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2882 No. 2882 [Edit]
So, I was reading some works by brazilian poets and found this piece. It touched me so much that I just had to translate it and post it here. I'll apologize for any weird words now, I'm no professional translator and I can just barely write in English. I know it's a bit off-topic, so feel free to delete it if you wish. I think that most of you guys will relate to it, though.

Ancient Poem (original: Poema Antigo)

"It is all planned:
if tomorrow the day is grey,
if there is rain,
if there is wind,
or if I am tired
of this old melancholy
cold ash
over the things
known by the house
the table ready
and worn out
it is all planned
I turn off the lights, in the dark
and I open the gas valve
or else
I wear my red pants
and search for a party
where I can dance rock
until I fall"
- Caio Fernando Abreu

Share your thoughts on it, please.
>> No. 2884 [Edit]
If you can read Portuguese, read Fernando Pessoa's "A Educação do Estóico". I can pretty much guarantee any brohnos will like it.
>> No. 2886 [Edit]
I tend to like Fernando Pessoa's heteronyms (mainly Álvaro de Campos), so I'll get to it right after I'm done with my current book ("Steppenwolf" by Herman Hesse). Thank you very much for the tip, it is much appreciated.
>> No. 2896 [Edit]
no prob. I'm currently trying to get through Beckett's "Molloy", but it's kind of a slog. Paused it to re-read Tao Lin's "Richard Yates" instead.
>> No. 2908 [Edit]
did I talk to you on /jp/ before? I think we discussed pedo acceptance and 2D and how "slutty" girls are in Brail
>> No. 2919 [Edit]
I do not think so. Although I did take part in these discussions (if they are the posts that I think that they are, that is), I have never identified myself as a Brazilian on /jp/ (I don't usually like to, anyway, I don't think nationalities really matter most of the time).
>> No. 2925 [Edit]

This was some very touching stuff. The syllabic stutter of "de-fi-ni-te-ly" hit me like a ton of bricks. A lot of time poetry with suicidal themes kinda present themselves as overarching and deliberate. This one really played with the reader.
>> No. 2928 [Edit]
The writer likely really felt like this. He was gay, and had AIDS. He was exiled by the military government in Brazil, and he always wrote about sex, fear, death, and, above all, solitude. You can really feel his angst, he wants to give up but he can't because he feels that his world still needs him so he becomes drunk with normalfag pleasures to forget about everything and pretend to be happy, because that's what society wants. I can really relate to him.
>> No. 2990 [Edit]
some guy said based off your posts you can actually use english good, while most Brazilians only think they can speak good english. You were mainly white and identified as middle-class. Think you talked about how rich go to public universities and poor go to private universities in Brazil.
>> No. 3000 [Edit]
No, it was not me. I did read it, though, and I agreed with him (although I did not post it).

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