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File 130197977725.jpg - (805.62KB , 2446x1632 , Puppy_near_Coltani_-_17_apr_2010.jpg )
2845 No. 2845 [Edit]
A growing body of research indicates the companionship of a dog can enhance human physical health and psychological wellbeing.[82] Dog and cat owners have been shown to have better mental and physical health than nonowners, making fewer visits to the doctor and being less likely to be on medication than nonowners.[83] In one study, new pet owners reported a highly significant reduction in minor health problems during the first month following pet acquisition, and this effect was sustained in dog owners through to the end of the study. In addition, dog owners took considerably more physical exercise than cat owners and people without pets. The group without pets exhibited no statistically significant changes in health or behaviour. The results provide evidence that pet acquisition may have positive effects on human health and behaviour, and that for dog owners these effects are relatively long term.[84] Pet ownership has also been associated with increased coronary artery disease survival, with dog owners being significantly less likely to die within one year of an acute myocardial infarction than those who did not own dogs.[85]
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>> No. 2846 [Edit]
File 130198228365.jpg - (355.36KB , 506x768 , 64634.jpg )
Sometimes your dog is your only friend in the world.
>> No. 2847 [Edit]
I don't really want to live longer
>> No. 2849 [Edit]
Me neither, but my dog does help me with my current life; for as long as I'm caring and loving towards her, I'm not that much of a jerk and thus a miserable despicable person who should just die (in some horrible way).
>> No. 2851 [Edit]
I'll never get a dog or any other pet because it really sucks when they die.
>> No. 2853 [Edit]
Well maybe you won't be so ronery if you had a dog, I think thats what OP meant to say.
>> No. 2855 [Edit]

This + I'm afraid I will give in to the temptation of suicide someday and that would leave it it/them all alone. So yeah, sounds nice but just in theory.
>> No. 2856 [Edit]
If I didn't have my cat I'd go nuts.

A week or so ago I woke up and couldn't find him, I keep him in my room usually. I freaked out, though my parents came in while I was asleep for whatever reason and he ran out.
>> No. 2857 [Edit]
I know that feeling. First time I actually cried in a long time.

>> No. 2859 [Edit]
I love dogs and pets of all kinds. I make friends with stray dogs and neighborhood cats everywhere I go. I like them more than people. I've had dogs my entire life, and been through 2 deaths. It's a horrible experience, but I wouldn't trade anything for them.
>> No. 2862 [Edit]
I'd get a cat or if it wasnt for family BS I wouldve taken a stray cat from this woman who had the cat dumped on her by some friend ofher....

I don't think I want to get a pet reminded of how many goldfish died under my 'care'. Granted the earlier fish lived long enough that they turned silver......but Im reminded of the careful stuff like keeping the water temperature in a certain temperature (no sudden changes in water temp to keep diseases) and whatnot. I am REALLY glad I did NOT get a dog when younger. I really liked cats when younger and still do....but cats take care of themselves, and are good for people who can barely do that for themselves (I think one of the endings of FLCL made that joke)
>> No. 2936 [Edit]
Cats are great, cause they're so easy to take care of.
Dogs are nice, but they're too hyper and need walks and shit.
>> No. 2945 [Edit]
I really love my cats. I've raised them from kittens, they're great companions.

When I was a teenager, I quit an exam early and went home. It was about 2pm, and my cat at the time was desperate to get outside. I never liked that my mum always let her outside, because I feared I wouldn't see her again. But this time, I decided to let her out because my mum wasn't in and the cat had been stuck inside all day. I actually never did see her again. A neighbour had said they saw someone out of their cat looking over a white cat at the side of the road on the day that I let her out. I was gutted, I cried for about two days.

With my cats now, I still let them out because I understand they are outdoor animals and love hunting things and generally running about. I understand if they get killed doing it, they would get killed, being cats, acting like cats. But fuck, does it really hurt when they don't come home.
>> No. 2958 [Edit]
My family pretty much never lets our cat out, and he's perfectly fine with it. When we do occasionally let him out, he just walks around on the porch for a bit before coming back inside. Our last cat, which we let out all the time, ran away.
>> No. 2971 [Edit]
I have had cats around most of my life.
Cats are great. If they love you that is. See they can be very particular with who they love. They can be the sweetest things ever, or total bastards. Not much in between. Typically the ones that hate you will make you miserable for awhile and just run away one day.
Not always though. I had one for 13 years that never did really like me. I couldn't just put him in a burlap sack and toss him in the nearby lake, so I just kept on feeding him and petting him every now and then when he would be nice. Still felt bad when I had to have him put down a few months ago.
>> No. 2972 [Edit]
I don't have any pets, but my college campus is full of cats. They lie around the plazas and on the steps like they own the place. Even though they're strays, they're used to humans and friendly for the most part. They'll even let you pet them if you're not a dick about it. It makes me pretty happy.
>> No. 2974 [Edit]
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>> No. 2996 [Edit]
I want to go to this school.
>> No. 3045 [Edit]
File 130246631710.jpg - (138.02KB , 602x800 , dog.jpg )
>> No. 3068 [Edit]
Our uni had a stray cat problem too. They set up tons of traps. Signs were put up everywhere telling people not to free any cats stuck inside traps if they came across one.
>> No. 3069 [Edit]
Yeah, I bet loads of people listened to them.

Also, FUCK. I have a dog that looks exactly like the one in the OP. The ears are a little different though, but the face. Damn.

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