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File 130408795624.jpg - (45.05KB , 500x374 , tumblr_lh76zoEAMS1qfrrv2o1_500.jpg )
3498 No. 3498 [Edit]
i can't sleep or eat. i haven't slept more than 3 hours in 4 days. I haven't eaten in 6 days. All I do all day is apply for jobs after rent is paid, i have $30. i'm scared and i cry a lot. i want someone to hug me and say that everythng is okay.
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>> No. 3499 [Edit]
File 130409158396.jpg - (841.28KB , 1920x1080 , 1301770094543.jpg )
well if you continue not to eat you'll probably sleep more.

That's my advice.
>> No. 3501 [Edit]
Just force yourself to eat. It's rather simple.

Even if you don't want to eat, just get up and go do it. I don't know what to do about the sleeping issue though. Perhaps sleeping pills?
>> No. 3502 [Edit]
File 13040921001.jpg - (85.10KB , 870x650 , 1256880354496.jpg )
Everything is ok.

Well alright, no it's not, you have my sympathy and I hope you somehow manage to work things out. Do you have any family you can go to stay with til you're more financially secure?
>> No. 3504 [Edit]
File 130409589182.jpg - (12.33KB , 393x360 , TOYPOODLEPUPStwo_pups1b.jpg )
I've tried that a couple times, and just made myself throw up by trying.

Nope, it's just me. dats a cute bunny, though
>> No. 3505 [Edit]
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This sounds really serious...

If you don't mind, I'd like to know a bit more about the specifics. what kind of temporary jobs you apply for (and get)? how long have you been living from them (and in what conditions)? could you identify any concrete (sequence of) event(s) as the root of all this, say, severe spleen (sorry, I just can't stand the term "depression") you're going through?
>> No. 3506 [Edit]
I'm rooting for you, OP :< I hope you feel better soon..
>> No. 3516 [Edit]
You can do it, OP!
>> No. 3518 [Edit]
File 130413659289.jpg - (58.69KB , 640x480 , 130403971891.jpg )
I haven't taken a shit in like a week so I suppose I feel your pain to a degree. It really fucking hurts because along with the constipation I've got anal fissures which refuse to heal. I also rather sit on the internet than waste time walking to and using the bathroom.

Maybe this will cheer you up.
>> No. 3519 [Edit]
No... that's not who I think it is, is it?
>> No. 3520 [Edit]
It is.
>> No. 3521 [Edit]
Goddamn Bobo the Clown really let himself go didn't he?
>> No. 3522 [Edit]
Drink some Metamucil
>> No. 3534 [Edit]
I'm honestly applying to anything i have the experience and capability to do. I haven't gotten anything, other than a few interviews that went badly, because i'm a fucking loser
>> No. 3537 [Edit]
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Sometimes I feel like Jon in the garfield minus garfield comics
>> No. 3538 [Edit]
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>> No. 3539 [Edit]
I'm sorry OP...
Maybe you should see a doctor. It's not healthy to avoid eating and sleeping, and it can contribute quite a bit to your depression.
>> No. 3540 [Edit]
Oh, most definitely. I didn't know whether or not to cry or laugh when I first discovered Garfield Minus Garfield.

As for you, OP:
My favorite book of all-time has a line in it - A single line in that book resonated with me more than anything I've read in my life. I've said it once, I'll say it again: Everything passes. I can't understand what you're going through, or anything like that, all I can do is tell you that every bad moment won't last. Everything's going to be okay. Maybe not now, but it will soon be.
>> No. 3549 [Edit]
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>> No. 3567 [Edit]
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>> No. 3568 [Edit]
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>> No. 3630 [Edit]
>can't stand the term "depression"
You're in /so/, get used to it. On another note, not acknowledging other's depressions as legit can be interpretted as an insult typical of a normal's thought process. There are indeed "spleens" far more severe than what this term can ever imply in any rethorical setting. Please don't let whatever bias you may advocate disallow the op's right to express his mental state. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and presume that this was a misunderstanding - clumsy wording, if you will.

Anyway, to OP: some rehab in whatever kind of hospital ward, be it in general health or psychiatric sector (you'd clearly qualify for either), would do you good. I don't know what kind of access you have to such facilities, so I can't give you any specific directions. If your country can't offer you a free bed, medical attention and counceling while undergoing this crisis, then I wouldn't be able to address it as a welfare state. My general advice is this: worry less about being a tool, worry more about yourself and your human rights. If this advice won't apply in your case, then may your waifu incarnate as your guardian angel, and give you the care we, nor your country or family, could not. Waifu speed (as in "God speed"... yeah I'm an asshole).

Post edited on 2nd May 2011, 5:05pm
>> No. 3644 [Edit]
Bro. I am hugging you with my mind.

Everything is...

Well, things could always be worse.

Sorry, that's all I got right now.
>> No. 3857 [Edit]
OP didn't even use the term depression and I didn't prescript him to avoid it, so I don't think I stepped on him. I just took the opportunity to demarcate myself (and my thoughts within /so/ affairs) out of whatever that term could imply inside psychological/clinical discourses, wich I myself try to avoid.

By all means, I never attempted to discredit OP's problems and feelings, but rather to think about them from another perspective. And I sincerely don't think summoning the normal label helps to anything here.

Post edited on 10th May 2011, 2:35pm
>> No. 3892 [Edit]
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>> No. 3904 [Edit]
Then it was a misunderstanding - from my part. My bad.
>> No. 3988 [Edit]
>Anyway, to OP: some rehab in whatever kind of hospital ward, be it in general health or psychiatric sector, would do you good.

Are you kidding me?

Have you ever been to one of these?

They are the absolute worse. It's like being in a prison, surrounded by people with psychotic issues that don't give a fuck about you, your issues, or your personal space. Imagine sharing a room with someone like this, unless you have real nice health insurance that can pay for a private room. You're prescribed shit you don't have a clue about, just told it will make you better. Anti-depressants are actually pretty awful things. With long term use, they'll do everything from depersonalize you, cause you sexual dysfunction, weight gain or loss, and things like nausea, dizziness, insomnia etc. The anti-anxiety drugs in the benzo family are also very physically addictive; think painkillers like morphine.

I've been in and out of institutions over the years because I have a form of autism as well as severely deliberating social phobia. They've never done anything for me, whether it was voluntary admission or if it was involuntary after a fail suicide attempt. Seriously, it's much better to get introspective and figure out your problems and the catalyst to them, than to take meds or expensive therapy sessions.
>> No. 4011 [Edit]
Okay, allow me to present a modification of my previous statement:
>might do you good, depending on your available services and the quality thereof.
I don't know where you live, and I'm not going to deny your experiences and the legitimity thereof. I'm sorry that my statement may have offended your social reality, but do know that there are better healthcare institutions out there. My knowledge is only truthful in certain contexts. Believe me, I wouldn't bother if I knew that everyone lived in, say, the USA. Such a context seems hopeless to me as it stands now.

I'm also sorry that you've had the inconvenience of undergoing wrongful treatment of your mental issues. Trying to convince you otherwise of what you've experienced would not be on my agenda. Anti-depreeants can pose both positive and negative effects. There are both benefitial and unbenefitial forms of treatments. Wellfare institutions can be of good and bad quality, and everything in-between.

My general advice still stands, and the rest depends on how it would mend with OP's social capital. I wish I could give simple, insta-win advice - but I can't.
>> No. 4012 [Edit]
Are you alive, OP?
>> No. 4013 [Edit]

Eh..I'm in Canada and our health system is one of the best in the world. It still sucks.

Sorry, I kind of typed my previous post in a bitchy-rant-style, but those hospitals just had such an impact on me. They're awful awful places unless you can dish out money for a nice private hospital.
>> No. 4020 [Edit]
There are many different types of mental health care facilities. Different ones work for different cases, and some just work better/worse overall. I'm sure there are some that could help the OP out. The problem is finding one in his area and getting the government to pay for it.
>> No. 4043 [Edit]
No offense, but I don't think Canada's healthcare system compares to the European standards. Not while it's mostly driven by the private sector, at least. Mental healthcare in the private sector is nonsense, as it's nearly impossible to do good business without pulling bullshit on the patients. That's politics however, I'll refrain from derailing further than that.

Testing the waters isn't supposed to be so dangerous, you can control what to expose yourself to. If it doesn't work, then it might be a good idea to express so - through action and/or words. Try something else, look elsewhere. Some introspective work and the use of certain cognitive methods is never a bad idea, it can help you deal with bad thoughts and thought processes; it can help you move on. This however is a matter of severe psychosomatic issues, ofwhich I believe it's beyond what insight and external problem resolvement can accomplish.

>>4020 is basically what I'm getting at.

I don't know if it's worth the trouble to stretch thread much further with an unresponsive OP. We might very well be throwing advice and arguing over which is better to no purpose. Anyhow, I appreciate your input, I really do.
>> No. 4059 [Edit]

Actually, our health care is public here, which is one reason it's so renowned. Canada is very similar to Europe in all respects, including our very generous social welfare system.

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