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File 130222099258.jpg - (192.30KB , 1208x1200 , Booklet 10.jpg )
2922 No. 2922 [Edit]
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>> No. 2923 [Edit]
I fucking loved this album, and part of it was due to the amazing art. This picture, to me, shows the pain of being alone in a house or apartment as a hikkikomori.
>> No. 2924 [Edit]
I feel like I recognize this, but I'm drawing a blank.
>> No. 2949 [Edit]
I feel like I've seen this before. Could we get a sauce?
>> No. 2950 [Edit]

You can say it properly, this isn't 4chan
>> No. 2951 [Edit]
Is that all you have to bring to this thread? Go be a baddie somewhere else.
>> No. 2954 [Edit]
It's art from the Welcome to the NHK soundtrack.
Take it easy, bro.
>> No. 3009 [Edit]
File 130239805156.jpg - (7.31KB , 480x360 , 0.jpg )

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