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File 130207508779.jpg - (282.07KB , 598x882 , psychedelic_studio.jpg )
2864 No. 2864 [Edit]
Man, I want to be a NEET so bad. A confirmed one. I want my family to give up on me and just send me rent, money for food and high-speed internet.
Wake up, get some sunlight, prepare meals at my convenience, masturbate whenever, do drugs, listen to music, nap throughout the day. In fact, just go to sleep for as many hours as I want whenever the mood strikes me, then wake up and continue whatever I was doing.
Maybe pick up skills and hobbies sometimes, abandon them whenever I grow tired, come back to them later. Cycle them. Listen to entire discographies, play whole series of games.
I want people's expectations of me to disappear so completely that I forget what it was even like to be subject to them.
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>> No. 2865 [Edit]
something tells me your family is harassing you to stay into normalfaggotry. As a guess, based off that they'd probably hook you up with a girl to give you the 'incentive' to get a job. Or something like that.
>> No. 2866 [Edit]
"harassing" as a term kinda seems to imply they're in the wrong, which I'm not sure of. But yeah, if it weren't for my family I'm pretty sure I'd drop out and apply for government assistance or something. I don't know about hooking me up though, I don't think my parents know any girls my age?
>> No. 2867 [Edit]
I know that feel. I've been NEET for the last couple of years, but I am so broke and poor at all times that I could hardly be considered living the NEET life. My only advice is to try and talk to them, explaining how you feel about everything.

From there, try and live the life you want to live. If you want to get on government benefits, don't let their reactions stop you. If you want to sleep all day, just do it. If your parents are anywhere near as annoying as mine, you should only do the bare minimum required to stay in their good graces.
>> No. 2871 [Edit]
Grow up and at least try to get a job.

If you can do it physically and mentally, you should. Seriously

Being a NEET wears off fast and it only makes the depression worse
>> No. 2872 [Edit]
Get a job and make cash. You can still fap and do drugs and nap on days off. Being a NEET is bad and it sickens me that so many people here wear it as a badge of honor.
>> No. 2873 [Edit]
>Man, I want to be a NEET so bad.

This. There's nothing good about being a worthless sack of shit. I didn't become a NEET voluntarily. I became one because I had no other choice. I'm a complete failure and I'm too depressed and socially awkward to ever hold a job. My parents don't give a crap about helping me either so I'm pretty much screwed.

Being a NEET should be a last resort. Don't do it just because of the whole "Yay, I get to sleep in all day and not deal with any stress." You'll regret it.
>> No. 2874 [Edit]
technically, there are the teenage/20 something slackers who are normalfaggish but are still NEETs. Think some of the characters in Kevin Smith's movies

Not all people become NEETS due to depresison or whatnot.

I am reminded of those people who posted on /jp/ on how they said 'you all should enjoy your NEET days as they will end' - coming from people who have jobs due to their parents or whatever, and how they'll take a few weeks off every year and live as they did before.

Heh. It depends, "grass is greener on the other side of the street" or whatever that white american saying is.....
Maybe 'harassing' is not the right term. In my case probably if I spent more time with my mother's work friends they would have hooked me up with some of their children....but I didnt and still DONT want to be put under her control given the past.
>> No. 2875 [Edit]
Being a NEET may have it's ups, but then you realize you have no money and that you're freeloading off somebody else.

I may dislike having to work 40 hours a week (especially having to wake up at 5 and be at work by 7), but I'm getting my own money now and doing something with myself.
>> No. 2877 [Edit]
I'm already a worthless sack of shit, I just wish I weren't a constantly-stressed one. And I really don't know how much more fight I have in me. I've been feeling like I'm going to have some sort of nervous breakdown. I think wanting to go NEET and shed any and all responsibilities might just be one last panicked attempt at self-preservation.
>> No. 2878 [Edit]
I'm a NEET and I'm still stressed, because I know I'll need to get a job soon (parents won't let me live like this forever) and my social anxiety is so bad I can't even go out to the mailbox out of fear a neighbor might be out. I feel like I'm in a room slowly filling with water and there's no way out
>> No. 2879 [Edit]
If I ever become rich I swear it, I'd let some of you live with me for free.
>> No. 2885 [Edit]
yeah, having a job doesn't make you un-worthless, it's just something we do out of necessity.

i never see anybody acting like NEETdom is a badge of honor, just a nice situation that is less stressful than working.

a paycheck is not some special, magical thing, brohnos. it is a source of money like any other. if i could sustainably and reliably get money otherwise, why wouldn't I?
>> No. 2904 [Edit]
My dream is win the lottery, buy apartments, rent them and live my whole life as a rich NEET.

If Only
>> No. 2909 [Edit]
seconding. I am reminded of the /jp/ house idea and how to organize it. As in separating stoners from nonstoners
>> No. 2910 [Edit]
I think you share that dream with most of /tc/

Normals will say how a life where you have infinite money and don't have to do anything is terrible, but that's because they need the social interaction of going to work or college, and they need to get stressed so they can tell people about it and start relationships and such.

For us who don't have anything like that anyway, I can't think of anything better than a life like it.
>> No. 2912 [Edit]
Fact: all people that call the rich unhappy, and money evil, are poor.
>> No. 2913 [Edit]
I think you're generalizing a bit there.
Maybe those you know are like that, many I know are like that too. But many more would also love being rich out of nowhere that's why many buy the lottery and being able to live like rich pampered heiresses or crazy rock stars.
>> No. 2915 [Edit]
File 130221481041.png - (1.26MB , 900x675 , justkeeprollinrollenrol.png )
sometime back I won 10k, but it wasn't nearly enough to buy a home, let alone an apartment complex, and I couldn't get a lone to save my life, banks tend to look down on unemployment and no credit.
but it was definitely nice being able to buy any figs I wanted at the time.
It might not have been life changing, but it was nice being able to live off it without working for a good time, even got a nice tv for watching anime out of it.
I do not regret it one bit.
>> No. 2917 [Edit]
I'll be getting 10 grand from inheritance soon enough. It will probably make me finally get a bank account
>> No. 2918 [Edit]
I'm not exaggerating even a little bit when I tell you guys you need to treasure your days of dicking around and to enjoy NEET life while you can. Eventually, you are forced to press on.

...and it sucks balls.

However, like Tohno and DESU said, having money is a good feel, it's just the rat race that accompanies it is terrible.
>> No. 2926 [Edit]
OP, NEET living is supremely overrated. The first six months hook you. It's enjoyable to do nothing. However, it slowly turns to shit.

If you're willing to be looked down upon by everyone you know or knew, not be able to go anywhere, have the most god awful and unbreakable sleep patterns, be bored constantly, be a boring person, have depression problems, be afraid of the future instead of embracing it, and feel trapped in your own prison, go for it.

It's not a badge of honour; it's a mark of lack of self.

The thing with winning money is you don't want to pay rent with it, because that would eat it all up, and you don't get anything from that, and you're back where you started. Buy figs, it's much more rewarding and makes you feel better. At least for me.
>> No. 2929 [Edit]
Wow, it does sound awful.
I'd still take it over having a tiring 7am to 5pm job though.
>> No. 2941 [Edit]
> If you're willing to be looked down upon by everyone you know or knew, not be able to go anywhere, have the most god awful and unbreakable sleep patterns, be bored constantly, be a boring person, have depression problems, be afraid of the future instead of embracing it, and feel trapped in your own prison, go for it.
I'm not a NEET, yet that's a perfect description of me. What am I doing wrong?
>> No. 2984 [Edit]
>Telling Tohno to buy figs.
I think that was his first thought when he won that money.
>> No. 2985 [Edit]
If I won the lottery or something I would totally do nothing (workwise anyway, I'd spend every day just going out on hikes and shit alone). But otherwise it's nice to have money so you can do the thing you want. No point in being a NEET if you're going to be poor/bored all the time because no moonies.

Just be frugal and retire early.
>> No. 2986 [Edit]
It's like that old adage that's thrown around on /jp/. If you get tired/depressed of living the lifestyle of a NEET, than you are doing it wrong.
>> No. 2995 [Edit]
Or they're people born into richness (Krotpokin) or they're middle-class. Some people could classify me as "middle class" or "rich" (funny how many think I am rich just because what neighborhood I live in, when I grew up in a ghetto before moving here).

yeah that'd require my mother to die for me to get a lump sum.

>>not be able to go anywhere
>>have the most god awful and unbreakable sleep patterns,
>>be bored constantly
>>be a boring person
>>have depression problems
>>be afraid of the future instead of embracing it
>>and feel trapped in your own prison, go for it

yeah you dont have to be NEET for that.

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