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File 128928286210.jpg - (41.80KB , 450x501 , hmphh.jpg )
34 No. 34 [Edit]
So how many of you sincerely wish you were a girl? I do, and it shows since I make female characters in any game that gives me the choice.
Expand all images
>> No. 36 [Edit]
File 128928383534.jpg - (172.95KB , 773x962 , derp.jpg )
>> No. 37 [Edit]
I went right from 1 to 5
>> No. 38 [Edit]
File 12892905416.jpg - (64.68KB , 569x800 , 64780665a8efb98f7459580dac0b909a.jpg )
Yes. I've felt like this for years now. I want to buy girls clothes but I'm too shy to do it. My family does the washing so I don't know how I'd be able to get a girl's shirt past them. ;_;
>> No. 39 [Edit]
I want to be a girl and do girly things but my body is so obviously manly that I don't even bother trying because I know I'll just horrify myself when I look in the mirror.
>> No. 40 [Edit]
I've tried to deny it to myself in the past but when I learned to lucid dream I couldn't anymore, as one of my dream signs is that I'm a girl.
>> No. 41 [Edit]
I've yet to gain lucidity but in one of my dreams someone mistook me as a female. I was so overjoyed.
>> No. 42 [Edit]
Same. Even if I could lose a ton of weight and stop growing body hair I STILL wouldn't make a cute girl. Oh well, at least I can be one in virtual worlds...
>> No. 47 [Edit]
I'd make manly men characters in mmos too (if they existed), but I tend to identify better with the little girl in general anyway.

Though for practical reasons I prefer being man over woman in most regards.
>> No. 48 [Edit]
Until recently I actually PRETENDED to be a girl while playing girl characters, but the fear of being found out stressed me out too much. I still play girls but I'm honest about my real gender now if someone asks
>> No. 57 [Edit]

Tip here: Don't be trying too hard to do it, I could NEVER do it until I gave up and now I just occasionally have them with the DILD method, though I've been fucking around trying to learn WILD as of recently.
>> No. 60 [Edit]
I used to do the same thing, stopped a year or so ago because of a combination of the stress and guilt. It felt like I was able to "be myself" more easily while leading people to believe I was female. I have managed to admit to my sister that I'd like to wear women's clothes though and thankfully she was fine with it, and offered to help pick some out with me.
>> No. 69 [Edit]
I went from 1 straight to 5 but eventually went to 4.
>> No. 86 [Edit]
I've been mistaken as female on internet forums/posts/pics of myself multiple times & on the el line (Chicago). Also a 3DPD said the same about my pics.

Im androgynous & like looking that way, I think I'll ask around for clothes that make me look more feminine without ending up as as cross-dresser (e.g. ive ended up jacking some of my mothers' clothing that can be worn by both sexes).

I've heard a guy skilled with social sciences say I behave more feminine, e.g. my posture & whatnot when I talk is more feminine.

No I do not consider myself as transgender & can enjoy the stereotypical 'manly' shit of action films/violence & shit, some sciences & 'intellectual' pursuits - and I like cooking (yes I know that isn't precisely stereotypical so ehh)

Speaking of that I need to shave my sideburns =/

I didnt have that chart progression, I grew up watching Sailor Moon even thought I thought it was 'gay'. Now that I have internet I watch stuff like Hetalia & magical girl & lolicon anime. BTW I'm not exactly a fan of shoujo but I have found myself watching the shit that comes on American television (Real Housewives of X, Bad Girls Club, etc etc)

I felt a little weird with watching "feminime" stuff earlier but now I don't give a shit if people know I watch the anime I do.

Look for clothes that can be androgynously worn or stuff that makes you look 'feminime' etc.

When I play Dance Dance Revolution X I tend to play as 'Emi' or 'Yumi'. I used to play as 'Afro' due to the badassness but I lik the kawaii female characters more.
>> No. 88 [Edit]
File 128944396981.gif - (3.71KB , 344x326 , 1249918894943.gif )
>so ehh
>> No. 91 [Edit]
Let me guess. You think I'm a "Gaiafag" or whatnot. What's the difference between smileys & emoticons again?
>> No. 92 [Edit]
Sideways emoticons have always been a stigma on imageboards, and make people angry. Please refrain from using them here.
>> No. 95 [Edit]
Please don't post a picture of yourself
>> No. 96 [Edit]
I consider myself androgynous. Whether or not I want to be a boy or a girl depends on how I feel, and I do what I want to, ill-regardless of how masculine or feminine it is.

Despite the above, being the little girl in a frilly dress who drinks tea, and living a quiet, calm life sounds a like a lot of fun. I could definitely choose it over being a boy any day.
>> No. 98 [Edit]

theres no reason to use sideways emoticons on imageboards due to reaction images, they convey emotion better and are better for the software. On conventional forums however I think sideways emoticons are better, though provided they're not used badly (see how almost everyone uses xD after pretty much every fucking sentence) just due to it being the things the software better supports.
>> No. 100 [Edit]
The problem doesn't lie with better alternatives on imageboards. Its purely a cultural thing. Gaifags use sideways emoticons and we hate gaiafags. Meanwhile most of us like Mr.(・ω・) because he's associated with Japanese textboards which are 'cool'.

Personally I don't mind occasional use of emoticons, what I hate more are the types of people who abuse them. I also see emoticons as essentially laziness because people aren't trying to convey emotions using just words.
>> No. 104 [Edit]

I feel the same way, but if you ask me different software has different ways that are good about going about conveying emotion you normally couldn't convey on the internet.

When I was talking about bad uses I meant abuse, word escaped me there. If you ask me overuse of emoticons as well as reaction images can ruin a conversation (see xD being used constantly/how threads on 4chan often turn into reaction image dumps).
>> No. 111 [Edit]
Kind of. I've always been pretty feminine, and even at my age I'm still mistaken for a girl on the phone and by strangers pretty often. I'd rather be an ugly man than an ugly woman though. Not that that's stopping me from taking hormones and dressing in unisex clothing though, so who knows lol.
>> No. 353 [Edit]
here. lol a (male) waiter mistook me as a girl @ a Friday's. I was wearing a muticolored (rainbow) beret & boots so that was probably part of the reason. I wanna grow out my hair & straighten it to look more 'feminine', if the 'make them into spikes' idea does not work/I change my mind

I don't remember sideways emotions causing such butthurt before......2010, actually. Even last year there wasn't that sort of mentality, even on the smaller chans. IT seems to have mainly started on /a/ and spread as cancer to /jp/ etc etc (same with that "supress your powerlevel" bullshit)

I see though, arigatou.
>> No. 354 [Edit]
File 128971955154.png - (205.24KB , 704x400 , vlcsnap-2010-10-27-14h57m28s6.png )
inb4 shitstorm
>> No. 355 [Edit]
That's because no one was using em. Besides, perhaps, on some smaller chans with attricious userbase.
>> No. 356 [Edit]
File 128973986331.jpg - (289.11KB , 994x768 , 1261179750966.jpg )
lol @ butthurt arigatou
>> No. 357 [Edit]
>I don't remember sideways emotions causing such butthurt before......2010

You haven't been around imageboard culture for long have you?

Its never been accepted, not even on /b/
>> No. 358 [Edit]

This. Even on /b/ people would probably tell you to 'get back to gaia'. It has always been that way. Actually, I think that nowadays it's a whole lot more acceptable and you're less likely to get flamed for it.
>> No. 359 [Edit]
File 128975324983.jpg - (1.35MB , 2500x3544 , moe 14246 gundam gundam_seed lacus_clyne.jpg )
I think most people here do. I wonder why. Maybe because anime tells only girls can be attractive. Or something else.
>> No. 360 [Edit]
I've posted on *chan since 2005, and /b/ historically has not given any shit about emoticons in text. Places like /cgl/ & /n/ do not either.

Desuchan, 888chan, 711chan of all paces, think iichan & wakachan, etc.

It might be that as you said people rarely used them & when they used people did not explode into fits against "Gaiafags". Back then it was harder to tell who was a gaiafag, ESPECIALLY with all the shitty copypasta out there
>> No. 361 [Edit]

Well, I don't know how things looked like in 2005, but there can be no doubt that by late 2006 a single emoticion was enough to succesfully derail a thread every now and then, even on /b/.
>> No. 362 [Edit]
/b/ is so "normal" now that they would welcome you with open arms even if you ended a post with XDDDDDD
>> No. 363 [Edit]

>Places like /cgl/ & /n/ do not either.



Oh wow, that place is nothing -but- people who go to sites like gaia/are normal.

This has to be a troll, you got me I won't deny it
>> No. 364 [Edit]
Let's get back to discussing why we wish to be little girls please
>> No. 365 [Edit]
File 128978129364.jpg - (62.67KB , 540x732 , Lil 01.jpg )
i don't wish to be the little girl (nor be called Nagisa, not anymore), cause i understood all i could possibly be is the doomed to abuse and corruption loli inb4 an ugly 3DPD not so little saggy hag. so now i just enjoy being androgynous, within my means (wich are meager); i already mentioned once, on the previous Tohno, how i love to wear women t-shirts and sweaters.
>> No. 366 [Edit]
Just last week someone on /b/ got called out for XD.
Didn't even need 6 mouths to get panties twisted over it.
>> No. 404 [Edit]
File 129013499534.jpg - (35.37KB , 505x614 , 1282645628915.jpg )
>Let's get back to discussing why we wish to be little girls.

I really don't know why. I'm usually good at psychoanalyzing myself, but I don't know why I have a desire to explore and show a feminine side of myself.

I've probably been fapping to futa sexfights for too long. My dark secret and desire is that I want to go on hormone replacement therapy and become a pretty girl. Then I want to get a job in a seedy underground club sex-fighting other dickgirls in maid outfits to make them cum first, for cash and fame. I realize how retarded that sounds.
>> No. 405 [Edit]
I have similar dreams, only I don't want to fight.
>> No. 410 [Edit]
Sometimes, when masturbating, I like to imagine I'm a girl getting fucked really hard. But I find gay porn and guy on guy action really disgusting and disturbing.

But I don't feel like I want to be a girl.

Does that mean I'm in denial or what?
>> No. 411 [Edit]
Have you tried trap/shemale porn?
>> No. 412 [Edit]
I bet Thailand has some clubs like that.
>> No. 414 [Edit]
File 129021049318.jpg - (16.38KB , 568x77 , K.jpg )
probably you just want to feel driven away by true passion, like girls do in eroge. i myself quite envy how fulfilled they get, due to how strong and honest their feelings are.
>> No. 415 [Edit]
File 12902145086.jpg - (94.08KB , 681x665 , kiraaa.jpg )
All my nerdy hobbies (anime, video games) would suddenly become a big extra turn on if I was a cute girl. Hell, I'd probably go cosplay at cons and stuff. Oh well, hopefully virtual reality reaches a point where where I can fully become a girl. I think that's the only hope I even have in life
>> No. 467 [Edit]
File 129036365846.jpg - (524.75KB , 1600x1200 , 10274 soft_beauty tagme.jpg )
Sometimes I do, but then it comes to me that I wouldn't be any less uncomfortable with myself if I was.
>> No. 468 [Edit]
File 129037683075.jpg - (272.59KB , 1375x1162 , 1280459608802.jpg )
>Search your feelings, you know it to be true.
>> No. 469 [Edit]
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>> No. 470 [Edit]
Yeah, I think we realize all that. I'd only become the little girl if it were an eternal youth sort of deal. That would create problems in itself, but hey.

I think this is one of the reasons traps are such a thing: being a man but having feminine qualities that you can accentuate if you choose to. Almost like a switch you can turn on and off.

>> No. 472 [Edit]
File 129038420872.jpg - (67.31KB , 640x896 , 1290048673807.jpg )
Yeah well so what, it's just a fantasy.
>> No. 478 [Edit]

Well, reading that felt absolutely pointless and I can't believe that there was someone who actually wasted time formulating and typing all of that.

OF COURSE it's true. Ever noticed how the phrase goes 'I wish to be a LITTLE girl'? Most of us never said anything about how much better our lives would have been if we were born female as we didn't even as much as consider aging past a certain point... and pretty much everything else. Most of the time it goes like this: 'I want to be a little girl, tea parties, frilly dresses etc.' Not aging is one of the most basic concepts behind the whole 'little girl' thing.

Also, that part about switching back doesn't apply to me.
>> No. 485 [Edit]

Who says you can't wear frilly dresses and go to tea parties as an adult? There's a whole subculture that revolves around that sort of thing.

Also, on the subject of being able to switch back and forth from male to female, assuming you're able to pass as a girl naturally or are good with makeup, it's not impossible. Sure you can't literally go from being a biological male to female, but unless you're planning on walking around nude in front of people nobody will know. It's not quite the same, but with the right mentality it's not too bad of a substitute.
>> No. 487 [Edit]
Why the hell would I want to be a middle-aged woman? Nobody wants to see a middle-aged woman wearing a frilly dress. Come on.
>> No. 490 [Edit]

Well of course. I understand that many people would only want to be female if they could be fairly young, but until you become middle-aged yourself, that's not much of a problem. While you're still in your teens and twenties, age is not an issue. Unless you really do specifically want to be a little girl, as in, early teens or even younger. If that's true then yeah, there's not much you can do.

What I'm saying is that while you're still relatively young, it's not impossible. Even if you go as far as to take hormones, you're not automatically doomed to live out old age as a hag. Sure it's not permanent, but neither is anything else.
>> No. 770 [Edit]
The only thing I wouldn't like is getting periods. Then again maybe never having to worry about hurting my balls again will make up for it
>> No. 780 [Edit]
I would love to be reborn as a little girl who wears frilly dresses and drinks tea all day.

I can pretend at all though. I have size 14 feet and I'm covered in hair, much too masculine to pretend. If I was even slightly more feminine than I am I would probably be a trap.
>> No. 5847 [Edit]
I do. I daydream about it and I am always one in my fantasies whenever I fap.
>> No. 5848 [Edit]
>I am always one in my fantasies whenever I fap

>> No. 5853 [Edit]
why not just be a little boy

wishing to be the little girl are one of the only things i've never bought into because girls are icky
>> No. 5854 [Edit]
Being a shota trap might be fun too, but I'd rather be a cute girl
>> No. 5857 [Edit]
I want to be a little girl with Haruhimode, and preferably asian or 2D esthetics.
Also without period and breast cancer.

As for the real thing, I don't see striking advantages in being an adult woman over being a man.
I think I actually look kind of cool anyway. Not gonna get better than that without effort.
>> No. 5858 [Edit]
I've had a fantasy for the longest time that one day I will wake up as a 2D girl in japan, and I could do whatever I wanted. Go to school whenever I felt like getting the schoolgirl experience, hang out on a beach, celebrate holidays, maybe some...lewder things as well. I would also have a magic PC that would be my link to this world, where I could tell you guys about my adventures and share cute pictures. If there was a heaven, that's what it would be to me.
>> No. 5859 [Edit]
Only if I get to be a Rika-style eternal loli. I'm sure this is the case for most people who feel this way. The guy who wrote >>468 missed the point so hard it's amazing.
>> No. 5860 [Edit]
I'd like to be able to change my appearance at will, actually. I'd probably be a cute loli most of the time, but sometimes I would feel like being a cute sporty teenager. And don't get me started on hair color choices, I can never come to a final decision ( ゚д゚)
>> No. 5861 [Edit]
I could do that as a dude too you know.
>> No. 5862 [Edit]
Try not to derail this thread into talking about emoticons.
>> No. 5863 [Edit]
For as long as I can remember I've been aroused by the thought of becoming a cute girl. Frilly dresses, tea parties, the whole deal, though I wouldn't mind being an older girl either. I'm not attracted to men at all though, so I'd have to be a lesbian.

I think it's mostly just a fetish for me though. Other than the fact that I like to think about becoming a girl when I fap, there's really no problems with my male identity.
>> No. 5864 [Edit]
Invest in a lock for your door if you want to dress like a woman all the time in your room. Might work.
>> No. 5865 [Edit]

I've mentioned this in other threads but 90% of the reason I even want to move out is so I can dress as a girl around my own house and maybe buy some lewd sex toys.
>> No. 5866 [Edit]
Being a regular loli doesn't cut it for me since I'd still age.

I want to be an adorable, shape-shifting loli so I can also experience all walks of life.
>> No. 5867 [Edit]
Find two other anons who like to dress as girls and move in together somewhere. It's impossible to live on your own in this day and age. You would need roommates in order to survive after moving out.
>> No. 5868 [Edit]
I'd personally find living with a cross dresser a bit uncomfortable.
>> No. 5869 [Edit]
I will never have roommates. If I'm ever forced to move out of my parents' house it's either I live alone or don't live at all
>> No. 5870 [Edit]
Then how do you live with yourself?
>> No. 5871 [Edit]
I'm not him but even though I plan on crossdressing around the house when I move out, I don't want to do it with other people. Kind of like how I don't want to masturbate with other people
>> No. 5872 [Edit]
If I found a roommate who walked a round the apartment in a meido uniform or whatever else, I really wouldn't care one way or another. Well, I would if they were one of the giant hairy types who take no effort on their appearance, becuase really, that's just unpleasant to see.

Though, for me cross dressing is a private thing, and I'd prefer to keep it that way.

As for being a girl, it's definitely something I want. But not as who I am. I'd much rather have grown up as one. A new life, if you will. As for the ability to change back, that's never something I've cared much for either, final destination, even if I had to go into as who I am now.
>> No. 5873 [Edit]
That's bullshit. If you're not living in an expensive city and you're willing to live in a (very) small apartment, you can easily live on your own. And it's so much better living on your own, even in a cramped place, unless you can find the right kind of people to room with (i.e. not 99.99 percent of the population)
>> No. 5876 [Edit]
I want to be a beautiful little 2D girl. Preferably one who is sick and dying and has a cool onii-chan to take care of her. Yes, Kana Imouto has totally ruined me.

3D is 3D, though; I'm not overly concerned with what form I take on this side of reality.
>> No. 5930 [Edit]
I am literally a male to female transsexual so I can't imagine not wanting to be a girl.

None of this makes my parents happy, especially since I'm an autistic hiki as well :\
>> No. 5931 [Edit]
Have you cut off your penis yet?
>> No. 5932 [Edit]
>>5931 don't actually think that's how it works, do you?

(Not >>5930 by the way, just a concerned citizen)
>> No. 5937 [Edit]
5930 here, that's not how it works, the tissue in the penis actually gets hollowed out and the penis is inverted to make a vagina. This is of course after you've had electrolysis done to your crotch and your balls removed.

I'm a hiki who's crazy enough to get disability, so that's probably not going to happen ever, if at all.
>> No. 5938 [Edit]
How horrifying. Having one's penis turned inside out doesn't really equate to being a girl.

Though, having missed my teenage years already, I see little point in being one at all. Trapping around could be fun, but only if I had the looks for it.

Ideally, to be the little girl would include growing up as one, and would result in a very different mindset than anything I can currently make claim to.

Still, having those forbidden yuri romances would've been fun. Maybe even could be at my age, if it weren't for having lived as I am up until this point.

In short, yes I'd like to be the little girl. But only if I start again as one. The whole thing would be tainted if I became one as I am.
>> No. 5939 [Edit]
Yes, it doesn't turn you into a girl, just a man with some.. strange thing thats sorta like a vagina?
>> No. 5940 [Edit]
This is why I love when people look through the backlog and necro threads, it's nice to revive old discussions with fresh relevant posts. I'm surprised that I didn't post here before...

Anyway, on-topic. I would preferably like to be a guy, mainly because guys hang out with guys and girls hang out with girls and 3d girls tend to be bitches. Also periods. If I were to be a girl, I would like to go all the way to being a 2D loli, and if not then don't even bother.
>> No. 5941 [Edit]
Not quite the same, true, but it's definitely closer to how it should be than what a transsexual was born with.
>> No. 5946 [Edit]

>In short, yes I'd like to be the little girl. But only if I start again as one. The whole thing would be tainted if I became one as I am.

I thought that much is obvious.

> I would like to go all the way to being a 2D loli, and if not then don't even bother.

That was so obvious I'm surprised you even mentioned it.
>> No. 5960 [Edit]
>>In short, yes I'd like to be the little girl. But only if I start again as one. The whole thing would be tainted if I became one as I am.

>I thought that much is obvious.

It's not. I'm rather content with my mindset and deem it befitting of a transcendent 2D loli.
>> No. 5970 [Edit]
Yeah I would love to be a 2D loli with my personality. I already behave like a 2D loli online so it wouldn't even be that much of a difference.
>> No. 5980 [Edit]
>I make female characters in any game that gives me the choice

That's fairly normal OP. When I was a kid, I always picked the cool boy action figure -- and now that I have grown, I collect figurines. It's the same way. Maybe when I was a kid if I played MMOs I would've tried to look like the cool male, but now-- it'll always be female.

As for the wishing I was a girl part. Of course. Not that it matters, I barely go outside anyway and if I was a girl (Haruhi forbid I have outstanding womanly features), I would dress up like a male anyway.
>> No. 6041 [Edit]
Nope, I'm pretty used to being a dude.

I do always make female characters in video games but at this point it's just habit. Playing Guild Wars again and getting hit-on is pretty funny.
>> No. 6047 [Edit]
Wear panties. It'll make you feel pretty and they're comfortable.
>> No. 6049 [Edit]
Fucking things are expensive, but I'm slowly amassing a grand collection of them.
>> No. 6050 [Edit]
Really? I've never got into that sort of thing before, but I thought they were like $2-$4 for a pair?
>> No. 6051 [Edit]
While it's true that you can buy them at those prices, once you've gotten into the hobby you'll have the need for better quality. Expect $20-30 a pair to not be unheard of. Though, that's more than not the super frilly stuff. I think on average I pay around $15 a go for most of my normal stuff. Probably be a touch cheaper, if I went to stores and the like.. but you know..

Also, fucking socks. Love them like nothing else, but they can bleed your wallet dry.
>> No. 6060 [Edit]
Heh, you can get cheap panties at the dollar store near my house. I got my first couple ones this way until I moved onto better ones.

Try to look for sales on panties. That's how women do it.
>> No. 6062 [Edit]
I think the problem is, most guys who aren't open about this would find it very hard/embarrassing to buy such things in any public stores.
>> No. 6063 [Edit]
I'm definitely not anywhere near a trap, I'm covered in body hair and my face is too manly. But I have the figure somewhat, at least. Sometimes I want to wear a pair of black thighhigh socks and panties. But yeah, I'd never go to a store for them.
>> No. 6065 [Edit]
Maybe. When I bought panties from the dollar store I bought a bunch of stuff with it so the cashier didn't really give a shit. Later I bought better quality ones while buying clothes for men and women so the cashier didn't care again since there was a sale going on. Anyway, I find this to be the best way since I don't buy stuff online.
>> No. 6068 [Edit]
My problem with buying girl clothes at a store, isn't that I'd be embarrassed (fuck em), but that I'd have to leave the house to do so, and people are terrifying.
>> No. 6143 [Edit]
Sometimes I fantasize about looking exactly like Soryu Asuka Langley. Being a girl and being extremely happy, enjoying things, and people fawning over me and letting me get away with things because I was so cute and sexy.

But then I realise that I would probably act like, or become, the biggest slut, and that kind of ruins the fantasy for me.
>> No. 6154 [Edit]

>Soryu Asuka Langley
>being a girl and being extremely happy,

I understand that you only mentioned her looks but the contrast is so stark that you probably should think of picking some other character. 'I wish I looked like Shinji, being a boy and being extremely happy'.

I wanted to post the 'I hate myself and I want to die' pic with Asuka but I misplaced it somewhere and I'm too lazy to look for it.
>> No. 6176 [Edit]
File 131145468987.gif - (31.11KB , 250x350 , I hate myself.gif )
>> No. 6283 [Edit]
It's hard to say. Sometimes I'd think I'd be happier as a girl than as a man, but do I feel like I was meant to be a woman? I don't know... feel like I have no particular gender to be honest. Gender neutral I guess.
>> No. 6327 [Edit]

>Gender neutral I guess.

The term's gender queer I think.

But it's surprising how many people consider OP's question in terms of living as a woman, not as a cute little girl wearing frilly dresses who's having tea parties with her cute friends.

I thought it's rather obvious that this is what 'I wish I was a girl' comes down to, not actually living as a female. Because really, what's the difference? Life would be pretty much the same I think.
>> No. 6370 [Edit]
>>The term's gender queer I think.

Actually, both terms are commonly used, along with countless others, and the intended meanings vary a lot depending on who's talking. It really just comes down to how the individual feels most comfortable defining themself.
>> No. 6401 [Edit]
Swimming every day back when I was young killed any chance of me being a trap.
I have this huge back that I can't get rid of now, it's something I'll regret every day of my life.
>> No. 6402 [Edit]
Don't be sad, its very rare that someone has the genes which make trapping not horrible looking.
>> No. 6404 [Edit]
I've toyed with the idea, but I know myself, and I regret every decision I make, so I'd probably regret it too. I also am pretty hairy, unfortunately, so I can't even be a trap. Considering shaving everything one of these days, but everyone says it itches like hell when it's growing back, so I don't know...
>> No. 6405 [Edit]

What are the 3 bottom shows?
>> No. 6406 [Edit]
If you need to ask, you're obviously not there yet, and probably wont like them anyway.

jewel pet, Anyamal and hime-chen
>> No. 6424 [Edit]
Well in all honesty if there are any genuinely transgendered Brohnos here I think you should really just transition to the next gender. It sounds terrible to be trapped in the wrong body, it's bad enough to be in one prison as it is. If you have parents who won't support you on it it's better off just to go off on your own instead of living in two prisons for the rest of your life.
>> No. 6437 [Edit]
Somehow I doubt there are that many, maybe a couple like the guy up there. Yeah, I'd like to be the little girl, but seriously I'm perfectly comfortable being a man, as far as I've ever been comfortable with myself (in other words not at all, but it's not a gender issue for me.) I'd like to be a little girl in the same way that I'd like to be a shut-in billionaire living in an island mansion with robot maids: it's pure fantasy.

I do hope I live long enough to get to a time when people can somehow inhabit realistic robot bodies or something. That would be pretty nice. It's really the only thing motivating me to stay alive and live a healthy life at this point, because Haruhi knows I don't give a shit about anything else in this world that normal people value.
>> No. 6439 [Edit]

>But it's surprising how many people consider OP's question in terms of living as a woman, not as a cute little girl wearing frilly dresses who's having tea parties with her cute friends.

Are there really any guys who'd rather be a woman? Would it change anything about your life? It's somewhat hard to imagine to be perfectly honest. You can do all the things a woman would do either way, I don't think anybody will try to restrain you. Is it about the looks?

Again, it's somewhat mind boggling (to the point I couldn't find anything I could compare it to, I'm honest here) that people still get confused and think that guys who say 'I wish I was a little girl' want to be female. I don't want to be female as being a woman would probably suck even more then being male. There's absolutely nothing in it for me.

I want to be a little girl who bakes cakes with her friends and then eats them while sipping tea. Also, frilly dresses.
Or an ojou attending private women's catholic school. There I'd captivate tons of my underclassmen with my cool attitude and they'd serve me tea and cakes and call me onee-sama. I would tease them and they would scream in embarassed manner but they would love every second of it.

Again, I couldn't care less about being a woman. If anything, I'm glad I'm not. I just want to be a cute little girl.
>> No. 6440 [Edit]
I can say I want to be a woman. Not at all a little girl as many here say the would want to.

You say there is no bonuses or privileges being a women compared to being a man. Well, I can't say any of the sides is better but I honestly cannot see myself as a man, I simply wish to act like a woman, to feel and talk and dress like one. I abhor the practice of surgery of any kind so I wouldn't be seeing myself taking any kind of medication or going through any kind of procedure to achieve goals. All I can right now is be myself as I want to be.

I do not crossdress since I am fully aware it would look hideous but I do have the interest in it and most people around me know of my dismay with my own gender, I've alredy told my mother about and, though she seemed rather shocked, she accepted it.

Though it pains me, I believe I'll forever be a man. I do not think I would be an actual woman even if I went through whatever amount of surgeries and procedures necessary. I prefer to be a man that wishes he was a girl instead of being a deformation of man. And though I it saddens me that I'll never get to the point of actually being a woman, I am somehow glad with who I am.
>> No. 6446 [Edit]

Well, I can understand your point a little. I think.

I just assumed there's no difference since I am not interacting with other people. Other than that there's not much to being a woman. If I'll feel like wearing high heels and swaying my ass back and forth like there's no tomorrow I can do it at home. I just don't really go out so I didn't consider that side of things.
>> No. 6504 [Edit]
File 131268088454.png - (11.35KB , 640x480 , my ass as poorly depicted by some drawfag.png )
Hell no. Though I do crossdress now and then, and I could probably pull it off well enough to leave the house in a skirt if I could get around to figuring out how to shape my damn eyebrows. At least Halloween's not too far off, it's always a good excuse to get all dolled up without having to worry as much about actually passing.

Anyway, I try to enjoy being a trap before I'm too old and it looks like shit, but I like my dick too much actually want to transition.
>> No. 6505 [Edit]
Shit, pic unintended.

On a semi-related note though, the drawfag thought I was a girl.

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