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File 130516648546.jpg - (146.07KB , 1024x768 , NGM1998_12p4-5.jpg )
3866 No. 3866 [Edit]
I'm scared that I'll wake up in 10 years and realize that 3D isn't pig disgusting, that I wasted my youth being miserable and that just maybe humankind isn't actually horrible.

I feel okay as a hikki/neet. I don't like socializing or talking, but sometimes I feel like if I "should" enjoy my body, give my 100% for a project, travel around the world or completely open myself to someone in real life.
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>> No. 3867 [Edit]
I feel the same way sometimes, but then I remember you can't live your life based on what you may or may not like later
>> No. 3870 [Edit]
It will probably happen, if only because people in stressful, frustrating, or depressing situations (especially people prone to depression) are bound to wonder where they went wrong. "If only I had studied harder, I'd have a better job!" Or something like that.

I'm not saying you're making the wrong choices now, just that doubt is natural and you can't really predict what you'll blame your problems on in the future. For all you know you'll wake up in ten years and wish you could go back to the carefree days of ten years ago when you had so much more time with your hobbies.
>> No. 3871 [Edit]
Im in a similar situation. Ive boiled it down to two options and Im open to hear anyone's suggestions if there are more.

Option 1: Its not too late to find a girl now. Improve yourself a bit and find a real girl. This does not neccesarily have to involve renouncing your interests and philosophies. If you leave it too long, it WILL become too late and you'll be stuck wanting it but not being able to have it.

2. Psychologically prepare yourself for a life of being completely enamoured with 2D to the exclusion of all other girls.
>> No. 3872 [Edit]
Travelling the world is a bit different than getting a 3DPD, but i guess you cant do one w/o getting another (esp if you're a white or black male).

>>If you leave it too long, it WILL become too late and you'll be stuck wanting it but not being able to have it.

Au contraire, you might get a higher 'value' over time and that 3DPDs might go after you more. I am not sure about this and am not a PUA nor any type of normalfag.
>> No. 3873 [Edit]
lets not talk about finding 3D girls please
>> No. 3874 [Edit]
People actually wonder about this sort of useless crap? Humanity, 3DPD, all that sort of shit is for the dogs. I've long ago accepted the person I am. If I wake up 10 years later and magically like it all, whatever. If I don't, that's all good too.
>> No. 3876 [Edit]
>Au contraire
No, he's right.
>> No. 3877 [Edit]
People usually say the same thing until they see how it's like. Then they wish they could go back to the old days....

Sounds like you're just being pressured into conformity.
>> No. 3878 [Edit]
It's not conformity. It's a natural progression.
>> No. 3879 [Edit]
>travel around the world
this is just some stupid manufactured dream society implants in peoples heads. any time I talk to somebody who starts to talk about "doing things with their life", it always involves travelling the world.
>> No. 3880 [Edit]
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What if I want to see places where famous album covers were taken or where historic movies were filmed?
>> No. 3881 [Edit]
yet again more overrated shit that people make out to be interesting, but when you actually do it it's nothing out of the ordinary
>> No. 3883 [Edit]
No, I genuinely would like to explore different countries and get some life experience beyond that of my crappy microcosm of a room.
>> No. 3884 [Edit]
what makes your room different then the rooms of people on the other side or the world?
>> No. 3885 [Edit]
Then go and do it. When I was younger I lived under the delusion that I "should" be doing all sorts of things with my life, like the OP outlines in his post. After doing all those things I came to a point of depression, realizing that after struggling to achieve all that society thought I should do I was still the same empty person underneath.
>> No. 3886 [Edit]
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OK... Do you realize that people have different standards of novelty?
>> No. 3887 [Edit]
Stop thinking too much. Just enjoy the things you enjoy doing.

(Unless you enjoy doing things that hurt others, then fuck you!)
>> No. 3889 [Edit]
You know what? I feel like some of you are rationalizing your emotions. There's nothing wrong with that, I do it too, but try to not do it too much. No mind can fully grasp our instincts, so sometimes we just have to follow them without wondering about where will they take us. Just... trust in yourself a bit more. Since you're pretty much all alone, the least you can do is befriend yourself. Don't think too much about what you're supposed to be doing, just follow your beliefs and do what you believe to be right. I, myself, have no regrets, because all I remember doing were things that my heart believed to be the best choice. Maybe it was right, maybe it was wrong. But it was what I felt like doing. If you err, but you are aware that it wasn't on purpose, then I believe it's hard for that to bring depression. In one word, self-confidence. Don't overdo it, however, moderation is the key to pretty much everything. Just... have it a bit more, okay?
>> No. 3890 [Edit]
I'm not quite a normal, though some of my interests would fit under the normal category, and people call me on it (and the opposite is true). Though my interests have gradually changed all throughout my life for varying reasons, though lately they seemed to have settled down.

As to worrying that what others say I should enjoy, I really don't give two shits what someone says I should enjoy. My parents say I should get off the computer and go geocaching with them, but I really don't want to go out to the middle of the woods with a GPS and look for an ammobox just for the purpose of finding it. I do not enjoy that. I enjoy driving fast and talk about cars and stuff in the IRC occasionally and they've called me normal, but I don't care because I find driving fast to be fun.

All I'm saying is that what you believe to be things you "should" be enjoying is just some stereotype of what everybody should do and what others have told you that you should like, but that doesn't mean that you have to like it too.
>> No. 3891 [Edit]
Only you, OP, know what your truth is. No matter what everyone in here might say, in the end it's only you and the choices you've made or can still make. You already know what's good and bad for you.
>> No. 3896 [Edit]
I'd say the opposite is true, that unless you're raised in a culture that is pro exploration of other cultures or worldviews, that you're NOT pressured to explore other things around the world. For an example I know, look at the segregation in american cities between black/hispanics/whites/asians. Except for the artists and other stuff, there is a recurring segregation pattern in places like New York City and Chicago. Some regions/districts/neighborhoods take it to an extreme level. The predominant culture is not so much focused on going to explore other neighborhoods or cultures, and I knew people from when there was a much stronger restriction - and that one of them (an uncle of mine) went into the military partially in order to explore other cultures.

There is a bit of a double-standard of encouraging those who flee from small towns to large cities, and being less focused on people who grew up in an ethnic ghetto who stay there instead of mingling among others.
>> No. 3911 [Edit]
I feel like as a 22 year old virgin who has never had a real 3DPD it's already too late for me. Most of the time I'm okay with that. I enjoy just about every day of my life, which means according to that message that comes up sometimes on the front page I shouldn't be here. The "don't you ever wonder what it's like/won't you ever regret not having a 3DPD/[insert normalfag experience here]" mindset never made sense to me. Sure, I'll never experience those things. But normals will never experience any of the things that I like about my life. Which lifestyle is best obviously depends on the person, and you can't know for sure which fits you until you try them all. I've experienced enough normalfaggotry to safely judge that it's not for me, at least. There's still a chance that I might be able to somehow spend my life better than I do now, but I spend it pretty damn well so I'm satisfied. No one lives a perfect life.

You aren't supposed to actually explore other cultures that you share a country with, you're supposed to mingle with other ethnicities in a far away place where they're no threat to your own home, which you can later return to with the self-satisfaction that you are now "worldly" and "cultured" and go about the same life you lived before.
>> No. 3912 [Edit]
At the age of 24 I don't care anymore. That is not my lifestyle, why force it upon myself? We have the mindset in Western culture that you get married, get a career, and you somehow achieved the American dream. But there are those of us here who just reject that. Even around the world, in less modernized countries, people like that exist. Some of the greatest men and women were complete hermits all their lives, yet went on to create literature, art, and ideas that have lasted centuries of time.
>> No. 3924 [Edit]

>> No. 3925 [Edit]
That's your biased opinion; and you have no right to push it onto others. Not everyone has the same values and standards as you.

Because NEETs can't rely on others forever.
>> No. 3926 [Edit]
>That's your biased opinion; and you have no right to push it onto others
I have just as much a right as you do
>> No. 3927 [Edit]
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Duly noted. Then I hereby acknowledge it and look down on you for it.
>> No. 3928 [Edit]
you look down on me for expressing what I think?
>> No. 3929 [Edit]
I look down on you because of your superfluous posts in this thread criticizing traveling around the world.
>> No. 3931 [Edit]
so you're just going to tell me you look down on me like a self-righteous faggot instead of expressing your own opinions?
>> No. 3933 [Edit]
File 130526679414.jpg - (160.58KB , 1336x1416 , f4843224.jpg )
Ugh. Go fuck yourself and just ban me already, you parasite. I'm not going to waste my time arguing with an idiot who criticize others from his armchair like a disgruntled old man.
>> No. 3934 [Edit]
take it easy everyone!
>> No. 3935 [Edit]
saying i shouldnt post an opinion just because it's an opinion is ridiculous. you're free to disagree with it. I'm not trying to say nobody should travel the world. I'm trying to say it's a manfactured dream that gets pushed into peoples heads weather they like it not. Some people do have a legitmate desire to travel the world, or somewhere, but alot of people just like the image of it because it sounds romantic.
>> No. 3936 [Edit]
I thought going to vegas would be cool but I wound up making excuses to not go places with my family and just sat in our hotel room watching MASH on TV. I have no idea why I thought it would be cool because I have crippling social anxiety
>> No. 3937 [Edit]
My my, this thread has become most amusing.
>> No. 3938 [Edit]
I imagined you saying this as a gothic lolita reclining in her chair and bringing her hand up to her mouth.
>> No. 3941 [Edit]
Vegas is only cool if you're a kid whose parents pay for everything.
>> No. 3943 [Edit]
I agree that "traveling the world" as most people think of it is pretty trite. Lots of people think going to India or Tibet for two weeks and drinking yak milk with a Buddhist monk or whatever is going to be a life-changing experience. They don't realize that people are pretty much the same everywhere you go, there's nothing magical about the East or the West or any other place. Traveling can be a good experience if you're doing it for the right reasons, though.
>> No. 3947 [Edit]
I wasn't a kid when we went, but my parents did pay for everything and it still wasn't fun
>> No. 3948 [Edit]
Travelling is overrated. Whereever you go, you are always there, unchanged.
>> No. 3949 [Edit]
Maybe traveling alone would be fun, I don't know. I've never even left my neighborhood on my own
>> No. 3952 [Edit]
I don't really get traveling. Sure, if you're going to study or do business or something, knock yourself out. But doing it for the sake of it? Ugh. I went to an university city once for an one month course, and it was pretty much "Oh, it's colder, it's more dangerous, has higher criminality, and the professors are smarter". Nothing out of the ordinary.
>> No. 3960 [Edit]

You can still be a/antisocial, hate 3DPG, etc... and have a job/support yourself in some way.
>> No. 3971 [Edit]
There are differences due to culture and region. As an example, a white or black person who speaks good english can get a pretty decent job teaching English there, and given the currency valuations you can get a hell of a lot more there than here. You feel richer, as you are relatively richer. As a foreigner in that country you can also hypothetically get access to smuggling rings and whatever that happens in those places. Also it is easier to get 3DPDs there and that well, ceetain cultures are less dickish. As a foreigner in Japan you might end up treated better there, or in another E Asian country, compared to in your own country due to the inability/disdain for your 'native' culture - people make more allowances for foreigners and whatnot.
>> No. 3974 [Edit]
traveling alone is very fun. Where do you live exact that you haven't even been outside your neighborhood alone?

there is a huge hacker convention hosted there yearly, and i think there are gamer cons there. I don't like gambling, so the only thing I'd do there was probably drink alcoholic beverages.....and probably gamble anyway as there is nothing to do (assuming I am not going there for the hacker con or whatever).
>> No. 3991 [Edit]

Um, what? What the hell makes you think being foreign will make people treat you like royalty?

I won't say I'm well traveled but I've been to a couple South East Asian nations when I was younger. There is just as much disrespect for common values there as there is in North America or Europe. Sure, there may be certain aspects of cultures that make them seem hospitable. Muslims are amongst the most hospitable people in the world, and would take you in their home with open arms in most cases if you just knocked. But there are also dick heads who would not even look at you. It's no different here.

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