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File 130336799039.png - (61.70KB , 259x219 , 1303275845864.png )
3356 No. 3356 [Edit]
I think we need a dedicated suicide thread, as they are starting to clog up the page - and how I remember this was posted in the past about how /so/ got a lot of suicide threads. So we should consolidate them here.
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>> No. 3357 [Edit]
I don't think we should be having suicide threads in the first place, but hey.
>> No. 3358 [Edit]
>Discussion about suicide is okay, but please try not to encourage it for others.
>> No. 3359 [Edit]
I strongly disagree. Giving those people more attention by letting them have their own threads is the least we can do. And having a "general" thread would only make it seem more normal. We're not a suicide hotline but I still think it would be better to "try not to encourage it for others".
However, I think we should try to discourage posts like "Hey, I'm going to kill myself, see you". They don't really add anything to the board and the poster is obviously not interested in discussing his condition. It's only an "announcement", and frankly I find that a bit morbid.
>> No. 3361 [Edit]
>I think we need a dedicated suicide thread, as they are starting to clog up the page

Currently we've got two on the first page and like ~four on the whole /so/. I don't think it's necessary.

With our current ruels suicide threads are pretty much useless either way. Now that discussing the methods is strictly forbidden there's not much to share within them. The only thing you can expect to see is 'I'm going to kill myself' 'No, don't!' 'You will regret this!'* 'Snake? SNAKE? SNAAAAAAAAAAAAKE!'

*this one if my favorite - no, not really, they won't
>> No. 3363 [Edit]
Except it's not discussion. It's just "Hey guys I'm going to kill myself in a month" and I find that shit disturbing. I want to talk with other NEETs/hikkis about our horrible lives, not watch the entire board off themselves one by one. It's fine if you just keep it to this one thread or something, but making entire threads announcing your suicide isn't a great idea.
>> No. 3364 [Edit]
File 130340108221.jpg - (101.77KB , 1280x720 , living is wonderful.jpg )
I think making a thread just to announce that you're committing suicide is attention whoring. But still, I don't think any of you guys should kill yourselves. There are still so many cute 2D lolis for you to fap to, don't call it quits yet.
>> No. 3365 [Edit]
>Now that discussing the methods is strictly forbidden

What the hell is this. Have the already draconian laws really gotten harsher? Why can't I discuss different methods of execution with you people?
>> No. 3366 [Edit]
>Discussion about suicide is okay, but please try not to encourage it for others.

So long as Tohno-chan isn't in a position where it could be implicated in a legal situation involving suicide(s), I don't care. That being said, discuss what the fuck you want about suicide so long as you don't "encourage it". Unless Tohno says otherwise, I'm going to go with this.
>> No. 3370 [Edit]
In certain countries you can be held legally responsible for the death of a suicidal person, even over the internet. The law sees them as mentally unstable, and you as taking advantage of that. I'm pretty sure you can get charged with manslaughter in certain nations, which is why it's questionable to push someone along to do it.
>> No. 3372 [Edit]

This should be a problem for someone who pushed the other person over the fence, not for Tohno himself. If someone is this cruel then I won't mind if her rots in prison.

However, the reason for this change was explained already and this isn't it. I still think it's stupid but it's not like I can change anything.


I remember we had a thread about guns and I asked how one should go about shooting himself out of pure curiosity. I stated that and it was deleted nonetheless. If I had a way to acquire a gun (legally or not) I would've shot myself long ago. This is what I call going way overboard.
>> No. 3376 [Edit]
I agree that with something as serious as a person's life, they should at least be allowed to make their own thread so attention is focused on JUST THEM.

And its not like suicide threads bump everything else off the page. Tohno chan is slow and people are still allowed to make threads about stuff other than suicide, it just might be the case that they don't though.
>> No. 3403 [Edit]
File 130376591837.jpg - (53.02KB , 410x410 , 1.jpg )
>> No. 3404 [Edit]

Nothing to do with the thread, but I just want to thank OP for posting an image of my waifu I've never seen before.

In fact, Meido-tsuki may well convince me to hold off on, er, following her example, if you get my drift.
>> No. 3451 [Edit]
You're welcome :)

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