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File 130154931919.jpg - (86.30KB , 800x473 , things are never quite.jpg )
2697 No. 2697 [Edit]
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>> No. 2699 [Edit]
I have one, but I think he's getting tired of my shit.
>> No. 2700 [Edit]
But my best friend isn't a tiger
>> No. 2704 [Edit]
My only friend doesn't care about me.

So I stopped talking to him and he hasn't spoken back to me since.

Now I'm all alone.
>> No. 2713 [Edit]
I'm in the same boat. My only friend's personality became utter shit after high school ended, to the point where I could only tolerate being with him online in PS3 games. Then I got my gaming computer and I haven't touched my ps3, or spoken to him, in months.
>> No. 2745 [Edit]
I hope my friend is still there! I still like call him once a day or once every two days and whatnot. -__-

I got him hentai, pocky and tea for christmas from the local japanese market. I mailed it to him (he lives in TN)
>> No. 2747 [Edit]
My only close friend is a normal. He has a 3DPD, works out every day, goes out pretty often, and hates anything Japanese. We both play video games so that's still something I guess. He probably considers me his best friend too so I'm not too worried that I'll lose contact with him.

I just wish I had a good friend that I could to about anime and stuff. I only have imageboards for that.
>> No. 2750 [Edit]
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>I just wish I had a good friend that I could to about anime and stuff. I only have imageboards for that.

Story of my life

But at least you have a best friend. I have nothing.
>> No. 2751 [Edit]
He's in Korea at the moment, and my other friend I really was only friends through the first guy, so we really don't do much. He is into anime though, but he's not like us (has a 3DPD, watches dubs). Though he's not that socially awkward, I am, which only makes it worse.
>> No. 2771 [Edit]
I have two best friends. They a'ight. I'm much more close with one than the other, though.

Like myself, Friend A has moments when he's just a bummer to be around. He's also far more attractive than me. As a result, back when I cared about 3DPD's, he obviously got more 3DPD's. That seems to be a common theme here. And because of that, I had periods where I really felt inferior. Then, when I stopped caring about 3DPD's, I realized that it was such a bullshit thing to waste time thinking about. He never bragged or anything. If anything, he tried to help me. In the end, it didn't work, so I guess we reached a mutual settlement.

Every time we had (or have) a 'bro-moment', I'm reminded why he's my best friend.

Friend B may or may not be a little bit autistic. He's obsessed with old movies and biker gangs, and always buys food whenever I "go out on the town" with him. He turned me onto some really good movies. In exchange, I listen to him bullshit about 3D girls.
>> No. 2787 [Edit]
I don't have any friends. Literally none.

When I was in school I had a few, but I never interacted with them outside of school. So when school ended, they went about their lives and I never saw them again. I don't really know how to have friends.
>> No. 2789 [Edit]
same bere bro. its probably more common than you might think, we just never hear about people like us.
>> No. 2790 [Edit]
File 130181365844.jpg - (8.14KB , 200x200 , 1273098701100.jpg )
Yep. I wonder what the secret was.
>> No. 2791 [Edit]
Money certainly helps.
>> No. 2792 [Edit]
I know how you feel. After I've started attending College this year all of my so-called "best friends forever" suddenly vanished. I couldn't really trust any of them anyway, but it's somewhat painful to feel like I'm on my own, and I can only trust on myself. The only person that I could ever trust was a girl that I met three years ago. She was also a bit suicidal and we got along pretty well, until she tried to kill herself and her parents moved telling me that I was a bad influence for her and I couldn't really deny it. Anyway, if you want someone to trust, trust in yourself. You will never betray yourself. I always trust my life to my hunches, even if I'm not really sure of it, and I'm quite successful for a social outcast.
>> No. 2793 [Edit]
Its time people realised thats the nature of friendship during these times. You don't usually get a 'friend for life', rather you get 'friends for that period of your life'. Go to high school, make friends. Go to college, lose your high school friends and make college friends. And so on. The friends you'll have for life will probably be your family, your 3DPD/wife (if you get one) and the few guys you somehow liked enough to remain in contact for a long time.

Just cause they're only friends for a short time doesn't invalidate the friendship at all.
>> No. 2794 [Edit]
Oh yeah, and you might also easily make lifelong friends on the internet. The internet lets you communicate no matter how distant you guys are.
>> No. 2795 [Edit]
I never had any friends except my sister. If I did, i didn't notice that it was friendship until it was too late.
>> No. 2796 [Edit]
Of course I have friends. I have you guys!
>> No. 2798 [Edit]
>Just cause they're only friends for a short time doesn't invalidate the friendship at all.
This, unless they actually turn on you. I moved out-of-state in 4th grade, and it just became to hard to keep up with my old friends; we still liked each other. In middle school, however, my old friends became my enemies in an instant.
>> No. 2799 [Edit]
alot of the time when friendships or relationships end theres some bitterness there, and some sense of let-down or dissapointment. Even if you acknowledge that some friendships are supposed to be transient, most people desire something more permanent or meaningful, and feel let down when friendships end in such a trivial way.
>> No. 2800 [Edit]
I'd rather have internet friends than real friends, honestly. The very few real friends I had in my life couldn't seem to accept the fact I don't like leaving my room
>> No. 2804 [Edit]
I'm a psychology student, so I'm a bit paranoid. I always try to read into people, and noticing that most of them don't really care about me is kind of painful. I can take it, though. The only friends I've managed to keep are childhood pals, plus their 3DPDs/boyfriends that I'm kinda forced to befriend. If you want to make friends at some point in life, don't study psychology please.
>> No. 2824 [Edit]
It's okay, I'll never get the opportunity anyway. Care to share some tips you've learned?
>> No. 2826 [Edit]
Seconding this.
>> No. 2829 [Edit]
My dad said the only reason people study psychology is to try and sort out their own life.
>> No. 2837 [Edit]
hes not the only person who thinks that. my adulyt psych class had some fun 'weird' people there as well as the general psych class
>> No. 2839 [Edit]
errm my explanation was other people said the same thing, not just him. also the us prime time shows stereotype thsat
>> No. 2843 [Edit]
Well, they're not specific "tips", it's more like common behavior patterns. It's not a skill I can really convey with a post, and it also becomes kind of unconscious with time, I mean, sometimes I just look at a person and remark to myself "another one who doesn't cares about me". What I do is, basically, analyze their appearances (e.g. the hair tends to speak a lot), try to think like them (what would I do if I was him), study their reactions closely (it's specially easy to notice if someone is nervous or naive. for example, when talking to women, I sometimes try to slowly get closer to them, to the point I'm almost hugging them, while keeping a provocative look. If they timidly walk backwards they're likely conservatives, if they don't really notice they're naive, and if they walk forward/do something promiscuous they're either perverts or daring. do note that you should try to measure their immediate reactions, so try to do something unexpected and/or that calls their Id, like using sex appeal or suddenly grabbing their hands and praising them) and use my quick wit to guess their personality patterns. I them proceed to check if my conclusions are right through seemingly innocent questions, and, if the person isn't wary of me, they're already in my hand. I can't highlight enough that the face is very important, however don't ignore the remaining body parts. Keep an eye at what the hands are doing. There are also some techniques to do involving talking, but this is already long enough as is. Sorry for the wall of text.
>> No. 2850 [Edit]
That sounds more like the result of cynicism, and possibly a personality disorder, than studying psychology. I majored in psychology and if anything it made me more sociable and empathetic.
>> No. 2852 [Edit]
>for example, when talking to women, I sometimes try to slowly get closer to them, to the point I'm almost hugging them, while keeping a provocative look. If they timidly walk backwards they're likely conservatives
If you're aiming to become a psychologist I feel sorry for your future patients
>> No. 2854 [Edit]
i strongly agree

professionals should have standards
>> No. 2858 [Edit]
He's turning into a PUA I think.
>> No. 2860 [Edit]
What the fuck am I reading?
>> No. 2861 [Edit]
he's either really autistic or really attractive
>> No. 2880 [Edit]
I think you already know which.
>> No. 2881 [Edit]
Nah he's gonna be like House, a total pro with unconventional methods.
>> No. 2962 [Edit]

I wish I was like House.
>> No. 3059 [Edit]
Had friends up until I was nineteen or so but, as it normally goes, after moving out of town we just lost contact. It feels kinda awkward to IM them nowadays. We've changed and don't share as many interests as we used to.

Nowadays I'm just on my own despite, unlike most of the users here, longing for social relations. The problem though is that I'm too indifferent to all the 'maintenance' activities that having friends require. Plus I'm sort of an elitist snob ヽ(´ー`)ノ
>> No. 3060 [Edit]
>maintenance activities that having friends requires
Can you go into more detail / give some examples please? I'm clueless and curious.
>> No. 3062 [Edit]
Eventually you've got to do things, for your friendship's sake, that might not be exactly up your alley ( I know it wasn't mine ). This might include trivial things like going to a concert/play/movie/whatever you don't care for, acting as a wingman, et al, to more vital things like supporting your friend emotionally through bad times etc.

I'm not as selfish as that made it sound like but yeah, hence I'm friendless.
>> No. 3063 [Edit]
Only thing I have to do with friend is go to movies once a month or so. They make great conversation about pretty much any topic imaginable, so it's great to stay friends with them. Only four of us since middle school.
>> No. 3065 [Edit]
Strangely enough, I never had to do anything I didn't like either.

Uh, my words are misguided and a little naive.
>> No. 3066 [Edit]
Meh. The way I've always seen it is, if I've been friends with them for this long, it was for a reason. Some people just click together. I guess it's what some call being on the same wavelength.

I can't say I have ever put work into any of my friendships, like a lot of people say you need to do with them and relationships. I've only ever had to work for appeasing family members. But then again, you don't choose family either.

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