. Not just pothead/hippie fests but in a lot of music fests/parties in general you can get weed, especially the larger ones.

As to genres/types of drugs at events: Raves for MDMA/Ecstasy, Graffitti showings/exhibits for marijuana, hipster events for alcohol and (possible) marijuana.
>> No. 3976 [Edit]
When asking them phrase it like "Yo, got some weed" or "are ya selling chronic". I havent bought weed from dealers personally, but AFAIK some will have you smoke it in front of them to be sure you aren't a cop. Be careful in some environments so that you don't get ripped off or jacked or mugged or w/e. Value depends on where you are at and I am not knowledgeable on that either. Anyone here knowledgeable on the costs/value and other tips on getting drugs?
>> No. 3979 [Edit]
>uh, that's a general and petty pessimistic look at things. I'd say be careful yes but that is taking it extreme.
The fact that he is going from coffee to fucking drugs shows he probably doesnt know how to be careful, once he gets used to one drug he'll just want another one. so again, excuse me for not wanting to see a brohno wreck his brain.

>be careful due to the drug testing some jobs require and marijuana stays in the system for like a month afterward? I know you can try to countermeasure those tests but I do not know of them personally.
Iv met people who can smoke one night then pass a test the next day, you just need to clean out your system. Make yourself piss alot and stuff.

Actually if you say it like that you'll probably end up sounding like a dumbass and you'll get jipped. Everyone i know calls it bud, but that may just be where im at.

All i know is its usually cheaper the lower you are in the states.
>> No. 3980 [Edit]
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it is nice that you guys are looking out for me but it is not like i am new to narcotics

before i drank a lot of coffee i took too many of my anxiety medicines and that made bad days not bad days anymore

they were not good days but they were not bad days

coffee helps me not be sad all day

i have nothing to lose

i just want less bad days
>> No. 3981 [Edit]
Wanting to make your life better is the worst reason to do drugs. That's one of the things that distinguishes drug abuse from drug use.
>> No. 3982 [Edit]
yeah i can totally imagine someone from tohno chan walking up to someone and talking like this
>> No. 3983 [Edit]
I live in Chicago (south side), and "weed" and "pot" is the term I hear here all the time. Yeah I dont think 'chronic' is that popular a term here haha I pulled that from Dr. Dre's album.

I forgot about that aspect as well - cheaper the closer to Mexico. But isn't the Mexican weed relatively low quality/there an advntage in say California from domestic pot-growers and Pacific northwest from the BC Bud imported in?

If all else fails you can just ask "are you selling marijuana" or w/e.


Hmm, something I forgot. Are you Polish? It's just a random guess from your sentence format.
>> No. 3985 [Edit]
lurk 420chan irc for research chemical sites.
For everything natural.
>> No. 3986 [Edit]
Pro drug user here.

Best way to get drugs is through people you know, in real life. But that can be hard given our circumstances.

You can buy drugs on line, safely and securely too. If you're familiar with the Tor network - an internet within the internet so to speak, highly encrypted and anonymous - you can find many websites with members trading and just selling drugs. I'm talking everything from pure opium tar, meth, crack, or just light stuff like weed, shrooms, various naturals, LSD etc. Paying for these things is generally safe, and mailing drugs is easy if you're not sending/receiving out of country. Most domestic mail is not checked. Many people are into the legal stuff you can get on botanical websites. But, to be honest, none of that shit is any use in my opinion. It's more a waste of money than anything, for what you get.

You can't just start asking people of course. And definitely don't buy drugs off random fuckers on the street. They'll rip you off and sell you crap. Best bet is to somehow make casual friends with a guy who deals weed, or at the very least smokes it, then ask if they know where to get something else. If you attend school, that's basically all you need cause drugs are everywhere. Work...that's a little tricky unless you can bring it up in conversation.

Some good advice is to stay away from anything synthetic, with exceptions. Don't touch nasty stuff like meth or heroin. I've done heroin, and it really messed me up for a while, and got me real suicidal. Stick to the primary psychedelics, like marijuana, mushrooms, LSD, DMT, mescaline, MDMA, phenethylamines and tryptamines and so on.
>> No. 3987 [Edit]
I'm not normally one for psychedelics, but I'm rather interested in trying DMT. Anyone have any experiences in that?
>> No. 3989 [Edit]
never say marijuana, just dont. It makes you sound like a cop or you could be talking to a cop.

>i have nothing to lose
>i just want less bad days
There is always something to lose, and if you get on something you cant handle your days will only get worse.
>> No. 3990 [Edit]

I've done it twice. It was fucking insane, and that's all I can really say about it.
>> No. 3992 [Edit]
That's what I've heard. Some psychedelics can be mind altering, but this is just on another level. Like the kind of thing people use in search of cosmic level answers. That's why I'm so interested, and yet nervous about it.

I've also heard that it's produced naturally when we are born, when we sleep, and when we die, so that has me even more interested, that we could produce something so strong in our bodies and have no residual effects.
>> No. 3997 [Edit]

It's been shown it's really prominent when we sleep, especially during the REM stages of sleep when we primarily dream. Now there is obviously no evidence if DMT is why humans can have such vivid dreams - even lucid dreams - but it is an interesting thought.
>> No. 4002 [Edit]
My brother tried it a couple of times. He only had absolutely positive things to say about it, preaching to me for a good half hour on why it is such an amazing drug. I'll spare you some of the details, but know that he said the experience was, quite literally, out of this world. To quote, I think he said it was "A trip through the galaxy."
>> No. 4008 [Edit]
  If DMT is even a fraction as amazing as the first scene of Enter the Void, now I'm interested, too.

I never want to actually do drugs, but if I did, this is the one I'd try.
>> No. 4010 [Edit]
Total waste of time and money, but I guess if you have the time and money to waste, not an issue huh?
>> No. 4014 [Edit]
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gaspar oh noe you didnt
>> No. 4016 [Edit]

Trip through a galaxy is a good way to put it.

Also very interesting is that so many people who experiment with this chemical talk of very similar experiences. Amongst them are the concept of "machine elves" which are a very abstract hallucination people often experience. In the words of Terence McKenna - whom was one of the best researchers of this drug, amongst being a spectacular educator, thinker and philosopher:

>There are these things, which I call "self transforming machine elves," I also call them self-dribbling basketballs. They are, but they are none of these things. I mean you have to understand: these are metaphors in the truest sense, meaning that they're lies! [...] I name them 'Tykes' because tyke is a word that means to me a small child, ... and when you burst into the DMT space this is the Aeon - it's a child, and it's at play with colored balls, and I am in eternity, apparently, in the presence of this thing.
>> No. 4017 [Edit]

Wow I just watched that and it's a fairly good representation of what an experience is like.

Also, Gaspar Noe fucking rocks.

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