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File 130393795558.jpg - (201.17KB , 439x596 , pbd.jpg )
3445 No. 3445 [Edit]
What made you realize there was no such thing as
"fair" ?
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>> No. 3446 [Edit]
I never believed that.
>> No. 3447 [Edit]
Well, I realized people aren't exactly born equal even though that's exactly what some people want you to believe. Usually, one would consider it to be 'fair' if everybody was presented with equal opportunities but again, even if you forget about disabled people even normal, fully functioning human beings have different talents... or they just don't. That's just how it is.

Now, I'm not using this as an excuse for my failures. I know that I'm better off (in various areas) than at least half (but in reality way more) of fellow Earthlings and yet there aren't that many who have achieved even less than I. But I can't exactly understand why some people are so crazy about 'justice' when in reality there is no such thing, it's just an artificial term created by humans which Mother Nature would laugh at (that is, if she existed as some entity).
>> No. 3448 [Edit]
File 130394194096.gif - (354.98KB , 540x3494 , 20101130.gif )
Seems like the perfect time to post this picture.
>> No. 3449 [Edit]
File 130394274975.gif - (20.73KB , 360x369 , Uncomfortable Truthasaurus 2.gif )
I love this comic, especially since the guy who thinks he's a genius looks exactly like my friend who thinks he's a genius, and the goofy-looking asocial person looks a lot like me when I had shorter hair.
>> No. 3452 [Edit]
Actually, study after study supports the claim that people are attracted to similar people. Sorry, but I'll take science's word over an edgy dinosaur's.
>> No. 3453 [Edit]

>height correlates with IQ

God damn it i wish i was taller, as tall as my dad at least.
>> No. 3454 [Edit]
It sounded like BS, but then I realized: the taller you are, the less things go over your head.
>> No. 3456 [Edit]
10/10 would read that spoiler again
>> No. 3457 [Edit]

Also, rather than being attracted to people who like the same stuff humans seem to be attracted to people who hate the same stuff. Or so I read but it makes too much sense to be false.
>> No. 3459 [Edit]
I have no interest at all in people who hate what I like, does that make me not human?
>> No. 3460 [Edit]

Let me rephrase that, as apparently the message didn't get across.

On average two people who both like blue will feel less sympathy for each other than two people who both hate blue.

Is it more understandable now?
>> No. 3469 [Edit]
I am still coming to terms with, and accepting the unfairness of the world. I am young and sheltered and need to assume responsibility. To apportion blame is still often my first instinct, followed by some more reflection and then grudgingly taking some responibility.
>> No. 3471 [Edit]
Correlation does not equal causation.
>> No. 3472 [Edit]
>correlation does not NECESSARILY imply causation
>> No. 3473 [Edit]
I believe that the universe is pretty fair.
>> No. 3475 [Edit]
What makes you think so?
>> No. 3476 [Edit]
There is equilibrium in everything. Poor people, rich people. Heavy elements, light elements. Life and death. Chaos and Cosmos. It's this kind of balance between opposing forces that makes the Universe work. "Fairness" is only an abstract concept of our consciousness.

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