No. 3794
If it means anything, happy birthday?
to answer your question, I don't exactly 'care' about it, and I only really celebrate it by means of buying myself more junk then usual, sometimes hiding stuff months before hand to surprise myself with it (although this year I couldn't find what I hid)
Online, this last birthday was the best I've had in at least 12 years, from an outside stand point, seeing people repeat "happy birthday" can seem meaningless, but I found each occurrence of the phrase to be conferting.
Offline, well, it was extremely mediocre, not much better then a normal day, forced to spend uncomfortable time with my father and his wife..
and was almost made to do that same with my mother and her friends, which I was able to somehow talk my way out of in spite of her repeating how said it would be to eat cake alone.. she went and had cake with my name on it with her friends, a sort of birthday party without the birthday boy.
She didn't give me anything, but I gave her $20 becuase it was also mothers day, well, she brought home a slice of the cake however a few hours after she left, which I ate in my room while watching the latest ep of dog days.
Post edited on 9th May 2011, 2:56am