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File 130427867552.jpg - (45.58KB , 600x434 , sad puppy.jpg )
3550 No. 3550 [Edit]
Has anyone ever looked through embarrassing things you had without you knowing?

Yesterday I found out that my mom was looking through all my files and folders. She even saw the ones that I removed and deleted from the recycle bin. Most of the pictures I had were of anime girls wearing bikinis and underwear ;_; I am so horribly embarrassed now. You guys are the only ones who would understand.
My mom most likely used a program to recover deleted files. She's also pretty ashamed of me. It was also my computer and I am already quite independent, so I didn't see why she had to go snooping around without telling me.

How about you, brohnos?
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>> No. 3551 [Edit]
Other than my dad finding the porn of his I stole when I was like 12, no. Also it's a pretty good idea to keep your computer password locked when you aren't on it
>> No. 3552 [Edit]
Yes, I should have done that. Once again I have learned not to let my guard down.
>> No. 3553 [Edit]
Thank God, no.
They'd find things much, much worse than "anime girls wearing bikinis and underwear".
>> No. 3554 [Edit]
My parents would see my taimanin asagi folder and immediately throw me out of the house. If I get a job I'm really going to need to find a good place to hide my external HD
>> No. 3555 [Edit]
And this, ladies and gentlemen, is why you should always lock your session. All operating systems of today have this feature.
>> No. 3556 [Edit]
My parents are absolutely inept at computer, so I'm safe.

However, even if they were to find my assorted folders, I wouldn't give a fuck. My opinion of myself, and the opinion they hold of me, is already so low that it couldn't possibly be any worse.
>> No. 3558 [Edit]
If someone looked through embarrassing things I had without me knowing, how the fuck am I supposed to know? I like to think I hide my porn pretty well, though.
>> No. 3559 [Edit]
As long as your porn doesn't get you v&, you can and should tell them to mind their own business -yes, even your meddlesome castrating mother (and I so know about those)-.

Post edited on 1st May 2011, 2:54pm
>> No. 3560 [Edit]
Yeah, my mom found out I'm browsing porn sites waaay back (I was like 15).

Also, a friend of mine (a female friend of mine which makes it even worse I guess) once wanted to look something up on my laptop and I thought it was safe as I had my porn hidden fairly well. The thing is, I used Opera as my main browser and Firefox for porn. Well, she was used to FF. All the sites that were suggested to her were porn sites. I was like ~16 by the way.

And some other instances of various people finding my porn folders. Come on, I don't mind you using my PC but you don't have to look through everything, you know?

But I don't think any other embarassing things were discovered by anyone.
>> No. 3562 [Edit]
When the cable guy came to get things set up he went to my favorites to test it(Faggot could of just typed google) and saw all my unsorted favorites. Was pretty bad.

Then I remembered that it's probably not the worst he's seen in his line of work and chilled out.
>> No. 3564 [Edit]
My dad found a few folders when I was younger. Thankfully it wasn't very bad stuff (this was well before danbooru/gelbooru or such sites existed), so when he talked to me about it it was more "why are you looking at drawings when you could be looking at real people" issue. At least he promised not to tell my mother. She still doesn't have any idea.
>> No. 3569 [Edit]
No. Even though most people in my family are incompetent with computers (and the few who aren't have the decency to respect my privacy), I'm still paranoid about it.

I use a shell replacement on my computer, which replaces the taskbar and desktop, making some things harder to access for others. This means that even if someone does want to look at my computer, they'll need me to show them how to get around.
>> No. 3570 [Edit]
My dad bought me porn for my 13th birthday so I don't think it would be a big deal.

Post edited on 1st May 2011, 7:47pm
>> No. 3571 [Edit]
I'd hate that. When my Dad even talks about lewd things it makes me uncomfortable and blushy as hell
>> No. 3572 [Edit]
Thats hilarious.

As for myself, I keep my porn in a folder on my desktop clearly marked PORNOGRAPHY FOLDER. They won't stumble upon it unless they tried. I don't particularl care if they open it anyway. Not many interesting stuff in there.

I keep all my actual porn well hidden.
>> No. 3573 [Edit]
Something like 1-2 years ago, When we moved from our last home to out current one and I was in the process of moving things from my old room to new, my mom "helped out" and tossed out some of the "trash" in my room as she put it.
I'd still rather not say what they were, but I was extremely ashamed of the stuff and couldn't speck to my mom for a month after the matter.
She never asked about the "items" or brought them up, lord only knows what she was thinking when she found them.
I'd rather she had found something like sex toys or porno mags in there, not that I have any, but at least those things are 'normal'.

Having gotten as many as I have now, it's gotten kind of hard to hide them.. but since then I've been a lot more sloppy about it.. leaving them out when going to the rest room and such, I guess I half figure she probably already knows about em..
still, I keep my closet door locked at all times now, with the key hidden.

As for the stuff I keep on my computers, I don't worry to much about, my mom can barely figure out how to turn on a tv.
>> No. 3575 [Edit]
I know how you feel.
The worst is when the start teasing you about not having a 3DPD.
>> No. 3576 [Edit]
My father has never mentioned it. In fact, nobody in family has aside from my mother's occasional "someday when you have a wife and kids blah blah"
>> No. 3578 [Edit]
It's always bad when your parent/s find your H. Or even normal porn. But more so towards hentai, because they never let you live it down. In all honesty, though, I'm more worried about people finding out about my beloved waifu.

I think it's worse when they actually expect you to have a 3DPD in the near future. All my life, my mother has been saying "When I'm a grandmother...", but I'm never going to have a normal life with a woman, let alone a kid. Sorry, mom. ;_;
>> No. 3579 [Edit]
I have a laptop that is either turned off or locked when I'm not around. I'd be more afraid of them finding all the random knives I have laying around.


There are programs to wipe free space.
>> No. 3580 [Edit]
>all the random knives I have laying around

Okay now I just HAVE to know why you have random knives laying around. I am genuinely curious.
>> No. 3584 [Edit]
This is why I guard my computer like crazy. Nobody, especially my parents, are getting in and seeing all my shit.

I feel for you, OP.
>> No. 3589 [Edit]
I dunno, if anyone saw most of my porn I think I could make it more uncomfortable for them to discus it with me than they could for me to be confronted about it.
>> No. 3602 [Edit]
My mom found my loli porn a few years ago. Being confronted with that was the most painful and embarrassing moment of my life. Since then, though, the subject hasn't come up again. I actually don't know whether she thinks I've "outgrown" it since then, or if she's just silently accepted the awful truth that her only son is into little anime girls.

Either way, shitsux.
>> No. 3603 [Edit]
My dad has been asking me about "anime porn" lately.

I'm pretty sure he
1) Knows I have some or can find it
2) Wants some

The first time he brought it up I thought it was just something he heard about on the internet, but he keeps bringing it up.

It's kind of awkward but on the other hand I just want to give him one of my portable HDs and tell him to go to town.
>> No. 3604 [Edit]
>It's kind of awkward but on the other hand I just want to give him one of my portable HDs and tell him to go to town.
I say do it. What's the worst that can happen?
>> No. 3606 [Edit]
No shred of dignity or self-esteem is left inside of me. My room is a shit bin, I have anime shit everywhere, girly figs out in the open and no one fucking cares. I'm sure they're afraid to criticize me about anything at this point in fear of me just killing myself, and they're probably right. Hell, my dad can barely ask me to do remedial tasks like holding a flashlight for him or taking out the trash without being afraid of some sort of backlash from me.

Seriously, I don't know how people can deal with the paranoia of their parents or acquaintances finding something embarrassing that they own. I guess I'm so far detached from regular behavior that even something like this is foreign to me.
>> No. 3609 [Edit]
Me too, though there's a bit more to it than that. My dad had asked me what I want for my birthday, and I joked, "porn." I didn't think he'd actually buy some.
>In all honesty, though, I'm more worried about people finding out about my beloved waifu.
This is my issue, though it's pretty obvious. My mom always calls Tenshi my "lady," though I doubt she thinks I'm literally in love with a video game character.
>> No. 3613 [Edit]
Would you like to talk about it?
It would be nice for you to become happier.
>> No. 3615 [Edit]
File 130434660992.jpg - (891.86KB , 1672x2221 , 1300680720759.jpg )
I don't have a lock for it.

I mean, I have baad stuff inthere, but well hide. And the "normal stuff" (and by normal, I mean my 4chan folder with a few images of like this one (and by a few, I mean 4 of 200); but nothing exlicity porn). And I don't give a fuck if my mom see this for example. As long as she stay inside the obvious "MY FOLDER", then all is right with the world.
My heavy stuff is encripted, so she wont open that things ever.
>> No. 3616 [Edit]
...god, I want to touch a breast now. That image always work.
>> No. 3619 [Edit]
File 130434997065.png - (319.21KB , 704x400 , 1302840206289.png )
I just stopped caring about being embarrassed or shamed about stuff a long time ago. The things I do like showering, keeping living area clean, or giving a shit in general I just do for myself. No one goes through my laptop for anything, but if they'd like to it's always open and I have no password protection. My mom would only need to use it for the browser anyways, so I don't place any effort into hiding things.

I do have some things that could be considered embarrassing though. When I fap, I keep an old shirt to use as a cum receptacle, and I place it between the wall and my mattress. I recall coming home one day after high school, to see my room clean, and my bedsheets changed. I looked for the shirt and it wasn't there, so it was pretty clear she found it and threw it away. It doesn't take a genius to find out what made the shirt smell the way it did either. I think that was when I just stopped caring though, I quickly replaced the rag with a new one and kept on going.

She didn't react to that, so I'm trying to test the waters and see how far I can go while still living here. I only own one figure of my waifu, and don't really see the need for more, but I would like to buy a dakimakura though. She didn't say anything about the figure anyhow.
>> No. 3621 [Edit]
I've been blessed with a mother who does not pry needlessly into my stuff/business. And I love her; so I'm positive we'd be able to understand eachother no matter what. This may be a naive standpoint, but I don't intend to adress reality with any differential framework in this respect. Besides, my sexual interests are infinite. It shouldn't be my problem if certain persons can't respect this human trait, but I'm generous enough to grant them the benefit of the doubt - so I obviously wouldn't impose my interests upon anyone needlessly. The respect has to mutual, so I do take my precautions lest I'd be the hypocrit.
>> No. 3623 [Edit]
my dad know what watch h movies, and read eromanga though he just refers to this stuff as "art"
>> No. 3625 [Edit]
you think thats bad my father suspected me of seeing prostitutes and so he had a long incridibly awkward talk with me about it.
>> No. 3627 [Edit]

I dunno, I just like to collect them I guess. My granddad was big into fighting arts and was always worried about my safety so he constantly encouraged me to take up some good self defense, and he had all kinds of connections to weapons dealers around town. He gave me daggers, tantos, hidden knives, switchblades, throwing knives, and taught me some basic usages. I personally don't plan on using them for anything like that since I like to avoid conflict but they make great letter openers.
>> No. 3629 [Edit]

Remember, real men use the reverse grip!

Actually it's the other way around but it makes you look cooler.
>> No. 3631 [Edit]
Ugh, my dad once suggested I fly out to Las Vegas to see some prostitutes so I can "learn about sex" for when I get married "in a few years". I know that feel.
>> No. 3637 [Edit]
Huh, question answered then. Cool story bro.
>> No. 3638 [Edit]
I've honestly never cared and neither have my parents

I've been walked in on more then once, its kind of awkward for the 30 seconds but other then that you just move on with your day. My family for the most part is pretty normal and its pretty obvious that a young lad with access to the internet is going to spend some time online doing the deed. Specially when they're not interested in the real thing

One thing I found hilarious and almost horrifying is that between two folders on lolicon doujins were pictures of my nephew my sister put onto my desktop for when I was away at work. For some facebook crap I assume

Post edited on 3rd May 2011, 12:46am
>> No. 3639 [Edit]
A random guy here, Will the free version of piriform Ccleaner do what you're talking about? I delete my images and internet history every one to 2 days. I don't think my parents have any idea where to find a file recovery program ,let alone use one ,but I want to cover my bases.
>> No. 3640 [Edit]
Thanks OP, this thread reminded me to hide my incest porn in hidden folders.
>> No. 3642 [Edit]
This is precisely why I have the exact URL's for my favorite images memorized.
>> No. 3643 [Edit]

I feel bad for you, bro. Unfortunately, this type of thing happens when we lower our guard in front of the straights.

They don't understand the whole 2D thing. She probably thinks you're a pedo.Some people don't get the difference between anime girls and pig disgustings. I don't know how that can be, but it is. They think if you're looking at images of average-anime-age 2D that you wanna look at 3D in the same age bracket.

It's super messed up but this is what normals actually believe.

PROTIP:Secure file deletion and folder locks. Password protection on all sensitive files and one to get in to your computer in the first place.
>> No. 3645 [Edit]
My dad once found a few pages of inuboushi eromanga in my history, he called me a pedo for a week and we never spoke of it again.

My dads a bro.

Post edited on 3rd May 2011, 6:23pm
>> No. 3669 [Edit]
File 130449151869.jpg - (25.36KB , 240x272 , 1299514064271.jpg )
Ah, I don't see how so many people can keep things on their desktop.

And I don't mean naughty things, I mean anything in general. My computer, Recycle Bin, and a directory folder with sub-folders inside is all you need!

When I see desktops with shortcuts, pictures, and files everywhere I lose my mind.

... I'm a bit of a neat freak.
>> No. 3671 [Edit]
whats the point of a desktop if not to store those things? I dont care how 'neat' it looks, its not like I spend a lot of time looking at it.
>> No. 3672 [Edit]
I've had people go into all sorts of shit when I'm not looking. It completely destroyed my trust with people when it comes to personal things. I learned to NOT keep things I don't want people to see. Not just erotic stuff, but drawn and written things also. I was very expressive through writing and drawing when I was younger, and I'd always put things from my thoughts, dreams and daydreams onto paper. I'd write out all my feelings and thoughts, or just write little stories. Being very introverted and depressed, it helped a lot emotionally by expressing my thoughts onto paper, plus I loved the feeling I got from creating little things like stories and characters. But when someone comes across it, they think because you drew something, that you drew it to show to people, the idea that it was just for myself never crossed their minds. When I said "No, I don't want you to see it" they'd always get even more crazy over it and pry even harder. They went through all my drawings, read through all my written stories, thoughts and dreams, etc. Never going to do that again, it was too embarrassing once it was all found. I ended up ripping it all up into pieces and throwing it away immediately afterward.

Then again, I guess it's my own fault for recording so many things down to begin with.
>> No. 3673 [Edit]
I had that happen to me as well. Im not an artist but I write a lot.

Don't rip it up, its important to keep your past things for your future self. Hide it carefully.
>> No. 3674 [Edit]
>Don't rip it up
It's many years too late for that.
>> No. 3676 [Edit]
That's... tragic.
Also, in this, nothing is your fault.
>> No. 3682 [Edit]
File 13045368815.jpg - (368.76KB , 600x800 , c8714b2c3d7d132d4e2787c8aae63341.jpg )
reminds me of this touhou comic I came across
>> No. 3683 [Edit]
Oh, do I know what you mean. I used to keep a diary (it had a cute pikachu on its cover) and I wrote all my impressions on it, sometimes I even drew something, there are also a handful short stories et al. When my mom found it, she called me a freak. Right now I still write, no matter how painful may it be. I feel as if, in case I don't register my ideas, then all my capacity is wasted, since it didn't do jack shit to improve this dump where we all live. I know it's a bit stupid and somewhat too altruistic for an anti-social person but that's just how I am. I feel like only people such as me and you can actually act and change our ridiculously retarded society, and if I refused to follow my destiny and alienate myself from the outer world I'd become the failure that I am. Well, so be it. I'll keep writing.
>> No. 3684 [Edit]
Writers Unite!
>> No. 3686 [Edit]
I was like that, and have all my images sorted into folders, porn and otherwise, and spent hours yesterday sorting out my music by genre, artist, and subject material (OST:Anime OST/Game OST/Movie OST) and redoing all the playlists for it too.

But I still have my JDownloader folder on my desktop, which has two separate folders: Comic LO (Filled with every Comic LO edition from 1 (2002-10) to 83 (2011-02) and Shounen Shikou (1 to 25). There's also the Hizashi disk in a folder on my desktop too.

I really should move both, since I cloned my main hard drive to an SSD. No point in wasting that space and speed for those things.
>> No. 3687 [Edit]
>Comic LO (Filled with every Comic LO edition from 1 (2002-10) to 83 (2011-02)

Torrent/ddl where?
>> No. 3691 [Edit]
>> No. 3692 [Edit]
speak of the devil
mother just cleaned out my room...
>> No. 3693 [Edit]
Many thanks. I'm sure this will give me endless hours of...amusement
>> No. 3695 [Edit]
I don't keep porn magazines or anything and my parents can barely figure out how to open a web browser so I've never had these problems. They have however found piss bottles I leave lying around.
>> No. 3712 [Edit]
This is why I always password lock my computer whenever I leave it besides to go to the bathroom. I switch to the password lock screen even when no one is home, just in case. I cringe at the thought of my family's reactions if they looked through my computer. I don't want them thinking any worse of me.
>> No. 3714 [Edit]
Haha, funny. I should tell you, I have a pet piss bottle Ive had for about a year. I keep it in plain sight.
>> No. 3719 [Edit]
I'm even worse than that. I lock my computer whenever I leave my chair. Even if I'm just going to get something out of my closet or something.

I don't even really think about it, I just do it whenever I get up. Well, better safe than sorry I guess.
>> No. 3769 [Edit]
I don't know if this counts, but just now I was seconds away from fapping to some hentai I've wanted to see forever (my parents are out tonight so it's pretty much the only chance I'll get for another week or so), when my fucking sister decides to visit without even calling ahead. So then I need to scramble to get my pants on and hide the evidence before I let her in, and to make matters worse she walks in talking to her friend about her sex life. So now my alone time is being spent in my room, listening to my sister yell on her cell phone to her stupid friend, and by the time she leaves I'll probably have an hour left before my parents come home. Fuck I need to move out

And, of course, by "visit" mean "eat all of the fucking food in our kitchen and leave" which is the only reason she ever comes over anyway.

Post edited on 7th May 2011, 7:22pm
>> No. 3770 [Edit]
and now she's done stuffing her fat face, but she's not leaving because she isn't supposed to be where she's going for another 30 minutes. I haven't been this pissed off in a long time
>> No. 3774 [Edit]
It'll be okay, just let it help you be motivated to move out.
>> No. 3798 [Edit]

I know right? On more than one occasion my dad has inquired as to why my computer is password protected. I'm pretty much glued to the chair here but he must've tried to log on when I was sleeping or even back when I was still attending classes. I was damn disturbed when I got to thinking about the sort of shit he could've dug up on there that I just could not even begin to explain away. It's my computer, what the fuck business is it of yours why I have a password...can't stand nosy people.
>> No. 3850 [Edit]
fucking encrypt that shit - use truecrypt and make encrypted files and they wont know what the fuck it is. i wouldnt encrypt the antire HD that's too annoying.
>> No. 3851 [Edit]
  skip to 4:00 for those who havent seen this. watch this fucking anime.
>> No. 3853 [Edit]
My mother assumes ill get a bunch of 3DPDs and/or knock them up or some shit.....because my father did it. In a way, I feel like I am going down his path given I hooked up with a pair of people whow ere friends....yeesh.
>> No. 3854 [Edit]
yeah that should work ive doen it. If you need to get a good eraser also get this and haveit overwrite like 6 times at least, thart's guaranteed to make sure it's dead. As a last measure (like erasing a kiddy porn-filled hard drive) use this
>> No. 3855 [Edit]
I'm ito art, and I'd say peopole do that not out of malice butjust ebcause they're interested and want to learn and experience new thingd.
>> No. 3856 [Edit]
I'm into art, and I'd say people do that not out of malice but just ebcause they're interested and want to learn and experience new things.
>> No. 3858 [Edit]
It still shows a lack of respect and compassion that they would value their own curiosity so much above another person's feelings that they would violate the person's wishes and privacy for their own satisfaction.

I'm lucky enough to have never had something like that happen to me but just thinking about it irritates me. It's like raping an artist.
>> No. 4021 [Edit]
I don't have embarassing things.
>> No. 7956 [Edit]
>> No. 7957 [Edit]

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