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File 130312137573.jpg - (634.86KB , 1127x1050 , 1294999234959.jpg )
3207 No. 3207 [Edit]
So I've received my enlistment notice today which tells me to report in for 2 years of conscription on the 8th of June and my NEETing days will be over.

I've decided since a fairly long time ago that I have had enough of everything and this will be the time I bid farewell to everything I knew.
This will be the last few weeks I'll be around, until which I will leave this world via helium asphyxiation.

Well, I guess I just really wanted to tell someone about it. So ask me anything or something like that I guess.
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>> No. 3208 [Edit]
Have fun genociding the 3rd world. Hey, you might enjoy it.
>> No. 3209 [Edit]
I'll miss you.
>> No. 3210 [Edit]
Probably not, the Singapore military is more of a circlejerk rather than anything that's remotely useful or honorable.
>> No. 3211 [Edit]
  Good luck.
>> No. 3218 [Edit]
You probably shouldn't kill yourself. It's the little things that keep us going.
>> No. 3221 [Edit]
Why kill yourself? Sure, the next two years will suck, but you're a free man again once it's over with. It's not worth it.
>> No. 3222 [Edit]
Ashes to ashes. I'm not going to attempt to change your mind or anything, but this thread made me cry. I love you, OP. I'm gonna miss you.

>So ask me anything or something like that I guess.

Are you afraid?
>> No. 3224 [Edit]
OP, you're going to miss the premier of your next favorite anime that you don't even know exists. Do you really wanna do that?
>> No. 3225 [Edit]
Maybe you should desert.
>> No. 3226 [Edit]
Singapore has room for a military?
>> No. 3231 [Edit]
It's not purely the conscription, but I just felt that time is really up. I haven't got friends or a 'normal' family life and is just sicken by everything that goes on around me. Sure I could sack up and take it up my ass and pull through while complaining at the same time, only to justify life with some self-indulgence alongside all the awfulness?

I'm just afraid that I would wake up, like waking up from a dream? That feeling is fucking awful.

Sure I might miss out on One Outs 2 or Kaiji 3.. Still not quite enough to put up with life in general.

There really isn't room to be honest. Hell, we have 'military bases' within kilometers of residential areas.
And all this because it's a relic from the nation's founding when there was bad blood with neighboring Malaysia. And people here haven't grown out of that paranoia ever since.
>> No. 3233 [Edit]
Dude you're going to Gensokyo? How do you get there?
>> No. 3234 [Edit]
No OP.
I think you should do that shit, become strong as fuck and then... well, be strong as fuck.
And then back to your neet life, or maybe find a work with your new alpha confidence.

And, go out make your fucking dreams true. Then, you can kill yourself.
>> No. 3235 [Edit]
You should try out life in the military before you decide it's so horrible you have to off yourself OP. It might not be as bad as you think, and 2 years go by really fast.
>> No. 3238 [Edit]
helium asphyxiation? Is that quick and painless? I was going to do the charcoal burning thing if I ever finally decided to end it, but if that would work just as well I'd do that since it would be less dangerous for others.
>> No. 3239 [Edit]
You know what, OP. If you really want to do it just do it quietly, stop attention whoring and bringing everyone down with your depressing thread. Judging from this thread though I'm inclined to believe you're just trying to be cool and edgy.
>> No. 3242 [Edit]
The whole butch thing isn't for me.

It's an inert gas like carbon monoxide so it'll have the same-ish effect (oxygen deprivation) iirc. It's easier to procure in a concentrated form compared to burning charcoal as well.

Well, I'm terribly sorry if I made you think that this was an attempt at attention whoring. I feel that confronting the depression one way or another, is more helpful than shoving it aside and pretending it's not there at all. Isn't that why we're here in the first place?
>> No. 3243 [Edit]
>stop attention whoring and bringing everyone down with your depressing thread
>/so/ - Ronery
>> No. 3245 [Edit]
Killing yourself doesn't seem like a way of confronting it.
>> No. 3250 [Edit]
That seriously sucks, if I ever got called to serve, and I couldn't get out of it, I'd flee the country.
People keep saying it pays well, but it's hell, boot camp most of all.
Although, I do wonder if one get's made to go, what would happen if you acted like a lazy prick, and refused to do anything you're told, ignoring them yelling at you?
would they kick you out? or would they just try harder and harder and harder to brake you?
>> No. 3267 [Edit]
Don't do it OP
this is not worth killing yourself over
In fact I get the impression that there’s probably more to this than just being conscripted
Whatever your problems are at least be open to the possibility that time in the military might help you overcome them in some way. Maybe it won’t but since you have nothing to lose its worth a shot right?
>> No. 3270 [Edit]
File 130316617836.jpg - (74.85KB , 500x403 , 1302223653989.jpg )
If you're against being conscripted into the military then leave the fucking country, you pussy.
>> No. 3272 [Edit]
Even if it's forced conscription, I doubt the military would take you if you were suicidally depressed. I signed up for the military by choice in the past, so I'm not sure how the conscription thing works, but if you get a mental/emotional evaluation and a doctor says "this guy is dangerous to himself/his peers with a gun" you could probably get out of it.

As a side note though, the military isn't really as bad as people make it out to be. It was a lot worse in the past than it is now. Then again, I suppose I'm in a soft country that treats their soldiers pretty alright.

Either way, it's not the end of the world. Don't feel so dragged down by it. The military can actually teach you some good skills that might help you out in the long run.
>> No. 3274 [Edit]
I'd probably make the same choice as OP if I were put in that situation. I realise this is not the entire reason for killing yourself and is more of an icing on the cake type thing. The idea of trying to get out of it with a doctor's evaluation sounds good though, it'd be worth a try at least. If not, getting yourself killed while part of the military might get some kind of money benefit for your family.

I hope things turn out alright for you and, if not, that you're able to leave peacefully.
>> No. 3275 [Edit]
I'm one for free will and freedom of choice, so if this is what you have decided to do, OP, good luck.
>> No. 3280 [Edit]
So according to the wiki singapore disallows gays in the military, perhaps you can go that angle to avoid a draft?
>> No. 3282 [Edit]
File 130317445714.jpg - (15.96KB , 450x253 , anime-wellber-tea.jpg )
Good luck in successfully killing yourself then bro.

I will follow too in a few months.
>> No. 3283 [Edit]
I see it this way:

Find a way out.

Convert to a religion. Be a conscientious objector. Pretend you're gay. Hell, anything other than make your final hours ones of having a squeaky voice.
>> No. 3284 [Edit]
I would normally tell to man up and how suicide is pointless and that you should just try to live life, but it seems like you're really really dead set on this. Well, if you're going to off yourself, then go out with a bang. Helium asphyxiation is the pussy's way of suicide.
>> No. 3287 [Edit]
File 130317949320.gif - (458.07KB , 250x250 , hang.gif )
It does call my attention...

A few months ago, some brohnos got mad at me for sharing (by request) a certain pic encouraging suicide; a conflict wich actually ended with the addition of the /so/ disclaimer:
Discussion about suicide is okay, but please try not to encourage it for others.
...but, whereas my views on suicide could've changed a bit since then, I do consider as a good thing that brohnos are now trying once again to adress the subject from different points of view; now, I just sincerely believe that insulting/provoking OP is not helpful to any statement.

So, to answer OP:
>Hell, anything other than make your final hours ones of having a squeaky voice.
This; because apparently sometimes (or even our entire life) all we really need is a pretext: a pretext to die, or a pretxt to live (I have live like that for several years).
>> No. 3288 [Edit]
so, are you neets or what?
>> No. 3290 [Edit]
elaborate or what.
>> No. 3297 [Edit]
File 130318691698.gif - (2.22MB , 512x384 , maichan.gif )
You really shouldn't ice yourself, but that has to be something that you would have to decide, and not me. But if you do kill yourself, do something that will make headlines. Like, for example (as in, don't copy this, it's my idea nig), jack a steamroller at night and park it in front of your house. Get out, stab yourself, and write "Za Warudo" on the side in your blood.

Though, seriously, did I say not to kill yourself? Think of your waifu for a second (this is Tohno-chan, you have to have one) as cliched as it sounds, what would she think? Would she still want you, the man who was unwilling to wait a lifetime for her? If you truly love her, then you need to realize that by killing yourself to join her, you're degrading her. She is now the "good job for trying" compulsory ribbon rather than the eternity of Utopia she deserves to be. She's worried about you, don't make her cry.

Still need another reason? Well sit the fuck down clean out your ears and listen, dammit. So say that worse comes to worse and you join the army... so what? What significant war is Singapore involved in right now? What's the worse that's going to happen, huh? Some stray bullet is going to come out of left field and hit you while you're trying to unjam your gun on the training range? Freak accident, it happens bro. Get called into action and die? Well, you're planning to die anyways.

So what are you scared of that you can't overcome? Life? Well, I have news for you bro. We're all scared of it!

Life is full of uncertainties, of
inevitabilities, and of death.
But who fears the uncertain?
The outcome could be bright.
Why fear the inevitable?
You worry much, but it happens just the same.
And that silly fear of Death?
In the end it takes us all.

See that? Bam, fucking poem. Inspirational ain't it? It's like that Blue Oyster song about how the seasons aren't scared of death because they kick fucking ass, or some shit like that. In all seriousness though, even though life is scary and we all fear it. It's the little things that keep us going. That joy you get out of a humorous joke, the love you feel from my post (radiating), Fate-Zero the fucking anime (not so little)! So, don't throw your life away. We all get one. And the military may not be so bad. If the Four Horsemen come tomorrow, jack their shit and fight the Apocalypse. To be alive is to defy death. Defy it till the end Brohno. Don't pussy out just yet.

Still not convinced? Look at the .gif. She's worried about you, and I want to tell her that you're going to be okay. Read her lips: "Are you okay, Oniichan?" Don't make her cry damn it, don't make the little girl cry you bastard. Mai-chan loves you dammit. TELL HER THAT YOU'RE GOING TO BE OKAY!
>> No. 3299 [Edit]
Mei doesn't speak English.
>> No. 3301 [Edit]
And she barely speaks Japanese. What's your point?
>> No. 3304 [Edit]
OP, don't do it. If nothing else, this is your chance to find out if that old adage that all we need is some discipline is true, first-hand.

But if you do, you should try a "speedball", injecting heroin and cocaine at the same time, first. It's supposed to be the best feeling in the world.
>> No. 3305 [Edit]
Conscientious objection is not a valid reason and you'll still be jailed and/or fined if you refuse to be drafted. Homos gets an option to declare themselves as such(and they will not be able to wed a female for a number of years as a result), they'll than be drafted into some menial-ish stuffs like clerical related work.

I'll like to point out that while I am indeed against conscription, it is not the primary reason for me deciding to leave. I'm not looking for a way to sneak out of conscription, I've never intended to go into it since I disagree with the logic of it.

I just don't feel the urge for living anymore, that's about it really.
>> No. 3306 [Edit]
The gay path still seems like the best idea to me.. unless you planed on getting marred soon?
>> No. 3310 [Edit]
Technically it is the easy way through the conscription, but once again, I simply no longer desire to remain alive and the draft is not the primary reason for it.

I suppose leaping off a building is much more exhilarating, but I don't wish to cause so much of a mess & attention for my mother.
>> No. 3314 [Edit]
She'll probably be devastated either way, so I wouldn't worry too much about that.
>> No. 3320 [Edit]
Ignore it, don't go anywhere.

Let them come to you.

Should be fun.
>> No. 3322 [Edit]
I'd go and see if it was fun, try to have fun and only suicide if it wasn't fun.
But I'd at least give it a chance first.
There might be something interesting I didn't know I could enjoy there or some cool people.
>> No. 3323 [Edit]
ok so what other problems besides the draft are bothering you?
>> No. 3324 [Edit]
Getting arrested and trialed unfairly? Nah..

I honestly doubt so, nothing about spending time with people I don't care about and being manipulated by beings I don't respect that sounds fun or interesting.

Life in general?
Everything makes less and less sense all the time, I don't seem to be able to blend into life like others. The draft is a fine example, I just can't deal with the logic of being subjected to such mockery, it is utterly insulting to be confined by someone else against one's own will. No room for reason or debate, it is just frustrating to be treated like this.
Every moral fiber inside me just tingles on the thought of it, I'm just unable to deal with it.

Things like these are why I'm without any forms of relations with people I guess.
No one else cares enough, everyone just goes along with their lives as long as they get their meals, dumb TV shows and a shelter.
>> No. 3378 [Edit]
Hey there OP. I just want to say you're not alone. Im not here to give you advice, I reckon that'd just fall on deaf ears anyway. If you suicide, i'd be sad. Lots of people will be sad.

Im a mining engineer student, and when I graduate and find a job, i'll basically be in a similar situation to you. I'll live in a demountable house in the middle of the desert working 12 hour shifts. I'll be constantly surrounded by tough, muscular blokes. Most guys are hard, tough, and from the country. Im skinny, weak, introverted. Im asian, ill probably be the only asian person there. The future makes me very scared.

But I do it anyway. I do it because I believe after a while I will get used to it. And I do it because I want to be considerate to others, especially my parents.
>> No. 4330 [Edit]
Any news?
>> No. 4340 [Edit]
Speaking of death, a large swath of tornadoes is coming towards my city so this may be my last day. Honestly I'd rather they kill me than destroy my house
>> No. 4343 [Edit]
All the storms passed me with no problem aside from power surging. I'm alive!
>> No. 4344 [Edit]

Yeah I live in the fun land of tornadoes as well. Now my parents understand why I want a totally underground house (aside from my dungeon obsession).

Did OP die?
>> No. 4487 [Edit]
File 130658691012.jpg - (331.68KB , 3887x2591 , 1306581019982.jpg )
Whatever you guys say, those 6 months did a whole lot more good than bad to me. The biggest chance being that I got over my overwhelming social anxiety and the inability to deal with people. Made more friends than I had up until then too.

I know it isn't a very good argument for a conscript army. Why should everyone else be forced to do it if it only helped me? I'm just saying that there are certain individuals which the army experience helps out.
>> No. 4490 [Edit]
Hey, OP. I understand that this is your decision and I am in no position to change it. It's your life and yours only; no one else gets to decide what you do with it.
Let me just say that if I were in your position, if I felt like I was about to kill myself, I would just "lose it". Fuck my social anxiety, fuck my fear of everything; I don't have to avoid risks and confrontation because I'm going to fucking kill myself. You seem to like Fukumoto. Great. Sell everything you own and go to Japan, try to meet him. Be free as the wind; Do whatever the fuck you want. At least you'll enjoy your last days, free of any restriction, free in the purest sense of the word. And who knows, you might find something that will change you and your decision along the way.

In conclusion, if you still decide to kill yourself:
If you are to depart this life, please depart with the assurance you were valued and esteemed, my friend. It will be a huge loss for me, personally, and the tohno-chan community as a whole. It is not a "failed"life you lead.

You're not alone. Good luck to you, whatever you decide to do.

Post edited on 28th May 2011, 7:38am
>> No. 4491 [Edit]
I can't speak for everyone, but maybe not all of us want to be more social and make friends?
I personally hate people, but I wouldn't want to join an organisation that encourages killing other people.
>> No. 4492 [Edit]
OP are you still here?
>> No. 4503 [Edit]
The army is the last thing I would want to join. I know there's a lot of tension between the army and marines, and getting harassed for being a "pussy" soldier by marines with superiority complexes does not seem fun.
>> No. 4504 [Edit]
Not from America

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