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3541 No. 3541 [Edit]
So, I've got a short story to tell you guys.

A couple months ago, I was put on some new medicines to help with anxiety, and they definitely helped. I can now talk without blushing in an extreme amount, and am capable of holding conversations with people. Well, I've talked with many people since then, just going around day to day and all that bullshit, but you know what I've realized?

You guys are still the only ones I can even start to relate to and enjoy talking to.

I showed up here around December of the year before last. When I was in a huge slump around this time last year you were still there and as active(if you can call it that) as ever and let me keep going with my day to day life. Hell, I've even donated to help keep things up here. Or help Tohno buy more figs. Either way.

I guess what I want to say is that you never know what part you play in someones life. A simple conversation may save them, or drive them over the edge, but that's on them. What's on you, however, is how you act and react.

I don't know, I've not slept in a few days, and I've been putting off posting this for a couple weeks now, so everything is pretty jumbled in my head.

Go ahead, call me a faggot, call me a dumbass, say what you will, but remember that at another point in time you may of kept me going in life.

tl;dr: I love you guys, even if you are assholes sometimes.

Bubblecity unrelated.
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>> No. 3542 [Edit]
>I can now talk without blushing in an extreme amount
You're surpressing your natural moe
>> No. 3543 [Edit]
God dammit, Hamish, I was trying to be serious with this post. Now I'm just laughing.
>> No. 3544 [Edit]
>You guys are still the only ones I can even start to relate to and enjoy talking to.

Are you really that surprised?
>> No. 3545 [Edit]

To be perfectly honest whenever somebody mentions how much they stutter and blush I can't help but think it's cute. Shy boys are my fetish.
>> No. 3546 [Edit]
Welcome back to the Organization-chan. We love you too.

I couldn't agree more because this is the only place left for me. The people here are the only ones I can relate and talk to. If /tc/ goes, I go.
>> No. 3548 [Edit]
Yeah /tc/ is the only site I really care about anymore. I post on a few other places, but they aren't home
>> No. 3561 [Edit]
To be completely honest? No. I guess I had just hoped that I was being blinded by fear and hate.

I wasn't, sadly.

Yeah, I got that a lot, but as fun as it is for the person on the outside, it's terribly embarrassing for the person it's happening to, most times.
>> No. 3563 [Edit]
You're pretty much where I want to be, OP. I want to be able to talk to people and such (so I can get a job, you know) but I don't care if I enjoy it or not.
>> No. 3565 [Edit]
I made /tc/ my homepage. I can't browse other chans (especially 4chan) in the way that I can browse /tc/. Its just a nicer place with better quality posts and people that I can relate too.

Also thats a really nice pic, OP.
>> No. 3566 [Edit]
I feel very uncomfortable with the sheer amount of affection I feel towards you guys. It's going to be a sad day if/when /tc/ goes down, but I don't want to think of such sad things.

It was an amazing moment when I found this place. You really do have your own paradise on the net, here.
>> No. 3577 [Edit]
I agree OP. TC is a great chan and it's the only place left on the internet I use on a social level, aside from text chat in the odd multiplayer game.

I always fear I might get banned, or say something stupid and have to impose self-exile on myself and never post again. That would be awful.
>> No. 3595 [Edit]
Although I don't share the same intensity of interest in figs, anime, games and VNs, I still like Tohno-chan because its the only place where I could talk with the assumption that the people reading my post were similar to me. I don't have to spend time explaining to harsh and skeptical people about my social anxiety, or crushing depression, or my desire to be a little girl and dress up.
>> No. 3596 [Edit]
>I guess I had just hoped that I was being blinded by fear and hate.

Yet it opened your eyes and made you see truth.
>> No. 3597 [Edit]
Yeah, /tc/ is pretty much the only place where I feel other people are "on my page", so to speak
>> No. 3626 [Edit]
How many times must I repeat myself?
Bubblecity. Always. Related. Always, okay? Okay.

okay cool story I luv you too op kisses
>> No. 3647 [Edit]
Love you, too, bro.

I came here for pretty much the same reasons and found pretty much the same thing.

This place is special.
>> No. 3696 [Edit]
This place has a certain feel to it. It's a very relaxed atmosphere. I come here every once in a while to wind down.
>> No. 3713 [Edit]
( ´∀`)b
>> No. 3717 [Edit]
Got called a faggot and shitposter on another small *chan (note: I always post in a polite and professional manner at all times). I knew I should have never tried venturing outside tc.
>> No. 3721 [Edit]
You guys get offended too easily.
>> No. 3724 [Edit]
It's not about getting offended. It's about not being able to relate to anyone else. It's all different interests, different values, different mindsets. This is the only place I feel like I can connect with other people in a meaningful way.
>> No. 3725 [Edit]
File 130475717277.jpg - (58.45KB , 500x563 , SjXAB.jpg )
I can't believe you just said that!

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