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2932 No. 2932 [Edit]
What do you listen to normally? What is your musical taste? What do you read? What do you watch?
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>> No. 2933 [Edit]
I listen to a lot of things. If I'm not watching something or playing something where I care about the audio, I'll put on background music. I download a bunch of shit from blogs of various genres (lots of electronic, chiptune, hip-hop, folk, gay shit) and video game/anime soundtracks.

I read tohno-chan and a few other boards, a scarce few blogs when I can remember to check them, the news, and various wikipedia articles. I wish I had the motivation to read more books or academic literature.

I watch a lot of anime. I also watch regular movies and Let's Plays.

I'm not sure what the point of this thread is but it is nice to talk about myself sometimes.
>> No. 2934 [Edit]
The only thing I listen to is the background music of anything I'm playing/watching/reading at the moment.
>> No. 2935 [Edit]
I cannot enjoy anything other than classical compositions, mostly for piano and cello; I used to listen to alot of different genres and instruments but the more I live the more I seem to become unable of savouring any other type of sound. I also enjoy hearing the ticking of the metronome back and forth; when I find myself bored, I stay sometimes hours sitting and listening to the metronome.

I don't watch anything.

I read XIX and XX century writers and poets, with a favoritism for russians.
>> No. 2937 [Edit]
I mostly like older songs from the 70s-80s, and I loathe pretty much all non-japanese modern music
>> No. 2938 [Edit]
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Shit I post on /mp3/.

Instrumental post-rock, jpop, jrock, jazz, alternative, hip-hop, french screamo, midwestern emo, piano arrangements, post-hardcore, technical death metal, ambient, chillwave, house, progressive rock, punk, videogame, grindcore, noise, sludge, lolicore anything I find interesting.


Other people playing video games.
>> No. 2939 [Edit]
I normally listen to punk rock and all of its subgenres. And of course J-pop songs from anime and eroge.

College killed my love of reading so I haven't read a book for pleasure for a few years. I read a lot of eroge though.

I only watch anime.
>> No. 2940 [Edit]
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I'm into classic rock, pop, rock, 60s and psychedelic, including:
The Beach Boys, The Beatles, Pink Floyd, John Lennon, George Harrison, Electric Light Orchestra, Paul McCartney, Syd Barrett, Animal Collective, The Who, David Bowie, Brian Wilson, Lou Reed,
>> No. 2942 [Edit]
My tastes in music are pretty varied, everything except rap, with an inclination towards space rock. I don't really keep track since all I do is make a massive playlist for the day and put it in the background.

I read tohno, a few blogs and tech news sites, old college textbooks, manga, philosophy and lovecraft. Nothing special.

I watch some anime and the occasional movie, but not very often. I prefer reading.
>> No. 2944 [Edit]
I listen to metal, mainly progressive metal and death metal. My sister got me into it in my teens and i've stuck to it ever since. However, I do still listen to jpop anime soundtracks and also classical here and there.

I only really go to Tohno-chan, 4chan's /jp/ and /c/, and some tech sites as far as the internet goes. I catch myself browsing wikipedia for hours, I love that there's a whole load of knowledge at my fingertips any time. I read a good bit of eroge, and I also read a few past manga series a month (not counting fap material).

I try and watch maybe three or so past anime series a month, although this has been a lot more difficult than this time in the last years, as there's not much left to satisfy me. Thankfully there is a lot of stuff airing this season, so i've got that to watch. There's also a good amount of anime that are long enough for me not to consider watching, that I should really get around to at some point.
>> No. 2952 [Edit]
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I listen to mostly power metal and speed metal. I don't think I really have much of a musical taste, I just like music in the high notes that plays fast.
The last book I've read has been Children of Hurin. It's a great book, I'm sure most of you here would love it. I read mostly VN's though, with Tsukihime topping my list. So far it has been the only VN I've gone through to unlock every route and ending. Too bad my favorite heroine has two bad ends.

I do not watch TV. I think the last anime I did watch was Milky Holmes though. It was decent.
>> No. 2953 [Edit]
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I like noisy indie rock, bloodthirsty butchers, Pavement, Number Girl, stuff like that. I also really like Foals, they're one of the more interesting bands I've heard in my life. I'll try anything once, but I must admit that I have a certain level of favoritism towards Japanese music, and music from the Pennsylvania punk scene.

So, math-rock and Japanese indie, basically. It's not like that's all I listen to, but it's close enough to be an accurate portrait.

Aside from stuff I read on the internet, I like foreign novels. I don't mind American books, but aside from the Beat generation, they just don't 'click' with me, and mostly come off as kind of bland. My favorite authors are all pretty similar to one another: Roberto Bolano, Dostoyevsky, Osamu Dazai.

Taking anime out of the equation, I like pretentious movies and zombie horror films. My favorite movie of all time is either 'if...' (Malcolm McDowell's first film), or 'Last Days' (the overtly pretentious Kurt Cobain movie).
>> No. 2959 [Edit]
Metal is my main genre, leaning toward some iteration of progressive, melodic, death, and/or gothic.
Also video game soundtracks, from NES to current gen, favoring RPGs.
Also various kinds of rock, j-pop, general pop, anime soundtracks, bollywood soundtracks (Hindi sounds a little bit like Japanese, you know), and rarely some jazz and classical.

Manga and the internet of course. Visual novels too. Novels are rare because it's hard to be exposed to something I actually care to read about -- it's not the classics, but it's not the fantasy or sci-fi (like the Dark Tower books) that I've heard people talk about, either.

Anime, of course. I tried to dabble in "foreign film" in general for awhile, so I also watch the occasional Bollywood, Kung Fu, Wuxia, or other non-American movie. And sometimes some Hollywood stuff. I used to love stand up comedy, and still watch whatever Louis CK does when he comes out with something new.
>> No. 2960 [Edit]
I like all tips of music there not one i hate, you can throw anything at me and i'll like it.

Graphic novels, not just mangas but different, but sometimes books like "zombie survival guide" and "the anarchist cookbook".

Movies manly (again anything), independent films, like "Zeitgeist" and the stuff on "VODO". (i like it when ppl relies that they don't need money to make a career)
>> No. 2961 [Edit]

If you heard Argentinian Cumbia I'm sure you'd hate it too.
>> No. 2968 [Edit]
I listen to all sorts of things. I find there's always a few things in each genre I can find enjoyable, even if I'm not normally inclined to like the genre as a whole. I was really big on all kinds of metal for awhile, so most the music I own is metal. Lately I've found myself listening to traditional or folk music since it relaxes me most.

As for reading, I don't read much, aside from comics, manga, graphic novels and the occasional visual novel.

I was really crazy with anime watching, though I haven't been as into it lately as I have been in the past. Another thing I love watching are old films. 30s-70s kind of old. I'm not usually into film but there are certain types of movies I found I really enjoyed when I gave them a shot. Namely old westerns and pirate films.

Not too interesting, but I felt like sharing I suppose.
>> No. 2991 [Edit]
I listen to gangsta rap from the old school to decentish modern stuff, political rap, a LOT of electronic stuff (Eurodance, J-Core, Gabber, UK Hardcore, chiptune, electro house, etc) some Linkin Park and My Chemical Romance (hey I didnt grow up with that stuff)

I read mainly science fiction. I also like alternate history (ties in with sci-fi) and some historical stuff. Also politics and related stuff.

Also random stuff off the internet.

I watch a lot of anime, western science fiction and some reality show shit.
>> No. 3001 [Edit]
I listen to either electronic music or classical music. Oddly enough, I tend to hate voiced music, unless its lyrics carry a social message. It's like I give it a break because I like its meaning.

I read newspapers when I have the time. I try to read at least one local and one "big" newspaper each day. I love to read literature, mainly old things (greek/latin writers such as Ovid, Sophocles and Virgil) and XX century works (Kafka, Camus, Orwell, Saramago, pretty much anything), although I do enjoy some other things (I like Poe, Byron and Dante, for instance). Contemporary literature has also recently won a place in my heart. I like to write short stories in my free time, too. I also love to read philosophy, Nietzsche, Kierkegaard, Plato, Aristotle, Sartre, Foucault, anything really. When I am bored and not feeling like writing I just throw myself on my bed, close my eyes and think about anything I can think of. It's pretty relaxing. I don't really read anything on my computer, besides the odd eroge and a couple imageboards once a week.

About what I watch, well, I tend to dislike movies, with the exception of Almodóvar, and I don't own a TV, nor do I enjoy series. I watch about four or five episodes of anime each week and that's about it really, unless a new season has just started. In that case, I watch about four or five episodes each day. I don't have lots of free time, but I try to keep my head clean and my mind ready and fit at all times.
>> No. 3003 [Edit]
You could link's for the music part.
>> No. 3070 [Edit]
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My favourite author is Stephen Baxter. I like hard SF. His alternate history stuff is interesting too, it inspired me to read some real history books.

Recently I started reading (actually listening to audiobooks) some fantasy. The Kingkiller Chronicle series by Patrick Rothfuss is amazing so far, looking forward to the final book. In the meantime I'm one book into the Mistborn trilogy by Brandon Sanderson.

I also started getting into western comics with a series called The Unwritten which is pretty good.

if you really want to know what I listen to I suppose I'll post my last fm.
>> No. 3071 [Edit]
Most of the music I listen to comes from older video games, on systems like the SNES or megadrive. I listen to a fair amount of japanese/anime music, and I listen to tracker/demoscene music occasionally.
>> No. 3072 [Edit]
Thanks for the question. "I have a deep nostalgia for the future." as FM-2030 put it, as most of the music I listen reflects just that. I dream of a place and time where I can live a comfortable, as well as productive life.
>> No. 3074 [Edit]
Mostly J-pop and anime soundtracks/opening + ending themes. Also some metal, techno and video game soundtracks.

I frequent a few imageboards and tech review sites. I also read books about math and electronics and some research papers on genetics. I've never been much of a fiction person.

Anime, but not a lot. I might watch a few series a year. It's been at least 6 years since I last saw a movie and I don't keep up with any TV shows.
>> No. 3075 [Edit]
Game soundtracks and OPs and EDs. Internet popular stuff. I would also listen to NicoNico Douga Ryuuseigun medleys a lot as well. Weaned myself off of them for the most part, now I'm pretty much a Round Table and Perfume junky. When it isn't J-music, it's all classical. I've been on a three month Prokofiev kick that isn't winding down too soon.

I have a Sherlock Holmes novel I need to get to soon, I really should get on that. I loved the Harry Potter series. I'm a fan of Yukio Mishima, so whenever I get a chance to read his works, I do. I have Shiosai in the original Japanese publication, and cribbed it with a translated version for my term paper in senior year. I also read National Geographic a lot.

For television I enjoy a few sitcoms, just stuff that my mom and I both like, since I never ever get the remote unless she's out. Also Modern Family and Fringe. Heroes was fun in its heyday. I mostly watch History International and the Military channel when I do have the remote.
>> No. 3080 [Edit]
Listen: Mostly Industrial Rock and NDH. Especially Megaherz, Eisbrecher, KMFDM, and PIG.

Read: Right now I'm mainly reading novels written by George R. R. Martin.

Watch: I haven't watched T.V. in a long time.
>> No. 3084 [Edit]
Listen: Video game/anime OSTs, jrock

Read: Eroge, manga, math books, 2ch, game reviews

Watch: Nico videos mostly. I don't watch anime much lately.
>> No. 3087 [Edit]
Listen: Alternative/indie rock, OSTs, and ambient noise, like the sound of rain. I hate J-Pop.

Read: Visual novels, manga, internet shit.

Watch: Anime, movies, YouTube videos, the five or so TV shows I follow each year.
>> No. 3090 [Edit]
I normally listen to a random song (I have a list of songs I like and I choose from that.)
I will honestly listen to anything (as long as it's good.)
I mainly read science fiction and textbooks when I have to.
I generally don't watch too many shows. I don't like most animation and it seems like most of the shows on TV are crap.
>> No. 3091 [Edit]
Listen: industrial, electronic (from ambient to lolicore), hip-hop, other assorted stuff like noise rock/pop, indie, punk, metal

Read: I like works that deal with alienation, depression, despair, etc. Dostoyevsky, Bukowski, Salinger, Bernhard, Pessoa, newer stuff like Tao Lin and the rest of the Muumuu House crew.
I also like comics - Warren Ellis, Grant Morrison, Alan Moore, Garth Ennis.

Watch: Almost no anime. 30 Rock, House, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Skins, Dexter when it was good, old Nicktoons.
>> No. 3103 [Edit]
I've been watching Breaking Bad, since they're showing it from the beginning two episodes every Wednesday. It's easily one of the best western shows out right now.
>> No. 3109 [Edit]
I'm curious about the people who don't seem to have any attachment to anime/manga/etc. What draws you to a place like /tc/? Don't take this the wrong way, I'm just wondering what the appeal of tc is for you.
>> No. 3110 [Edit]
I've been wondering that too.
>> No. 3112 [Edit]
Almost everyone here is a young, intelligent, depressed outcast too. For what it's worth, I've been on 4chan for years, so you invariably pick up some of the culture even is you don't pursue it much yourself. The only things here that feel really alien to me are the figurines and waifu stuff.
>> No. 3113 [Edit]
*even if
>> No. 3117 [Edit]
the usual things things someone here listens to.
classical because it is fucking soothing dammit.
rock before the mid 90's. White boy from the suburbs here.

not much unfortunately. I should, but it takes more effort than I can really muster.

Anime: I just finished Clannad, and had to rewatch Azumanga in a desperate attempt to cheer up. Next up is Brotherhood. Yes, I am very slow.
Not anime: I love Star Trek. I grew up watching TNG. I started watching Stargate sg1, but so far it has been terrible. It must get better at some point with how long it was on.

Also I like watching or listening to baseball.
>> No. 3119 [Edit]
Listen: Classical, mostly romantic era, jazz, older rock, prog and whatever random stuff I come across that I like. Also some anime OSTs, OPs and EDs, most of which are in genres that I'd never listen to if not for that connection.

Read: Lots of histories, some sociology (I'm in the middle of a book about insults, really interesting), sometimes fiction too. I'm not really into the fantasy/scifi, but I read the Song of Ice and Fire books on a recommendation and loved them, can't wait for the next one. Also translated VNs, if those count.

Watch: Usually, hardly anything. I don't watch that much anime, though I have some favorites and I'm following a few shows this season. I don't watch any domestic TV anymore, or really anything that's live-action.
>> No. 3124 [Edit]
I guess I burned out on anime once the novelty wore off. I find most anime insults my intelligence, which is understandable since its almost all aimed at children or hardcore otaku. Manga is better but I dont like reading scanlations so I'm limited there.
>> No. 3128 [Edit]
They probably got on here from 4-ch /hikki/ and anonib's /hikki/ board. Or at least, in the same way. I remember anonib's hikki board being full of people who were not anime fans but who posted there, as well as the hikiculture boards (namefag boards) and their arguments over whether to ban anime avatars because there are non-anime fan hikkis (mainly the admin wanted that; the users disagreed)
>> No. 3131 [Edit]
geez get off my back i just dont like anime but i like computering omg
>> No. 3144 [Edit]
It's easy to forget one can be a hikki without liking stuff like anime.
The guy in Welcome to nhk for example, wasn't into anything at all at first.
>> No. 3145 [Edit]
To be honest, I hardly watch anime. Ive only watched like seven whole series in my life. I don't play VNs or games either. I only manage to keep up with the users here because I read a moderate amount of manga and browse anime discussion boards obsessively even though I don't watch them.
>> No. 3146 [Edit]
I am not too surprised there are people out there with our type of life but do not like anime all that much. I am surprised they found this place though.
>> No. 3190 [Edit]
We should make a tohno-chan group!
>> No. 3191 [Edit]
Except I don't read that much manga either.

To me, mostly this board really.
It's rather odd but there aren't many english boards dedicated to social outcasts like ourselves (Hikkis/NEETS) that aren't related in some way to the anime subculture — Which is fine by me really, as I do find it sorta interesting.
>> No. 3196 [Edit]
I could go ahead and list hundreds of subgenres within subgenred genres but in an effort to keep this post concise I will spare you all the autistic details.

Electronic stuff (broadest generalization in this post). Jazz/instrumental stuff. Death metal/black metal/rock, both modern works and groups dating back from the 80s. Really old stuff - classical, WW2 instrumental compositions and single artists popular around that time. Vocaloid, j-shit/etc. Post-rock/metal and everything tangentially related to anything I've just mentioned.

I really enjoy reading dystopian fiction and non fiction covering social aspects of societies and populations. Books on psychology, warfare, technology, and philosophy also interest me. Some scifi from time to time can be nice too.

I haven't watched anything for months. Documentaries and really anything related to my tastes in literature I'd probably enjoy. Anime sucks.
>> No. 3223 [Edit]
Radiohead, No-man, Husky Rescue, Centrozoon, Porcupine Tree, Bass Communion, Sia Furler, Tim Bowness, Steven Wilson, Ally Kerr etc

Great music for a loser such as myself.

I don't read anything.

Sometimes I watch live gigs.

I listen to music 7hrs plus a day.
>> No. 3253 [Edit]
there are autism and asperger and "neurodiversity" boards. Also, anime attracts social outcasts as a lot of anime appeals to us. Same with a lot of science fiction in the 'old days' (1950s-1980s) and branches like furries et all.

>>I find most anime insults my intelligence, which is understandable since its almost all aimed at children or hardcore otaku

huh? There is "intelligent" anime but honestly that stuff can well bun through your head esp if youre studying or doing other stuff. If I wanted high-brow stuff/intelligent/knowledgeable thing I'd rea a history of politics text. Which I do at times.

kiddy stuff if VERY fun too (Ika Musume). Then again Ika Musume isnt exactly 'kiddy stuff' given the UFO references et all
>> No. 3291 [Edit]
*et al
>> No. 3350 [Edit]
Forgot Portishead.
Vector Lovers too.
>> No. 3536 [Edit]
  I read Rimbaud for the 1st time when I was 13. Since then, it become a life-lecture, making me company for the last nearly 14 years.

In my early 20´s I became a huge fan of Carl Sagan. Later studies made me drop his ideas, although I still remember him with love and respect.

From the few (or many) philosophers I could get some knowledge of, Wittgenstein remains on me as a gigantic intellectual authority (specially -but not exclusively- due to the Tractatus).

Other books that had a great -and still alive- influence on me:

"The neverending story" -Michael Ende
"Peer Gynt" -Henrik Ibsen
"Kensington Gardens" -Rodrigo Fresan
"The Misterios Stranger" -Mark Twain
"Firmin" -Sam Savage
"The unfinished word. Essays on Kabbalah." -Esther Cohen
"The Future Eve" -Auguste Villiers de l'Isle-Adam

Apart from VNs and some manga (doujins), I pretty much stoped reading anything a couple years ago, out of general apathy and ataraxia.
By now, I listen mostly to gloomy bands of indie rock, anime OSTs, a bit of classics/modern-classics and old songs of protest.
>> No. 3574 [Edit]
I assume by reading and watching you mean things other than manga and anime.

I usually just listen to video game soundtracks. Music with lyrics annoys me for some reason, even if it's in another language.

I don't read a lot of literature; most of the things I read are online. I read a lot of wikis, especially ones over games. A lot of game-related wikis have articles over the game's mechanics, which I love to read.

I watch all kinds of Youtube videos.
>> No. 3599 [Edit]
I basically listen to game/anime soundtracks, and a few other miscellaneous things (I really like Pink Floyd in particular, for some reason).

I read mostly non-fiction, which is strange considering how heavily invested I am in my little fantasy worlds and such. But I really love learning about math and science and history and all kinds of stuff like that. In some sense, it's my way of dealing with the outside world- deep down inside, I feel as though if I become smart enough, I'll be able to deal with reality on its own terms instead of living in fear of it all the time.

I watch anime and various YouTube/Niconico videos, and that's pretty much it. I don't have a TV anymore, and I'm not much of a movie person. Back when I had cable TV, I used to be totally addicted to stuff like House and Law & Order: SVU.
>> No. 3601 [Edit]
... just (how could I forget):
"Lolita" -Vladimir Nabokov

Also, I took my otaku preferences for granted as well, wich was the reason why I omitted them; but I do have 90+ completed series on my anime list and several VNs with at least the main(s) route(s) cleared.
>> No. 3675 [Edit]
I hate questions like these, I can never think of what to answer. I enjoy lots of different genres. I don't watch tv or read anime and manga, though.

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