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File 130381325262.png - (824.83KB , 712x394 , shot0001.png )
3409 No. 3409 [Edit]
I want to do this some day, if i ever get a friend.
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>> No. 3410 [Edit]
If it results in exchanging smug expressions in one another's general direction, then it should be good fun.
>> No. 3412 [Edit]
IRL emoticons?
>> No. 3413 [Edit]
IRL emoticons?
>> No. 3417 [Edit]
I've done it before. It's fun.
>> No. 3427 [Edit]
Reminds me of how my sister and her boyfriend would text each other while sitting on the same couch, watching TV. They weren't even trying to be cute or anything, that was just their native mode of communication.

Technology is kinda overwhelming. I'm only 23 and I already feel like a goddamn fossil.
>> No. 3428 [Edit]

Same. I'm 24 and kids these days all have a fucking phone in their hands, it's insane.
>> No. 3429 [Edit]
I've never even owned a cell phone
>> No. 3431 [Edit]
I have a degree in IT (no job in the field, but that is another story) yet I know nothing about cell phones. I have been alone for so long I honestly see no use for the things.

Feeling old and useless? I know that feel man. I have five years on you which makes me feel even worse. I know nothing at all about all this social networking shit. I only went to facebook once to look up an old friend. He wasn't there.
>> No. 3438 [Edit]
You don't have to be normalfag to use a 'smart phone' - I use it to go online or play music stream off the web when I'm out. Or I use the map options (google map app for Android phone) when im out. I could put in more memory and use it as a mp3 player as well.

I also find it humorous how people who post on an imageboard think they're 'fossils'
>> No. 3439 [Edit]

>He wasn't there.

Must've been a good friend.

But hey, I do own a cell phone! Haven't used it in ages, tho'. I obviously don't have anyone I could text or call.

What pisses me off about kids nowadays is that even though their parents are apparently rich enough to buy them high tech cell phones they can't afford to buy them headphones. Or so it would seem. The amount of retards going around town who play music from cell phones they hold in their hand is astounding around here. I know their trying to show off but if they do they could at least play some decent music, seriously.

And yeah, the thing OP mentioned sounds interesting.
>> No. 3450 [Edit]
>>The amount of retards going around town who play music from cell phones they hold in their hand is astounding around here

They're probably playing it for their friends.
>> No. 3458 [Edit]

Sometimes they do. However, more often than not they walk alone. Also, you can share earplugs with another person. It's not rocket science.

Also, I'm fairly certain they can barely hear the music at all. They hold it in a hand they swing all the time and the quality of music played through cell phone's speakers is shit to begin with.
>> No. 3480 [Edit]
>I also find it humorous how people who post on an imageboard think they're 'fossils'

Well, I meant in a relative sense, obviously. Compared to a starving third-world peasant, sure, my life is utterly dependent on newfangled electronic gadgets. Compared to the average middle-class twenty-something American (my own demographic), I barely use maybe 20% of the tech that's out there and currently popular.

And imageboards are not exactly a cutting-edge innovation, besides.
>> No. 3481 [Edit]
Hah, I spent one (hellish) semester in college living in a dorm with a roommate. When I wanted to say something to him I waited for him to leave the room and sent him a message over AIM because I was too anxious to even look at him basically.

Not quite the same though. . .
>> No. 3482 [Edit]
File 130404425431.png - (269.09KB , 704x568 , you_gonna_get_taken_home.png )

I'm sorry because I understand how bad the situation must have been for you, but that's just so cute!
>> No. 3483 [Edit]
Meh, long time past anyway. Glad I could amuse.
>> No. 3485 [Edit]
Whenever I stay over at my friend's place we do this for laughs. Especially if we need to be quiet.

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