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3029 No. 3029 [Edit]
Today, I got really worried that I would overdraw my bank account. A business deal was being put on the rocks, and I'm now on the brink of going to on a trip to the city with a $.41 account balance. Or worse.

I groaned and feared the worst, but then readmore into the details, and I can think my way out of this one and actually prosper for it. I just have to get started.

So I got up, decided to get things done this week, and went outside on a nice sunny mild spring Sunday, found a shady grove of pine trees in an obscure part of my property, and brought some of my slice of life manga to read. I'm going to start on that right after I finish this post.

Feel good general thread?
>> No. 3061 [Edit]
I recently had a month to do a paper, and I didn't have time to even start researching until the night before. I managed to write pretty much the whole thing in two hours before class.
>> No. 3064 [Edit]
I'm under the same cirmustances right now. I'll start it soon. "I work better under pressure" is what I like to tell myself.
>> No. 3067 [Edit]
My mom's cable box went out, and I helped her connect the cable to the TV so she could still watch it until the box gets replaced. I love doing things like that for my parents because it makes me feel less like a parasitic piece of shit
>> No. 3073 [Edit]
...and today I help my father hook up the new cable box and he of course treats me like shit the entire time I'm helping him, and the urge to put a bullet through my skull gets a little stronger.

On the bright side at least a cable guy won't have to come out
>> No. 3076 [Edit]
Cheer up anonymous, we care for you!

As for me, I actualy started a conversation with a nice lady on the bus. It might seem trivial to some of you but, as a socio phobic person, I consider it quite an accomplishment. (´・ω・`)
>> No. 3077 [Edit]
It's okay OP. I cleared out my bank account when I bought some games, manga and figs.

Now I'm just waiting for the bank to close the account.
>> No. 3078 [Edit]
I had a conversation with someone on the bus as well.

He kept warning me not to start smoking crack, because "he went through that shit, and doesn't want to see that happen to me". I love the bus. [spoiler]That wasn't sarcasm, by the way.[/sarcasm]
>> No. 3079 [Edit]
He sounds friendly at least.
>> No. 3081 [Edit]

I meet a lot of interesting eccentrics on the bus and subways here, too. Most of the time they are just genuinely happy to have a conversation, despite how crazy they may come off.
>> No. 3083 [Edit]
Same here, except my car broke and now I have to ask my parents for money... again....
>> No. 3085 [Edit]
Funny you should say that, I had a similar experience once. I was peacefully reading in a cafe and some guy came to me and said "never, ever, smoke. ever." and then went out. I had seen him smoking on this same shop a couple times, so I suppose that I remind him of his earlier persona (he seemed to be well in his forties and I'm 19). The bus people here are all crazy, though. One that was really funny was a communist old man that was talking about a revolution and saying that the proletariat should unite itself and rebel against our current economic system because the buses were all bad and the government kept alienating the people giving them food and entertainment while swimming with the fat bankers in a pool of money stolen from honest taxpayers that keep voting on the next charismatic person that appears on the TV hoping that they can be a bit less exploited by the powerful oppressors that command our country with a hand of steel that crushes the poor. He said that in one breath and kept rephrasing it constantly while making a call to arms. I was a bit embarrassed because I happened to sit down next to him.
>> No. 3105 [Edit]
yeah. You meet weird/cool people on the bus. As in 'you can get 3DPDs off the bus' type stuff.

he is right though.

disclaimer: i am a hard leftist and have been to communist party meetings. As in the clusterfuck various groups in my city (Chicago).
>> No. 3107 [Edit]
There's a wedding shower for one of my cousins this Sunday, but I don't have to go. For once I'm glad I'm not a girl
>> No. 3108 [Edit]
>he is right though.
I would say he is more left
*badoom tsss*
for the love of god lets not let politics enter into this discussion
>> No. 3125 [Edit]
There's going to be a big hailstorm later that means I should get off the computer for the rest of the day. On the bright side, at least it didn't happen on the day Portal 2 is coming out
>> No. 3126 [Edit]
Just got back from the homeless shelter. They gave me some antidepressants. I am uncertain how I feel about this. On one hand, I am excited to try and change the horrid lifestyle I have been living, however, it's drugs...

Oh well, I still feel somewhat good, I guess.
>> No. 3127 [Edit]
haha I see there!
>> No. 3129 [Edit]
You get off due to the lightning risks/electric shocks? Or those rumors of when tvs are on and they get hit by lightning that they explode? please explain when you can...
>> No. 3130 [Edit]
Having your computer shut off suddenly can mess windows up. I don't think the risk is too high but better safe than sorry, especially when my computer is my life
>> No. 3149 [Edit]
I'm part of a party that wishes to make an independent nation out of an island. We're entirely serious about it, too. All our options are legal though.
>> No. 3153 [Edit]
As of today I'm back to being a NEET. Hooray!

It might not sound like to be happy about but I sure am. I'm gonna enjoy my freedom while it lasts and when shit hits the fan I can always kill myself. I should've quit that fucking job months ago and I still don't know why I didn't. But it's over now and I can go back to sleeping during day and being awake at night.
>> No. 3154 [Edit]
"When shit hits the fan I can always kill myself" is really our motto, isn't it.
Do you live alone? I live with my family and like sleeping during the day/being awake at night so I can be alone, but if you don't have that problem you could keep better hours and get some SUNLIGHT. Seriously, I find myself craving it sometimes.
>> No. 3155 [Edit]
That's an uphill battle for you guys. All the islands in the world are owned by someone else. Unless a volcano erupts somewhere and creates a new island that you can quickly claim. I wonder what would a NEET nation be like?
>> No. 3156 [Edit]

I do. I'm also photophobic. I hate sunlight and I do my best to avoid it. When I'm out I wear sunglasses all the time. When somone asks me why I won't take them off I just say I suffer from glaucoma as explaining what being photophobic is like is a pain in the ass. Surprisingly, there have been like two people ever who asked further questions when they heard it's glaucoma, as opposed to 43290723 back when I still replied with 'I'm photophobic'. Needless to say, it resulted in lots of unwanted attention back in high school, much to my dismay.

Now that I think about it I must've said 'I-it's not like I wear them because I like them' quite a few times. I used to stutter a little, too.
>> No. 3160 [Edit]
Heh I spent the whole winter inside, that any time I went out my eyes would get very red, sore and usually watery. It would look like I'm either tired or really stoned. I didn't go out for months because of that.

I don't really like sun much either, but it's good to get some. It's good for your body and mind.
>> No. 3169 [Edit]
just say "the sun hurts my eyes a lot"
>> No. 3172 [Edit]
60% of the islands in the Caribbean sea are unoccupied, deserted or otherwise uninhabited, even if they are owned by a nation. A rebellion fixes this, and with the islands we are looking at, the main government won't really fight our claim unless we're extremely suspicious. We've gone over UN proclamations and such. If we have a population and we found a nation on an uninhabited island, unless it's significant in resources, we have any and all rights to claim it as long as we can defend it. East Timor is a model we can use, among others.
>> No. 3175 [Edit]
I haven't left my house in 3 months and any time I look out the window or sit on my deck my eyes get really strained, like somebody is squishing them or something. Fucking hurts.
>> No. 3177 [Edit]
You've made me realize that I get that at daytime. I've not been outside for 4 months now, and I tend to only be out of bed for around 10 hours, and the last few are at 5-8am. If I open the blinds then my eyes hurt like hell.

My room is usually well lit too, I have the light on at night and my blinds barely block any light.
>> No. 3178 [Edit]
It's funny because it's true. I even get nosebleeds when I get out now (because of the sun) and I'm really not the type to have them because as a kid I grew up in a country bathed by sun, played outside everyday. People sure change.
>> No. 3240 [Edit]
Our neighbors are moving away, and given the way our neighborhood is going down the toilet they'll probably be replaced by shit people (like the ones who live on our other side).

On the bright side, maybe they'll turn out to be good people, or if not maybe this will all be enough to give me the push to get a job and move out, since my father says he's staying in the neighborhood even if he needs to start keeping a gun by the door.

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