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File 130400045219.jpg - (87.90KB , 691x569 , love.jpg )
3465 No. 3465 [Edit]
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>> No. 3466 [Edit]
File 130400134739.jpg - (66.36KB , 387x500 , 1274292283950.jpg )
>> No. 3468 [Edit]
File 130400384547.jpg - (32.77KB , 302x300 , your opinion.jpg )
>> No. 3470 [Edit]

I never used this image as it misses the 'uh' part (between 'like' and 'your opinion man'). Come on, it's importnant. Get your quotes straight man!
>> No. 3474 [Edit]
That's just―like―your opinion man.
>> No. 3478 [Edit]
Also the whole point is to use it when it's NOT someone's opinion.
>> No. 3486 [Edit]

I realize it. That's how it was used in the movie afterall but apparently I'm one of the very few guys who found it very funny exactly because 'we're gonna fuck you up' is [b]not[b/] an opinion. Actually, I'm pretty sure this thread marks the first time when someone else mentioned it first. Usually I do it and the people either realize it for the first time or say they also found it funny (or argue that it is an opinion - come on).
>> No. 3527 [Edit]
I would have thought
would have sparked more conversation than
but that just like, uh, my opinion

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