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2754 No. 2754 [Edit]
What are your goals in life? If you had a good income and a respectable reputation, what would you do with them? I ask because right now I'm working towards a "respectable" position in life, but I realize I'm only doing it to make my parents happy. There is really nothing I want that I could ever obtain without somehow getting many millions of dollars, or just enough money to live comfortably and never have to deal with anyone never again, and short of a miracle that will never happen. As it is, my best prospect is working a job that I hate but pays enough for me to do okay, and constantly getting badgered by my family to "settle down" and start a family, and if I don't do it they'll probably start trying to match me up. This isn't a future that appeals to me, and I don't see a good way out of it.

Am I just approaching things the wrong way? I prefer this life to not doing anything as a NEET, back when I really felt like shit. But working hard towards a job I don't want to make money towards a goal I don't care about doesn't seem like much of a life to me.
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>> No. 2755 [Edit]
Get a high paying (or at least "enough" paying) job that requires little to no social contact and getting a house/apartment in a safe neighborhood.
>> No. 2756 [Edit]
This seems like a good solution, only I'd have to find a way to shut my family out, and they've supported me since I was born. So I don't feel good about that. Besides that I'm an only child.
>> No. 2757 [Edit]
You don't have to completely shut your family out -- you can just let them be the ones to always contact you. That's what I do, it works out okay.
>> No. 2758 [Edit]
>Get a high paying (or at least "enough" paying) job that requires little to no social contact
Can anyone give a few suggestions of jobs like this? Preferably something related to computers that isn't programming?
>> No. 2759 [Edit]
A radiologist sits in a dark room all day analysing x-rays.
>> No. 2760 [Edit]
Becoming a radiologist requires tons of social contact to get to that point, since you need to complete a residency before you can even become one
>> No. 2761 [Edit]
Its hard to get a 'high paying' job which truly avoids all kind of social contact.
>> No. 2762 [Edit]
Are there any non-social jobs that normals could not do? Jobs that involves incredible boringness in solitude perhaps?
>> No. 2763 [Edit]
I made a list of my aspirations recently, and most, if not all of them have major Japanese influence. Please forgive my going on as I may will look like a weeaboorefined gentleman with good cultural taste:

My main goal is to get out of my house, learn to drive, maybe get an apartment, go to a community college and juggle that with a job, apply to a uni when I have the grades for it, and major in Japanese language. I plan on using the skills as a translator for websites or books, something that would have me work from a computer or at home. When I have the money, I will move to Japan, probably Tokyo or Osaka, and work from there, possibly getting a translating job in the Japanese market.

From there I'll either settle down or become an English teacher in a secondary school.

I may get a business going where I buy items from Akihabara and send them to my friend who will sell them in a store that we will co-own.

I may get naturalized and then just give up a few years later when I have a financial footing to be a hikki.

I may disappear into a mountain village and be trained in kendo by a quirky Shinto priest who's daughter falls madly in love with me while I'm engrossed in my 2D relationship. But that just sounds like a manga plotline.
>> No. 2764 [Edit]
>> No. 2765 [Edit]
That goes back around to the "need to become a doctor" thing
>> No. 2766 [Edit]
I wish to be a shut in NEET until I kill myself. Every things going fine so far! Just about 9 years left until I hit the target age.
>> No. 2767 [Edit]
the problem with aspirations and goals is that once you achieve them you feel empty again and all that effort you made goes to waste.
>> No. 2768 [Edit]
All I want to do is live alone. And I'm not making very good progress either.
>> No. 2769 [Edit]
That's why I want to go back to doing nothing.
>> No. 2770 [Edit]
I want a badass underground house that's as self sufficient as possible.
>> No. 2772 [Edit]
I have no goals, no ambitions. None.

It's kind of sad, though. I used to want to be a teacher, damn it.

The closest thing I have to a goal would be to live my life the way I want to, with little to no social, governmental, or monetary interference. God knows that's never going to happen.
>> No. 2773 [Edit]
Yes, depression does that to you. Sucks the fun and enjoyment out of everything.
>> No. 2775 [Edit]
this is me except for the part with the teacher; i never wanted to be anything, ever.
>> No. 2776 [Edit]
people are like ants: very interesting to watch, not so much to interact with.
(also very interesting to read about but I can't fit that into my aphorism.)
>> No. 2777 [Edit]
actually "people are like ants" conjures up unpleasant associations, that part needs to be more roundabout
>> No. 2778 [Edit]
Ants are awesome man. They're selfless and self-sacrificing. Read Kurosawa.
>> No. 2779 [Edit]
Well my one major goal in life recently fell through so I don't really know. I've been having an existential crisis the last couple of days because of it. I don't feel like doing anything with my life but if I don't do anything I'll feel terrible.
>> No. 2780 [Edit]
1. Heal.
2. Make friends with worthwhile people.
3. Do (/make) something really valuable.
And that's all.
>> No. 2782 [Edit]
My main long-term goal to get my own cartoon on TV.
>> No. 2783 [Edit]
>What are your goals in life?

Live responsiblefree as long as i can, and end the life as soon as i can't live like this anymore, the life of a leecher that is.

Thanks for reading, normalfags.
>> No. 2784 [Edit]
Well, that will probably be what quite a few of us wind up doing. I just wanted to be a little more optimistic ;_;
>> No. 2785 [Edit]
Akira Kurosawa? I thought he just made movies.
>> No. 2786 [Edit]
Get a job, get a place where I can afford to live alone

Not much really
>> No. 2797 [Edit]
Sorry I meant to write 'Legend of the Strongest Man Kurosawa', I guess just writing Kurosawa is pretty ambiguous..
>> No. 2827 [Edit]
To do well in life from the normal point of view, you need a lot of money, an attractive personality or an amazing skill. Sometimes having just one of these isn't enough (think of the great authors and artists everyone loves now who, in their own time, lived and died without a penny.) But you need at least one of them. Just being smart or competent at something doesn't cut it.

If you're someone like me, you can try to socialize and be the follower among your "friends". Or, let's be honest, be the bitch. Even if you make an effort and drag yourself along the normal path, you'll end up miserable. Even if you get married, your wife will most likely be a domineering woman who drives you into despair.

Or you can find someone who's genuinely good and pure and likes you for who you are. Good luck with that.

So what's the solution? Right now I'm throwing myself into my studies so I don't have to think about any of this stuff. When I'm not doing that, I'm drinking or using caffeine to pass the time. But when I'm not doing any of that, like now, I start thinking about what a piece of shit I am. It's a good source of short-term motivation, but not exactly great for my mental or physical health. So I need to find a new goal, and soon.

Sorry for all the bitching.
>> No. 2830 [Edit]
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you said "normal point of view". What is being normal? What is normality if not accepting someone elses values? What does being "successful" mean? One man has a 250k job, the other one earns $8.50 an hour. Society says "that CEO is successful" but that "dishwasher boy isn't. He's a failure".

Does money define success? I think this is an erroneous point of view. I never did get why for example people would buy a $50 mil house with 15 bathrooms & 20 bedrooms. You only have one ass to shit out of, and one body to rest with every night right? Why? I don't get it.

Why is being "normal" good? What is bad about being "abnormal". "Oh, he's THAT guy", "he's weird" "He's that 'freak loner'. "He didn't go to an Ivy league, he went to a community college, still lives at home, pathetic, lets laugh at that "loser"

I feel like there's a lot of issues here and especially with these 'goals'. According to society everyone must go through the same motions. And a lot of these "normal" people do, they go through the same motions. highschool > college > work > marriage. I just feel like problems arise when people realize they DON'T want to go the trodden path. We are conflicted and unsure of ourselves. We let out lives be dictated by somebody else. Many of us believe these golden images that society shows us, you "need" a white picket fence house. You "need" a successful career. You "need" a wife & children. Then you look around you and assess your own life. What do you "have"? Some part-time job, a cramped apartment, a honda that barely runs & an outdated PC. Yea, you're going to be unhappy with that. Well, we aren't robots damn you!

Oh yea I guess regarding the OP's thread. No I don't have any set goals or ambitions. I don't have any money. Even if I did, I have no idea what'd I'd spend it on. I don't see myself going the 'respectable' route in society. Mostly I just really want to travel & explore the world & not spend my years living in this cookie cutter society.

>> No. 2834 [Edit]
>If you had a good income and a respectable reputation, what would you do with them?

Fairly recently I began to wonder what I'd do if I won a huge (huge as in huge, think 8 zeroes) lottery and I thought that it would be nice to buy (or build) a big... Dormitory of sorts. For NEETs/hikkis/fellow Brohnos in general.

Or maybe I'd buy a large chunk of land and keep various animals in my 'backyard'. Ones that are not really fit to live in small, cramped flats like mine. I'd feed them and we would just live peacefully together until I'd die. That sounds nice.

If I had a normal, somewhat respectable, good paying job I'd just rub it in the faces of normalfags who can't deal with the fact that someone like me gets paid more than they do.

However, if I were really successfull in any area (musician, actor, CEO of a large company, athlete, writer - everything works, really) I'd want to destroy myself in a spectacular manner. Gamble away all I've got, drink myself into oblivion, get addicted to drugs. Just plain ruin all the hard work that I've done until now. Like you destroy your own cities in Sim City. When I was a kid I used to spend (literally hours) making snowmen just to destroy them within seconds later on. So much fun.

Killing myself (in such a situation) sounds like fun, too, but I wouldn't see the aftermath so it's not worth it.
>> No. 2835 [Edit]
I never said living a normal life was the best or the only choice. If you have the will and means to live your own kind of life, that's even better.

I feel the need to work hard and use what little talents I have, but those normal goals I'm supposedly working towards are worthless to me. Which is why I'm talking about finding a new goal that isn't any of those things.
>> No. 2836 [Edit]
If I won the lottery I would never be unhappy again. My only source of sadness and anxiety is how the fuck am I going to live when I'm too afraid to do even the simplest of things (like getting a license), and if I had millions of dollars I would be able to take it easy for the rest of my days.
>> No. 2840 [Edit]
be careful as you will probably end up getting normalfags and fsmily coming out of the woodwork to be nice to you or something when they likely only want your money
>> No. 2841 [Edit]
>>highschool > college > work > marriage.

some people take a gap yeasr and end up travveling the world or being a NEET.

>>Many of us believe these golden images that society shows us, you "need" a white picket fence house. You "need" a successful career. You "need" a wife & children.

Glad I dont live in an american suburb

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