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2718 No. 2718 [Edit]
I am a male and like most of my peers I have an innate desire to find and mate and procreate it’s hardwired into my brain. Even though I know this, I hate it.
I’m so soul crushingly lonely but at the same time I do not want to give in to it
As a kid in my early years of being on the internet a trend noticed among communities and chat rooms was the males would drool all over and pay lip service to females simply out of the sheer fact that they were of the “fairer sex”. A young me thought this sort of crap was deplorable and vowed I would never fall into such a mentality. This was further compounded by my exposure of the nerd stereotype presented by the media which further fueled my desire to not become one of those guys he turned to jelly in the presence of females (metaphorically speaking). But the thing that terrifies me now is as a man there is a very thin line in which I am at risk at falling into this sort of mentality; I know this from self observation and reflection. When I see a girl posting on the internet I find myself oddly wanting to say something to her, to give her attention and find immense excitement in receiving attention from her more so than I would from a male. But it’s not because she said anything in particular that caught my attention or I find her a genuinely interesting person, from what I observe through introspection I realize I act this way only because she is a girl it’s all a product of my animalistic instincts tugging away at free will. It’s a product of my desire to find a remedy my loneliness. Though I resist these temptations the very fact that I observed this in myself fills me with self disgust, I am appalled at the prospect of becoming something I despised, and yet these desires still persist.
It’s a constant struggle between my pride and my loneliness.

I apologize if this doesn’t belong in /so/ but I’m not sure if /so/ was for anything I would have felt comfortable posting in the ronery threads of old or if you guys have more specific guidelines.
I won’t begrudge you for deleting this if it doesn’t follow those guidelines.

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>> No. 2720 [Edit]
I stopped caring about 3D a long time ago, and guys on the internet who fall over themselves to suck up to one are disgusting. Case in point: Whenever a girl is on a TF2 server all the guys constantly hit on her (and she loves every minute of it of course: I have yet to see a GRRRL GAMER who wasn't a huge attention whore), and killing her will make them mad at you.
>> No. 2722 [Edit]
this is what I'm terrified of becoming
>> No. 2723 [Edit]
Just keep in mind that the girls are probably fat or ugly, most likely both. That should hopefully quell some of your interest.

I know I personally have a hard time doing that though. I assume all girls on the internet are cute, but I don't think it's the same problem you have as I also imagine that all guys online are reasonably attractive. Maybe my imagination is hopelessly bound to 2D now, where just about everyone is attractive.
>> No. 2724 [Edit]
I have girl gamer friends. And I put them in MY friend zone. Gives you a bit of an image of who these girls are. Either they're fat, dirty, have an unwarranted sense of authority, are self-centred or completely insane. They think that because they have tits and have similar interests as guys that they can get any dick they want. And they do. So stay away.

One of my friends is pretty much asexual, but wants to have a family just to have children. Maybe OP can have a relationship like that.

I support equality of the sexes. Women who claim to be supporters of the same actually support female entitlement; watch Lifetime movies and such and you'll see what I'm talking about. While I think we should not have respect equally until we earn it, these women think men should have that while women should be respected because they are women. You can understand their opinion if you see college frat boys or construction workers, but I put them in the same level as the butch women. All men and women should earn respect, dress apropos, be clean, be respectful and not think they are entitled.

There are women out there that seek to lead a lifestyle on equal footing with men while still being effeminate and clean, but they're extremely hard to come by.

Now 2D on the other hand...
>> No. 2725 [Edit]
File 130160655462.png - (320.15KB , 541x1592 , grrrl gamer.png )
I'll just leave this here
>> No. 2726 [Edit]
As long as you're afraid of becoming it, you won't become it. I used to have that feeling too, it goes away once you realize they likely have few important things to say.
>> No. 2732 [Edit]
Resort to 2D, OP.
>> No. 2734 [Edit]
Note 1: Not all men slobber over girls. Those that don't, you don't notice, but they exist. Since they kept their morals, you can too.

Note 2: You would not give a shit about girls on the internet if you fapped to 2D.
>> No. 2744 [Edit]
There's nothing wrong with enjoying your instincts.

Don't base your descisions on shallow mentalities like: males tend to act irratonal towards females so I'll refrain from enjoying things.
There's nothing wrong with having a conversation with a woman and enjoying it for that. (But she's probably an idiot or something like most people so don't expect shit)

Just don't try to appeal to someone over the internet with free stuff or something.

Trying to come off as an interesting guy based on your personality and ideas (or achievements you deem valuable and can identify with, if you have any~) is nice in general though. You know, satisfying your "craving for recognition" (why's there no english word for that feeling).
>> No. 2753 [Edit]
Whenever I pass by a woman in public, I do not acknowledge them and go about my business. I did this all through my University years, and now during work. I do have to speak with co-workers every now and again, but it only takes a few short words to get any words across, so no big deal.

The best I can tell you to do is to just not care. I've done this to quit smoking, quit WoW,and not fall into the rut of purchasing insane ammount's of video games, figures, and anime goods.

At first I thought I just had amazing will power, but I have reasoned that it's just too much of a bother to go through with doing all those things, and it would be best to just do nothing.
>> No. 2774 [Edit]
Read these books.

Next time you think of going down on a girl...

Just think of choking on her pubes.
>> No. 2831 [Edit]
well I happen to think there is plenty wrong with it and find it a dangerouse slippery slope.
then again me and you most likely have vastly diffrent values.
>> No. 2832 [Edit]
How can you claim to support equality and then base your idea of the female mindset on a TV channel? I take it you do the same for men.
>> No. 2976 [Edit]


This is the most hilarious thing I've seen in weeks and whoever came up with this deserves a fucking medal.
>> No. 3269 [Edit]
i guess he's just that awesome
>> No. 3271 [Edit]
File 130316628736.jpg - (23.19KB , 297x266 , 1280719433657.jpg )
Sex in a police car? Hell, yes!
>> No. 3325 [Edit]
Yay I made someone's day. Or maybe they're being facetious.
>> No. 3411 [Edit]
you know There was a recent drama from you know where in which one of the mods got into deep shit for trying to use his mod powers to pick up girls, He would actually try to contact female posters through the warning page and try to get their IMs, what is even more worrisome is that a good chunk of people commenting on this found nothing wrong with his behavior. I mean seriously you guys think it’s wrong right? I mean even the mod knew it was wrong considering he resigned after the shit he was doing came to light, so I can’t be crazy in thinking this was unethical.
What scares me about this is that I worry I might do the same thing if I am ever put in a position of power, I mean that’s how I was actually created (father was my mom’s boss) so its like it runs in my blood. I really don’t want to become the thing I hate but seeing incidents like this make me feels like it’s some sort of inevitability ,like destiny is mocking me at every turn.
Dammit I wish I was asexual
>> No. 3420 [Edit]
I know what you mean. I manage to hold off by directing my brain to another thing when I feel like my instincts are taking over (I try to always carry an interesting math problem with me), while I'm thinking analytically my reason comes back. You might try something similar.
>> No. 3421 [Edit]
I wouldn't want to go down on a girl who has pubes anyway.
>> No. 3422 [Edit]
>I wouldn't want to go down on a girl... anyway.

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