During high school, after my first suicide attempt, my 'aquaintances' and I gathered to meet and try and sort things out. All i'll say on the subject is that they didn't care about the second. Since then, i've been unable to trust anyone at all: i've shut myself off and believed that there's nobody that I can trust or talk to about things. However, today I finished watching Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni (yeah yeah ten years blah blah blah) and it got me thinking. Is it irrational to think like this? Are there people that would like me and want to help me, and it's just my fear that's holding me back? I don't want to believe it. I'm still a little confused, so i'm sorry if that's sloppy.
Probably, but you shouldn't blindly trust people to be good
There are people that would like you and want to help you. But they would expect you to like them and want to help them back. Like me. But unfortunately we will never meet. And, again, unfortunately most of the people in the world are shallow. And they don't care. There are some you can trust but most wouldn't have a second thought about abandoning you.
>>2711 I must also add that even /so/ may not care. Here you have mostly people trying to express their loneliness or their sadness and trying to be recognised for it. I don't see much empathy.
I'm the same way. I have a hard time trusting anybody or anything, and I'm convinced everything is a setup. Sometimes I think tohno-chan itself might be a huge joke
>>2712 It's more just that no one knows how to help. And how many times can you say "I know how you feel" before it becomes meaningless?
>>2712 Its unreasonable to expect strangers to geniunely care about your troubles, especially here where everyone has problems. The most you can expect is an acknowledgenent that others feel the same way as you do
>>2728 >The most you can expect is an acknowledgenent that others feel the same way as you do This is why I love TC so much. Not to sound cliche but this is the first place where I've felt like I really belong. Like I'm among people like myself
>>2728 Even if people might not genuinely care, users here often give some advice and sympathy, even if their motivation might be more to make themselves feel good than to help others.
There's this event that is coming and afterwards my close group of friends will disband and everyone will head off on their own pace. Only thing is, every keeps saying keep in touch and all of this; but I'm not a newcomer when it comes to that. Everyone says that. What's worse is that I feel that this group of friends is a really special group of friends. It's like we broke through the unnecessary boundaries and it's like we're really blood related. This "event" is coming quicker than I have imagined and soon everyone will be gone. I've been talking to them about it and it seems like they don't care even one bit. It's been around 6 good years that I spent with these people; and now they're just going to leave; I really don't think I can handle this. Am I the only one worrying? Maybe a little too much?
>>2731 Im guessing you're going to graduate? If you think breaking up and drifting apart is a likely scenario, and you think you're the only one that notices this, you know what to do. Its up to you to keep the gang together and arrange periodic meetups.
>>2731 Is there a reason you can't be specific about the "event"?
>>2736 >>2735 It's actually really coincidental. They all have to move because of job opportunities. The "event" is something I just codenamed for the month all of the miraculously have to move for.
>>2737 Woops, sorry. I meant months. Mostly all of them are moving in a range of 1-3 months. One by one.
If they're really your blood brothers then you'll stay friends through anything. If moving away for a job means you lose contact, then the bonds aren't as deep as you imagine them to be.
>>2739 I hope so, it seems a little cold that they might not seem to care. Afterall, it would be normal for us to express worries or something. Maybe they just know that everything will be okay afterall?
>>2740 Maybe you don't want to hear this, but from the way you describe it, it sounds like they are going to move on. It sounds like you know it in your gut, but you're worried about it and afraid to admit it to yourself.
>>2741 You may be right. I might as well get ready for the inevitable. But I will try nonetheless, I've got nothing to lose.