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2868 No. 2868 [Edit]
I was doing some thinking today and just remembered an extremely stupid thing I did years ago. Back in high school I took this game development class. I was probably the best programmer in there, and I could do many things that the others couldn't. Instead of sharing my skills with the rest of the class, though, I kept myself shut tight. Why? All because of this girl in class who liked programming, along with her boyfriend who was in the same class and also liked programming. Said guy nearly matched my skill. I didn't want him or anyone else becoming better than me. I wanted to remain the best in class so I could eventually "win" her away from the guy, and then once we were together I would teach her (and only her) all of my skills.

Looking back, I realized that I made a rather childish decision. For starters, she wasn't even worth the trouble; I later found out that she was a pretty incompetent programmer and was unwilling to improve herself. Most importantly, however, I could have made friends if I had just stopped being such an elitist. I could have shared my knowledge, improved their skills (and maybe mine as well), and would have probably been well-liked among the class. But instead I wanted to keep my skills to myself and wait for some kind of class-wide competition so that I could win and impress her. That competition never even came.

I'm glad I've stopped caring for 3D since then. Next time I'm in a situation like this, like if I go back to college or manage to land a programming job, my thoughts won't be so clouded by such things. Has anyone else ever done something stupid like this in the past, making stupid decisions over a 3D?
>> No. 2869 [Edit]
No. I recommend you stop beating yourself up over trivial things like 3DPD.
>> No. 2870 [Edit]
Everyone does stupid shit in high school. Making dumb teenage mistakes is part of the process of growing up, learning from them as much a part of your education as classes themselves. As long as you can look back, identify your mistakes, and strive to not repeat them, then there's no reason to get hung up on them.
>> No. 2876 [Edit]
I've never made stupid decisions over 3D since I've pretty much never been interested in them
>> No. 2883 [Edit]
I know how you feel. When I was 14 or 15 (can't remember exactly) I was friendzoned by this girl that I used to like back when I cared about 3D. Then we went to an amusement park with my bro, her "best friend forever" and their respective 3DPD/boyfriend (we were both single). Then we went to some "dangerous" things together, she cried in the horror thingy and hugged me really tightly for about one hour. In the end, we went to ride that huge thing that spins and, when we reached the pinnacle, I asked her to go out with me in a really romantic way. She then started laughing and rejected me. What I regret is not being strong enough to throw myself at that time. I was frozen when I got to the edge. When we got to the floor, we caught the 3DPD/boyfriend of our respective friends dating each other, and not their supposedly "true" loves. I then understood that there is no such thing as true love. I've since lost contact with all the aforementioned people sans my bro that is still my bro. He is now gay.
>> No. 2905 [Edit]
ugg I hate the days where I was still interested in real girls. nothing but akwardness and nervousness. I remember this one girl who knew I liked her took pleasure in rubbing it in my face, i feel nothing but contempt for her now.
>> No. 3786 [Edit]
I wish I new something no one else did or had a special skill.
I'd never tell anyone, because I know they would learn it twice as fast as me, get better at it then me, and look down on me.
But to be the best at something, or to be praised for being good at something would be amazing, you made the right choice.
>> No. 3789 [Edit]
Take it easy.
>> No. 3839 [Edit]
There's no better, or worse, feeling than pure spite. The kind you carry with you longer than anyone reasonably should. Back when I was in high school in my first year and I was still stupidly interested in real girls, I got up the nerve to do something like >>2883
in a similar situation, and it ended the same way (only she ended up telling a few other people about it, word got around, etc.) At that point I realized what a complete bitch that girl was, and I was almost happy that she'd rejected me. But I didn't forget the what she had subjected me to. The next few weeks I could feel people looking at me and I knew what they were saying. I didn't have a reputation to care about or any real friends, but it was still humiliating.

I'd like to say I did something to release that pent-up spite, but I never found the chance. People say you should forgive and forget, that you should let go of things like this, and looking back it was really a stupid thing I hated her for, and after that year I did really stop caring about it, once I'd withdrawn from everyone else for good. But there's no point in forgiving. "Forgive and forget" is fine when you're strong, or equal to the other person in self-esteem, reputation, respect. But when you're weaker, it's inviting everyone to walk all over you. I have a proud streak despite all my problems and I'll never take anything lying down, even if I have to carry stupid, pointless grudges with me until the day I die.
>> No. 3849 [Edit]
not relationship/3DPD related but there are people now that I'd like to see dead, or fucked up. People I knew off forums who i want to see suffer, and people who I know IRL who i'd like to see fucked up.
>> No. 3852 [Edit]
I've always avoided 3DPG. I've had just a few of them show some sort of interest in me, and most of them had some friend of theirs tell me this because they didn't want to themselves for whatever reason. However, I was either apathetic or suspicious of their motives so I didn't respond. I think it was for the best, I'm lazy and greedy anyway.
>> No. 3863 [Edit]
Holding a grudge is one of the stupidest things you can do. It accomplishes nothing other than making you feel completely miserable for years until you learn to let go, if you ever do. You only make things worse for yourself. And thinking your choices are either carry a grudge until you die or let people walk all over you is a false dichotomy.
>> No. 3864 [Edit]
I say I stopped caring about that girl, didn't it? Since I plan on interacting with other people as little as possible for the rest of my life, I won't need to hold any more grudges, so it's not an issue anyway.

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