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File 130447562822.jpg - (58.54KB , 640x467 , lahtionm3tripod.jpg )
3650 No. 3650 [Edit]
Do you get these sort of 'violent urges'?

Its really hard to explain and I'm not sure if its just unique to me. It happens when I witness something nice a girly. For instance, reading a manga about cute girls doing cute things, I will begin thinking of firing a big anti-tank rifle, a rifle so big it would knock me over from the recoil and jump out of my hands.

Do you guys experience anything similar?
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>> No. 3651 [Edit]
are you insecure with your sexuality
>> No. 3652 [Edit]
Not particularly.. I don't have desires to be a little girl. I know exactly what kind of girls I like. My fetishes are pretty vanilla.
>> No. 3653 [Edit]
Sometimes I get the sudden urge to stab myself in the leg. It's bizarre, and I'll never do it, but it's a thought that comes up whenever I'm sitting at the computer.
>> No. 3655 [Edit]
No. When I read manga about cute girls I usually think about what it would be like to be one of them
>> No. 3656 [Edit]
No, I don't want to kill anyone. I do have fantasies of being a brave marksman in WW2. I think world war two weapons are awfully cool. In the future I wish to buy a light rifle to practice sharpshooting with.
>> No. 3657 [Edit]

Well best of luck getting a rifle to practice with. Do you have a license?
>> No. 3658 [Edit]
Quite often, usually towards myself. I've spontaneously started trying to strangle myself a few times in the past.
>> No. 3659 [Edit]
No, i'll apply in the future.
>> No. 3660 [Edit]
Seeking zen, I'd say, OP.

You should get into airsoft like me.

You should get a set of camo and deck it out with the cutest moe patches you can find, get jacked, and be the scariest thing on the battlefield.
>> No. 3661 [Edit]
I get them sometimes.
>> No. 3662 [Edit]
>Do you get these sort of 'violent urges'?

Yes, but not in the same type of instances you do. Often times I think what it would be like to spill the blood of millions in a huge war. To be known as the fiery destroyer of worlds and to dance upon the corpses of those slain.
>> No. 3663 [Edit]
Yes that sounds like something which approximates what I feel.

Oh, how I'd love to play airsoft, but I lack money and friends to do it with.
>> No. 3664 [Edit]
Violent urges? Only towards myself. If myself counts. If it doesn't, then no.

Do you have rage/anger issues? These violent thoughts you're describing seem pretty random. Normally people with violent thoughts have suppressed emotions they need to let out. Or maybe that's just a huge assumption on my part. It's weird since it sounds like your thoughts aren't being triggered by anything in particular, or are directed at anything. Maybe it's not an issue. Maybe you just need to do something active and crazy.
>> No. 3665 [Edit]
I think you might have hit the nail on the head.

I do have anger issues, and and school I got into fights a lot more frequently than the normal person.

I think I may be suppressing my loneliness or desire to be inside that world of cuteness with violence. I might be seeing something cute and trying to steer myself away from it by false bravado and manliness.

To stop these urges I might go for jogs more often, lift a few weights, or actually go get a gun and try some shooting.
>> No. 3666 [Edit]
>Do you get these sort of 'violent urges'?

Every once in a while, I get the strange urge to take a wooden chair and just rip into shit. Seems to happen at random, and I obviously never do anything about it. I think that would be insanely fun to do, though.
>> No. 3667 [Edit]
Yes, I do have violent urges. When I used to fall in love with some girls, in my younger days, I would sometimes happen to imagine them being raped or assaulted of some sort. I also sometimes hit myself; actually punching or slapping myself across the face. It helps me keep concentrated when I lose focus.

Though the sudden imaginative rapes and violence towards others happen sometimes still, usually when I am attempting to sleep, I end up rewinding the scene as if it was part of a movie. That makes them far more rare than what they used to be when I was younger.
>> No. 3668 [Edit]
Money shouldn't be an issue; for $40 you can get a good handgun, and for another $20 you can get a barrel of pellets that will last you months.
>> No. 3670 [Edit]
I don't really like handguns. Any kind of long gun I am okay with but I'd really just like a bolt action rifle.
>> No. 3677 [Edit]
Yes I do OP. Whenever I have NTR or mindbreak unexpectedly sneak up on me during a fap session, I get a bit dizzy from the anger and pretty hot. I'm pretty thin and hardly ever eat, so it might be something like anemia maybe? My veins become pretty visible on my arms when I get hot, so I'm pretty scared of getting an aneurysm.
The last time this happened was a few weeks ago while stumbling upon an H Manga series going by "legend of the silver dragon" I think. I know it had silver dragon in the name. I read the first few pages and saw the main character, and I just knew what was going to fucking happen in the rest of the series, I was ready to burst. I wish I could just rip,tear, devour and violate every single fuck who draws or writes anything like that, especially NTR like "A lovely Scenery". Who the fuck writes this shit? The character's reasoning did not follow any conventional logic in the first place, it was twice as bad as any other thing I've read.
Your urges are pretty weird though OP, at least for me. I can justify mine in a sense anyhow.
>> No. 3678 [Edit]

Thanks for the suggestions. I'll look them up for my next fap session.
>> No. 3679 [Edit]
File 130453284251.jpg - (146.37KB , 1000x444 , Baneblade3.jpg )
>Do you guys experience anything similar?
I do. In case of "overdose" of cuteness I need something very militaristic.
>> No. 3680 [Edit]
File 130453317074.jpg - (1.94MB , 2328x1688 , war.jpg )
Take your cuteness and militaristic things together
>> No. 3681 [Edit]
Yes but not in the same way as you... I actually really don't like cute things most of the times and whenever I see something obnoxiously cute it annoys the shit outta me and I have an urge to go watch of play something violent. Killzone 3 fit this quite well but got boring quick....

I used to let out any violent urges at the range or practice MA or something like that which worked quite well. Now I can't do those things and all that energy that I could use for something useful just goes to waste, ugh. Can't wait until I move out and can get back into that stuff.

It's probably just testosterone or something. Nothing to be ashamed of.

Post edited on 4th May 2011, 12:02pm
>> No. 3690 [Edit]
>>You should get a set of camo and deck it out with the cutest moe patches you can find, get jacked, and be the scariest thing on the battlefield.

I had an interesting reaction to reading this. From 'cringe' to 'FUCK YEAH AWESOME' to 'how could you do this faggotry' to 'cool'
>> No. 3694 [Edit]
"Violent", not exactly.

Sometimes I have so much energy that I almost want break my own fingers. Not in a self-destructive way, more like if I want to explode. It happens with music.
>> No. 3697 [Edit]
I get really angry about how people treat me at work. Also about myself for things I have done.

Cute girls doing cute things? Never! Seriously they make me happy and are a major reason why I watch anime. I suppose I should be intensely jealous of them for having a good time in school, yet I can't do it. I just want to be friends with them. I know it is impossible, but they are so lovable and not like the people I couldn't understand or like in real life.
>> No. 3698 [Edit]
I am extremely unaggressive, I don't think I've been seriously angry at anything ever since primary school nearly 10 years ago. Could be just my inferiority complex though, if someone acts like an asshole towards me I find it justifiable (I don't like myself either) and just go along with it.

At least it's good for blood pressure.
>> No. 4046 [Edit]
Can't say I don't. Reposted from >>2227.

>As for the things I wanted to do... Well, let's say that whenever I see an animal I feel a strong urge to do something bad to it. I'm sometimes afraid I won't be able to control myself. But as I've said, I have never really done anything.
>I guess I hate all living things. I enjoy destroying stuff, no matter what it is. >Whenever I have something sharp in my hands (scissors, knife) I think about stabbing someone. One time, my father handed me an averruncator in a gardening shop because he needed both of his hands to lift something else. I swear I almost stabbed the woman who popped out of nowhere and startled me.
>I'm pretty sure I never ever hit anyone. I guess I'm good at restraining myself.

>... Oh wait, that was a lie just now. I have never done anything to bigger animals, sure, but I remember doing all sorts of things to insects and spiders. I burned ants with my magnifying glass and plucked spiders' legs out.
>> No. 4088 [Edit]
For some reason I occasionally get this urge to just start hitting someone, sometimes it boils up into a urge to kill someone. I don't know why, but I've never done it. If I did I probably would kill them or get myself killed in the process as I am not very physically strong.

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