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3727 No. 3727 [Edit]
Do any of you guys do things to keep yourselves occupied while stuck in your rooms? Or do you just sleep the days away?

Seeing as I live pretty much alone, and rarely venture out, it has given me lots of time to get stuff done.

I have taken it upon myself to learn how to cook, which tastes fucking awesome.
I am drawing so I can make nice art of mai waifu.
I bought a cheap workout bench and keep myself in fairly good shape, because I want to be physically appealing to her.
I play my violin constantly, I am currently trying to compose a Castlevania medley.
I am learning to program so I can make a game, even though I doubt it will be interesting or cared about.

So fellow Bronos, what do you do to pass the time?
>> No. 3728 [Edit]
That's really awesome.

I just sit here browsing TC/playing games.
>> No. 3729 [Edit]
College just stresses me way too much, so I just keep procrastinating and playing video games until I have to do homework or go to college. So yeah, basically I do nothing because I'm to stressed/afraid.
>> No. 3730 [Edit]
If I can, I'll just sleep the day away, then play video games and listen to music all night while looking at anything on the internet. If I have to stay awake in the day, I do the same thing.
>> No. 3732 [Edit]
I browse the net. Mainly forums/imageboards. I hate them (except tc) but its a hard habit to kick.
>> No. 3733 [Edit]
I don't do anything useful with my time, but I don't just sleep 12 hours a day and do nothing when awake.

Video games, anime, manga, VNs, YouTube, movies, etc. I don't browse the internet a whole lot anymore.
>> No. 3736 [Edit]
I used to take online college courses, but I dropped out since I felt that it was getting me nowhere. Now I just browse imageboards, play video games, and sometimes try to draw.

I really love to program, but I haven't been doing much of it lately, mainly due to a lack of inspiration on what I should try to make or do. I was working on a game, but I'm at a point where I need to think up stuff like enemies and levels, and I can't think of any.
>> No. 3738 [Edit]
Anime, videos games, and music mostly.

I usually spend a lot of time trying to learn stuff as well, but I end up getting distracted. Currently working on learning C++, I got pretty far into python, but I want to make games so I decided to switch.
>> No. 3743 [Edit]
I sleep way more than I should, but when I'm up, I constantly check different websites, make music, and draw/animate.
>> No. 3748 [Edit]
Do you have a microphone for recording? I would be interested in hearing your Castlevania medley if you have a way to record it.
>> No. 3750 [Edit]
I also sleep a lot. I love to read literature, philosophy and even textbooks sometimes (I'm currently tearing my way through some high school sociology books), and I also write short stories often. I have a basic knowledge of a vast amount of things, ranging from programming to martial arts, however I'm too lazy to actually go and become good at it. It's almost like I wasted two years of C and Aikido studies.
>> No. 3756 [Edit]
I'm sure that you could make a thread on /vg/ and people would be able to give you some ideas. Don't give up!

Haha, I did the same thing!

Sure no problem, if I can find a mask I might do a video like that Screamer guy on NicoNico, because I don't want to show my face online.

Writing sounds pretty cool, have you ever posted any in /cr/? I would be interested in reading it.

Good to see I am not the only one who does something.
>> No. 3761 [Edit]
>Writing sounds pretty cool, have you ever posted any in /cr/? I would be interested in reading it.
Nah, I'm too shy for that. What if I posted something and someone called it a high-school level twilight ripoff or something like that? Maybe when I die someone will get to see my writings.
>> No. 3763 [Edit]
>I am learning to program so I can make a game, even though I doubt it will be interesting or cared about.
I'm interested in the idea of a game made by a brohno.

As for myself, I don't really do anything. I listen to music, write, read, or just watch anime all day. I like to sleep (that sounds so god-damn bland), but I don't see any point to it if I wake up with my dreams forgotten.

I lead a relatively boring life.

I know that feel, bro. I hate reading stuff I've written myself, just because it seems so awful. This is going to sound really bullshit, but I think that my writings seem so one-dimensional to me because I'm just looking for that 'one theme' that I want to write about. That perfect subject, you know?
>> No. 3765 [Edit]
I have college classes to that takes up a bunch of time. Also I occasionally go out to do random things.

When im in hikki mode/schedule I read books (either buy or download them). Or watch anime, western science fiction, etc. Also in a way learning Japanese language or cryllic alphabet. Video games too.

>> No. 3767 [Edit]
I feel like this thread partially motivated me to practice guitar today. I've been telling myself I should get back into that and put some work/effort into it.
>> No. 3780 [Edit]
I just do whatever I like that day (or not do).
I follow the "take it easy" philosophy of life, so I don't really set any goals/targets that I feel I "have" to accomplish.
>> No. 3782 [Edit]
Sleep while being all curled up thinking about things that make me go moe~
>> No. 3788 [Edit]
Sleep for about 15 hours a day. For the rest of the day I might draw, read manga or watch anime or play a game. Depends how motivated I'm feeling. On more motivated days I try to finish or work on projects. Sometimes I just go back to sleep after an hour of being awake.

I've also sort of made a hobby out of trying to analyze my dreams every night and looking up any sort of random symptom I get, while pretending it could be something more awful than what it actually probably is (I seriously get so many random little things popping up wrong with me lately, maybe I'm actually dying or some shit). Surprisingly, it manages to be fairly entertaining and keeps me busy.

But really, all I really do lately is sleep. I wish I had your motivation, OP. I'm nowhere near as active as I used to be.

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