No. 2724
I have girl gamer friends. And I put them in MY friend zone. Gives you a bit of an image of who these girls are. Either they're fat, dirty, have an unwarranted sense of authority, are self-centred or completely insane. They think that because they have tits and have similar interests as guys that they can get any dick they want. And they do. So stay away.
One of my friends is pretty much asexual, but wants to have a family just to have children. Maybe OP can have a relationship like that.
I support equality of the sexes. Women who claim to be supporters of the same actually support female entitlement; watch Lifetime movies and such and you'll see what I'm talking about. While I think we should not have respect equally until we earn it, these women think men should have that while women should be respected because they are women. You can understand their opinion if you see college frat boys or construction workers, but I put them in the same level as the butch women. All men and women should earn respect, dress apropos, be clean, be respectful and not think they are entitled.
There are women out there that seek to lead a lifestyle on equal footing with men while still being effeminate and clean, but they're extremely hard to come by.
Now 2D on the other hand...