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File 130493233623.png - (208.80KB , 656x656 , 6b9242e9c142bf1ca11e967cf224c426.png )
3792 No. 3792 [Edit]
Do you guys still care about or celebrate your birthdays?

Every birthday of mine just gets shittier and shittier. I tried making plans to hang out with my (only) friend today and he agreed, but then he suddenly disappeared for two weeks. Whenever I see him online and try to message he either ignores me or signs offline. I can only assume he's ignoring me and doesn't want to hang out or whatever, which is a huge slap to the face. My parents probably don't even remember my birthday is today either. Fuck this is depressing ;_;
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>> No. 3793 [Edit]
Don't take it personally. Very few people maliciously do unkind acts, theres usually a reason behind it which is understandable.
>> No. 3794 [Edit]
If it means anything, happy birthday?

to answer your question, I don't exactly 'care' about it, and I only really celebrate it by means of buying myself more junk then usual, sometimes hiding stuff months before hand to surprise myself with it (although this year I couldn't find what I hid)
Online, this last birthday was the best I've had in at least 12 years, from an outside stand point, seeing people repeat "happy birthday" can seem meaningless, but I found each occurrence of the phrase to be conferting.

Offline, well, it was extremely mediocre, not much better then a normal day, forced to spend uncomfortable time with my father and his wife..
and was almost made to do that same with my mother and her friends, which I was able to somehow talk my way out of in spite of her repeating how said it would be to eat cake alone.. she went and had cake with my name on it with her friends, a sort of birthday party without the birthday boy.
She didn't give me anything, but I gave her $20 becuase it was also mothers day, well, she brought home a slice of the cake however a few hours after she left, which I ate in my room while watching the latest ep of dog days.

Post edited on 9th May 2011, 2:56am
>> No. 3795 [Edit]
that isnt much consolation when the reason is "your friend doesnt like you anymore and is too cowardly to confront you about it"
>> No. 3796 [Edit]
I've always hated my birthdays so usually I just sleep the entire day if i can.
>> No. 3799 [Edit]
I love birthday parties, though my birthday has had poor luck in recent years.

I always go to a movie with my friends, and then we eat afterward, and I get presents from my family. But while my party was on a Friday last year, my actual birthday fell on a Tuesday, and I had gotten no sleep the night before, I had nine straight hours of classes, I failed a Literature exam, and other things I can't even remember.
>> No. 3800 [Edit]
In recent years my birthday has basically just consisted of going out to dinner with family. I don't even do anything really, they always plan it themselves. And this is the one day I have to say yes, because it just strikes me as a dick move above all dick moves to reject somebody trying to do something nice for your birthday. The fact that it's always just a small family affair makes it tolerable, I'm sure if they could not be bothered making arrangements and I had to resort to doing something with my nonexistant friends, then it would be a fucking ordeal.
>> No. 3801 [Edit]
I live alone. All I get for my birthday is phone calls and emails from some of my family members, and nothing else. This suits me just fine. I don't have any friends, if that even needs to be said, and my colleagues at school and work don't know when my birthday is because I don't talk to them any more than I have to.
>> No. 3802 [Edit]
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No, not really.
My birthday usually consists of my mom making some shitty food (she cant and doesnt like to cook), we eat it, chat a little, and then I am back at my computer.
Pretty much just like this picture. Except I am almost ten years older.
>> No. 3803 [Edit]
Its your birthday today?

Happy Birthday~

Though to answer your question, I don't really do much. My mom makes a cake (which usually ends up eaten in less than 48 hours, half eaten by me) and I get to decide where we go for dinner, which is just fine for me.
>> No. 3806 [Edit]
I don't like making a big deal of my birthday. I kept on forgetting it was my birthday during the last one. My grandparents and mom send me things though which is nice. They live overseas.
>> No. 3807 [Edit]
I have long forgotten how it is to celebrate my birthday. I do not share it with my friends for them not to feel pity of me for not having whom to celebrate with. All I get is annoying phone calls the entire goddamn day from far away relatives to whom I do not speak in years, telling me happy birthday. I normally simply pick a place to eat with the rest of my direct relatives and come back home to my everyday glooming. I tell my parents I do not want anything from them as I truly do not seek anything so they end up giving me money. I do not share my birthday date with other people because I don`t want them to try to cheer me up.
>> No. 3809 [Edit]
I hate the celebrations.
I love the presents.
>> No. 3810 [Edit]
I stopped celebrating my birthdays at age 9. I stopped seeing the point of it when the only people I could invite were barely even my acquaintances, let alone friends. Now my birthdays just pass like normal days.
>> No. 3811 [Edit]
Same here. I see no reason to celebrate birthdays anymore.
>> No. 3813 [Edit]
I don't want to, but people still give me gifts. I accept them and I am happy, but I just treat it as a day where people are obligated to buy me gifts even though I know they don't want to.
>> No. 3814 [Edit]
The only thing I like about my birthday is I get money. I hate being the center of attention, and I hate having people over
>> No. 3828 [Edit]
Happy Birthday, OP!

About the question, I hate birthdays. I want them to be like a normal day, but the annoying phone calls always bring me back to the unpleasant reality. The $150 + a chocolate box were worth the annoyance though.
>> No. 3829 [Edit]
Birthdays are now just an annoying reminder that it's slowly becoming even more unacceptable and loser-y to be a virgin who likes video games and anime.
>> No. 3834 [Edit]
I don't take much consideration to birthdays, because, you know, who the hell wants to be one step closer to death? My [estranged] father didn't know how old I was for the majority of my life (pretty sure he still doesn't), and I basically outright told my mother to stop caring about it after my 16th. My 'friend/s' don't do anything for it, because they're with their families and shit (it's Nov. 26, usually a day or two before Thanksgiving). So, if it helps, I'm usually alone on my birthday, too. It's just how you take it.

It fucking sucks to hear that you actually took the effort to make plans with someone, and it fell through, though. Really sorry to hear that.

Oh, and happy birthday, bro.
>> No. 3842 [Edit]
I don't care at all. It's just another normal day for me, I often don't even notice that it's my birthday unless some relative calls.
Last time I did anything social on my birthday was 4 or 5 years ago, when 2 of my self-proclaimed friends came over. I didn't invite them, and I didn't like the fact that they came. If I recall correctly, we drank some tequila and absinthe, then strolled around the local redlight district until I was too bored and went home. They also talked me into going to a restaurant with them the next day.
Haven't had much contact with those two since then.

I usually get some money and a couple of annoying calls or postcards from my few relatives I haven't broken off contact with yet. The money part is nice, I guess.
>> No. 3847 [Edit]
>>I don't take much consideration to birthdays, because, you know, who the hell wants to be one step closer to death?

lol, I remember pointing that out in one of my college courses when the subject came up. I said "one year closer to death" (my birthday) and they treated it as 'pessimistic'.

At least you didnt have a 3DPD claim to love you, etc etc and that she would come over for your birthday......only for the bitch to forget and make some half-assed excused
>> No. 3859 [Edit]
My B-day is ether no one coming, no one want to come, or people coming and no one knowing i'm there. And its my fucking B-day!
But i just can't stand social stuff like party's or hell just being around other ppl.
>> No. 3860 [Edit]
File 130508039022.jpg - (39.80KB , 500x401 , martymcfly.jpg )
i began consciously counting down the days to my next birthday ever since i turned 14

i'm pretty much obsessed with retaining my youth and the fear of aging

getting old is the worst thing ever
>> No. 3865 [Edit]
Hehehhh what a coincidence it was my Birthday last week.

It involved going to lectures until 5pm, taking a train back to my parents' house and then listening to them talk about what they're going to do on my sisters' birthdays.

Yippeee just got a card. And there was no cake!
>> No. 3882 [Edit]
About all i get for my birthday is the day off work and maybe a request for some sort of food made for dinner that night...or up to a week later.
>> No. 3899 [Edit]
I fucking hate my birthday.
First of all, people notices me. Like, "Hey, happy birthday anon". And by people, I mean my family, because I have no friends. Not even brothers to talk or be friends with, just 2 older sisters that don't even live here.
And my mom ask "hey anon, you gonna invite someone or do something?" I hate having to look at her, thinking ("WTF mom, I have no friends or 3DPD, I'm the most boring person in the fucking planet and surely I'm the only freak in this shitty town who likes chinese cartoons!") But I say "No mom, I'll do nothing."

Fuck, I hate being so alone, but even like this, I don't wanna aproach people. If I let my true face come out, people will take advantage or hurt me. Fuck people.
>> No. 3900 [Edit]
I haven't really ever cared for birthdays. I've not celebrated one in at least 10 years.
>> No. 4047 [Edit]
I hate it with passion. And since I was born in June I'll have to endure it again soon...

Last year the only people who remembered were my parents, my sister and (ot my surprise) one of my cousins. But I didn't get any gifts or anything like that, they just called/messagewd me.

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