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File 130482354374.jpg - (85.01KB , 600x500 , 009_come_together.jpg )
3772 No. 3772 [Edit]
I'd give you everything I got for a little peace of mind.
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>> No. 3784 [Edit]
Wound you like to go into a bit more detail about it anon? Maybe we can offer advice.
>> No. 3785 [Edit]
I think he's just quoting the Beatles.
>> No. 3790 [Edit]
And so we've come full circle.
>> No. 3791 [Edit]
File 130492177230.jpg - (13.34KB , 221x346 , 3.jpg )
> Discussion about suicide is okay, but please try not to encourage it for others.
>> No. 3868 [Edit]

How the hell do you make the conceptual leap from "maybe we can offer advice" to "go kill yourself?" I'd sure like to know.
>> No. 3869 [Edit]
Maybe he's just making a warning?
>> No. 3875 [Edit]
how do you miss the leap from "peace of mind" to "suicide"?
>> No. 3919 [Edit]

1) That's a HUGE assumption on your part, and

2) Even if OP was talking about suicide, there's a whole world of advice you can give to a suicidal person besides "do it faggot."
>> No. 3955 [Edit]
i think he was making a joke, saying our advice would just be "kill yourself"

Great job ruining a perfectly good beatles quote thread.

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