No. 3297
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, maichan.gif
You really shouldn't ice yourself, but that has to be something that you would have to decide, and not me. But if you do kill yourself, do something that will make headlines. Like, for example (as in, don't copy this, it's my idea nig), jack a steamroller at night and park it in front of your house. Get out, stab yourself, and write "Za Warudo" on the side in your blood.
Though, seriously, did I say not to kill yourself? Think of your waifu for a second (this is Tohno-chan, you have to have one) as cliched as it sounds, what would she think? Would she still want you, the man who was unwilling to wait a lifetime for her? If you truly love her, then you need to realize that by killing yourself to join her, you're degrading her. She is now the "good job for trying" compulsory ribbon rather than the eternity of Utopia she deserves to be. She's worried about you, don't make her cry.
Still need another reason? Well sit the fuck down clean out your ears and listen, dammit. So say that worse comes to worse and you join the army... so what? What significant war is Singapore involved in right now? What's the worse that's going to happen, huh? Some stray bullet is going to come out of left field and hit you while you're trying to unjam your gun on the training range? Freak accident, it happens bro. Get called into action and die? Well, you're planning to die anyways.
So what are you scared of that you can't overcome? Life? Well, I have news for you bro. We're all scared of it!
Life is full of uncertainties, of
inevitabilities, and of death.
But who fears the uncertain?
The outcome could be bright.
Why fear the inevitable?
You worry much, but it happens just the same.
And that silly fear of Death?
In the end it takes us all.
See that? Bam, fucking poem. Inspirational ain't it? It's like that Blue Oyster song about how the seasons aren't scared of death because they kick fucking ass, or some shit like that. In all seriousness though, even though life is scary and we all fear it. It's the little things that keep us going. That joy you get out of a humorous joke, the love you feel from my post (radiating), Fate-Zero the fucking anime (not so little)! So, don't throw your life away. We all get one. And the military may not be so bad. If the Four Horsemen come tomorrow, jack their shit and fight the Apocalypse. To be alive is to defy death. Defy it till the end Brohno. Don't pussy out just yet.
Still not convinced? Look at the .gif. She's worried about you, and I want to tell her that you're going to be okay. Read her lips: "Are you okay, Oniichan?" Don't make her cry damn it, don't make the little girl cry you bastard. Mai-chan loves you dammit. TELL HER THAT YOU'RE GOING TO BE OKAY!