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File 130325997361.png - (17.76KB , 361x384 , uc_procrastinate.png )
3327 No. 3327 [Edit]
I feel like i keep procrastinating like all the time. Like i say i'm going to practice my guitar but end up doing something else. Or i want to finish making my review of an anime (its on video) and i never do, it feels like its talking ofer my life. It feels like i will never accomplish anything if i keep doing this, and i don't no how to stop.
Can someone help me in anyway?
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>> No. 3328 [Edit]
I know what you mean. I once spent "wasted" an entire year through that, and I'm actually doing it right now. My advice to you is, set a hard limit to it. The only way that I managed to keep procrastination (...somewhat) under control is to actually hard code it in my computer. I run Linux, so I just made a small shell script that keeps me from using my computer too much. 2 hours per day is my limit. It's not like I have emergencies involving it anyway. I have already disabled that limit, however it truly got me on the tracks. It was kind of painful for a while, however, although I did get used to it. You might try something similar. Unless you find a way to procrastinate without your computer, then I can't help you.
>> No. 3330 [Edit]
For me, it's similar. However, the stuff I want to do is difficult to get into and I keep putting it off. I'm also indecisive about whether I want to do something or not, and how I want to do it, so that makes it even worse.
>> No. 3331 [Edit]
I had a problem with this and still do, I can't fathom why, but once I cleaned my room after my parents kept on telling me I need to "because it stinks" (I cannot for the life of me smell it) I started getting better about it, not to a "yay I'm free of it" level, but to where its like I can do stuff now, before no matter how hard I tried I couldn't do something if I didn't want to.
>> No. 3332 [Edit]
>before no matter how hard I tried I couldn't do something if I didn't want to.
I know how that feels. Actually, I can't even do stuff that I want to do anymore. It's fucking mind boggling. My only guess is that it's related to depression more than anything else.
>> No. 3334 [Edit]
>(I cannot for the life of me smell it)
It's because you're in there most of the time. Believe me, I know. I was in a similar situation a while back, if you leave your room for an extended period of time, you will most definitely smell how it really does.

I have trouble with procrastination as well. Sometimes it really messes up my life, actually, and I feel like crap because of it. How many times I've had an opportunity for 'success', and wasted it on music or shitty ecchi manga...It's weird to think of how many hours you waste a day, especially if you're in "our situation".

I hate the feeling of wasted time, but all I do is waste time.
>> No. 3335 [Edit]
I can't even get something as simple as watching anime or playing a game done anymore. I always fall back to the Internet after an hour or two and waste all my time. It's depressing looking at my backlog.
>> No. 3336 [Edit]
Do you drink coffee? Coffee helps me get past procrastination by making me excited and fidgety. The downside to that, of course, is that it makes me sweaty. But to me, that's OK, as I become more productive.
>> No. 3337 [Edit]
Coffee works for me. Now I drink it a few times a day to keep my motivation up. It's not healthy, but it's a lot better than being like I was before, and a caffeine addiction isn't the worst possible thing you can have.
>> No. 3338 [Edit]
Have you ever procrastinated by making coffee, and then further procrastinated by drinking it?
>> No. 3340 [Edit]
I'm sure I've done that once.
>> No. 3341 [Edit]
I was like that, to stop it I had to say NO to everything I didn't wanted in life(dropped out of college, told my mother to stop giving me shit about a 3DPD, deleted all the anime I "should" watch and kept only what I like). It was extreme but it worked.

However there are a thousand of reasons for procrastination: excess of choice, anxiety, lack of security, ignorance, small relevance to your life, depression, high expectations, perfectionism, etc. I don't know what's behind you.

Procrastination is a sign that something is wrong in how you live, so try to solve that first instead of dragging it.
>> No. 3344 [Edit]

I figured it might be something like that, but I have a horrible sense of smell anyhow.
>> No. 3371 [Edit]
i have something like that (i'm on XP btw) i always look at my clock, this means i can stop and go "hey i spent like 2 hours on here i think i'd better practice my guitar" or something.

sometimes i have that like when i did a trick on my skateboard, i feel like i can do anything.

i have the same thing. feels bad man.
>> No. 3396 [Edit]
I haven't destroyed my procrastination habit entirely, but I have been able to curtail it. I realized that when I sat around all day doing whatever I want, by the evening I felt depressed and sluggish, and sometimes bored. But if I worked for a while and got done what I had to do that day, and then started to do what I wanted, I enjoyed my "me" time a lot more. Think of it as a matter of quality over quantity. It's better to have four or six hours of free time you're going to enjoy, rather than twelve or sixteen hours of free time you won't.

This doesn't work perfectly, but I've been a lot more productive lately. Of course this is just my method, and it might not work for you, but you should think about it.
>> No. 3397 [Edit]

This is somewhat what I've been trying to do, I've found if I do something I consider "productive" that day I won't feel like shit and be more likely to do "productive" things tommorow.
>> No. 3433 [Edit]
File 130392659291.jpg - (27.57KB , 400x297 , 1302779169928.jpg )
I procrastinate at the highest level. I put off multiple projects, papers, and lab work until the last week available. Yesterday I had to cover down lab papers for asynchronous/synchronous counters, 7-segment displays, active devices, AC waveforms generator and transformer applications, and a whole other load of bullshit. I spent a good ten hours writing up a storm of notes to prepare for the final while typing up papers. At least I can say I got plenty of practice doing waveform mapping by hand since my oscilloscope was busted. I spent all of last night on an English paper and a final this morning, and I had no sleep the previous night. It got plenty worse as these past two days feel as if they were one really long single day.

Over the course of the day really annoying things have popped into my head at the worst of times. Every few hours or so I would remember about that NTR iPhone app someone mentioned a while back, and by association, "You know, it really hurts to have your hymen torn" kept popping into my head. It doesn't help that that's the most rage inducing line of text in an already aneurysm generating manga. Every time it popped up I just lost focus and just got pissed off. That along with my strained financial situation that's making it near impossible to take courses during the summer, which are pre-requisites for fall semester classes, are just pushing me over the fucking edge. If only I had signed up for scholarships and grants instead of putting them off. I just get so damn nervous when I even walk by the financial aid office, I don't think procrastination made much of a difference there.

But yeah, don't procrastinate guys, I'm already at a breaking point and feel like mauling and cannibalizing people from stress and lack of sleep.
>> No. 3435 [Edit]
I sympathize. I know from experience the kind of hell procrastination will throw you into. The worst part is I always tell myself next time, I won't do it, and I always do it again. Like I'm an idiot who keeps making the same fucking horrible mistake over and over, never learning from it.
>> No. 3436 [Edit]
That reminds me of searching frantically through the kitchen and discovering you have nothing to eat, and then returning to your computer. Repeating this process numerous times over the course of a few days, until the hunger gets the best of you, so you decide to stock up on food at the local mini mart.

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