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File 130136644237.jpg - (712.84KB , 1673x1106 , yoshino-cherry-1.jpg )
2648 No. 2648 [Edit]
I've destroyed myself.

I use my name/tripcode as a major part of my identity and it's getting to me.

I've made a name for myself as Shinden, ShindentheGreat, or Shinden⑨ for a while now, ever since I quit using my troll tags and gave up trolling all together. When I wasn't trolling, I was posting anon. All that of course is behind me, and I didn't value those names I posted under.

However, I do value Shinden, as I basically made it a personal name. However, I've made some real mistakes under the name and I was filtered for vocally disliking Panty and Stocking in a thread elsewhere, and on some occasions being misunderstood entirely.

I... I just made this name a large part of me accidentally, and now I'm paying the price. I really look like an idiot in some areas, and if I do become popular in some circles, all it takes is a google search and I suddenly look like a thirteen year old boy with asperger's.

I made a mistake. Should I play it off or drop the name all together and delete all my accounts? I feel like I'm making all this this affect my life too much.

Does this crap ever cross anyone elses' minds? I know most of you have the wisdom to post anon but I just don't know. I wish I could research the psychology of tripping and naming and see if I can play this all off. Or just not let if affect me, but I don't want to be arrogant.
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>> No. 2649 [Edit]
That's why I never use the same name more than once on forums and games and stuff. I've never used a name on an imageboard though. My advice would be to try posting anon for a while and see how you feel
>> No. 2651 [Edit]
When I was younger, the only stuff anybody was worried about when it came to kids using their name on the internet was pedophiles hunting them down online. I figured that was overblown and it didn't occur to me that I might say things I'd later regret, and I wound up with accounts all over the place, often using the same name, some of which wound up being tied to my real name. A lot of this was even before imageboards became popular.

A google search for my name reveals some pretty damn embarrassing stuff.
>> No. 2652 [Edit]
Having a name means you are held accountable for that name.

I have used the same username for all my accounts ever since I was 15, because at that age I felt I was mature enough to always watch what I said on the internet. Whenever I have sensitive information or mus divulge my darkest secrets, I use an alternative username.

That username is z3.
>> No. 2653 [Edit]
caring about your image is for normalfags
>> No. 2654 [Edit]
Why do you have to delete them?

Just make new ones with completely different names and forget those accounts ever existed.
>> No. 2655 [Edit]
Oh god, I have NEVER used my real name on the internet, even when I was a dumbshit 13 year old. The only place my name shows up on in a search is my grandma's obituary.
>> No. 2656 [Edit]
File 130136856711.jpg - (20.97KB , 396x249 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
I internet detective'd the shit out of you man, got your picture and everything
>> No. 2664 [Edit]
I use the same username on every single website I join, and I've said things that have turned people against me. Why should I care? Everyone does things they regret, and it's moronic to think someone is worse than someone else just because they have proof. There's only one website in particular that other users wouldn't let me live down a tiny, tiny mistake, so I left and found a new site where people are more understanding. It's as simple as that.

I actually would have stayed anonymous here, but I figured it makes more sense to have a name than to preface each post on /mai/ with "Hi, Tenshi is mai waifu."
>> No. 2666 [Edit]
File 130141753368.jpg - (26.82KB , 639x464 , Kaolla-Su-pictures.jpg )
I use the name Negi Springfield or some form of it for almost everything now.

I've used other names of course, of which I remember quite well due to stupidity and ignorant behavoir. The best thing is to move on when you have skeletons in your closet. It doesn't help to keep them alive and thriving. Just let the old accounts and haunting memories of stupidity go. It's probably better that way.
>> No. 2667 [Edit]
my usernames on the internet are Star Wars Fan and Warsie. Honestly I do not care too much and stand by most of what I posted, even when I was 14-15 as I mainly think the same way with some refinements of my beliefs.
>> No. 2669 [Edit]
That's why you always pick an alias that already has a million+ results on Google.

I fucked up really bad a few years ago and the WRONG kind of people almost got my full information. It's life-saving to change aliases every so often.
>> No. 2670 [Edit]
That doesn't really work. People just have to dig through more Google pages or add extra keywords to find you in that case.
>> No. 2673 [Edit]
Ironically, Surtic is my first name slightly rearranged.
Though i only started using it recently and i've only actually had full internet use (and with that, actual accounts on sites) since i was 17/18.

Not like you'd find much with my name anyways, even with knowing the state i live in there are more people with my first name then i even thought was possible.
plus i only have this name on like two mmo forums i hardly used, a guild forum, and 4chan/here.
>> No. 2674 [Edit]
This isn't related to the thread, but I've always thought Surtic was a really good sounding word, it just rolls off the tongue in an aesthetically pleasing way. I never realised it was your real name rearranged.
>> No. 2675 [Edit]
If it makes you feel any better, Shinden, I've never heard of you in my life.
>> No. 2680 [Edit]
I never really cared. Even after my trip was cracked I just posted like I normally would. I think you should do the same.
>> No. 2710 [Edit]
Curtis is your original name?
>> No. 2716 [Edit]
that too. And I'd never look up old posts for no reason. If by chance I came across an old silly post of you, I'd understand that people change when they get older.
>> No. 2717 [Edit]
I don't see how you could possibly narrow down all the people who (for example) use the name "Panda Bear" or "Nintendo fan".

Same here.
>> No. 2803 [Edit]
I got 2 usernames, this one which I use for chan sites and The Specialist. That other username was originally an insult, but it sorta grew on me so I kept it, though I sorta regret it because now everybody thinks I'm a pompous asshole with a huge ego, which I'm not. Every time someone brings it up, usually in the form of "what are you the specialist of", I just dismiss it as "oh it's just an old nickname".
>> No. 2810 [Edit]
I've used dozens of names and I keep them changing. I never understood the desire to be recognized across separate communities.
>> No. 2811 [Edit]
>I never understood the desire to be recognized across separate communities.

It either has to do with attention or simplicity, I assume.
>> No. 2812 [Edit]
Its easier to just use the same username. Less things to remember.
>> No. 2838 [Edit]
easier for friends/people from other forums to recognize you
>> No. 2842 [Edit]
Identity is a rather odd concept. Individuals should be judged by what they do, not who they are. A rose by any other name would smell just as sweet.
>> No. 2844 [Edit]
They should be but they don't.
>> No. 3484 [Edit]
I just googled my steam name and one of the first 10 results is my TF2 backback. There's also a few facebook pages, but I have nothing to do with those obviously. I feel dirty.
>> No. 3533 [Edit]
Usernames are bad and you should feel bad for using them.

I'm an old journalism student, so to use an example of why I like anonymity I'd pick The Economist. It's one of the oldest newspapers in the world, well over 100 years old. In 100+ years, no author has used a name because "collective voice and personality matter more than the identities of individual journalists" [posters in this case]. Yet it remains one of the most widely read and respected publications out there.

I find most tripfags tend to be egoists, talking about themselves most often. They're quite narcissistic if they believe to validate their opinions they must have a name behind it. The entire concept behind imageboards has been anonymity, so to completely contradict it seems odd.

I dunno, I just don't like using usernames.
>> No. 3591 [Edit]
I have, like, two friends in real life. I hardly ever go out unless its for school or work and I don't invite people over because I have a super-faggoty otaku room and I'm afraid people won't understand it. I'm human, though, and I want some interaction, though, so I trip to have some kind of online identity and maybe build friendship-type things based on those interactions.

It has nothing to do with notoriety or e-peen or bullshit like that. It's just because I get all of my socialization online. I have a lot of weird trust issues so I find that I'm much more comfortable dealing with things electronically. You get to know a person first without having them in your face - sometimes ever.

I've done my share of trolling. Not on /t-c/ because I pretty much love everyone on this board, but on 4chan and stuff, sure. I don't believe in being mean for the sake of it, though. That doesn't make me feel good at all.

I say just be yourself. It's more than likely everyone will forget you being an asshole if you start behaving. Still, if having a handle causes more trouble than its worth, just drop it, and try not to be a douche the next time.
>> No. 3593 [Edit]
>I have a lot of weird trust issues so I find that I'm much more comfortable dealing with things electronically. You get to know a person first without having them in your face - sometimes ever.

This is pretty much exactly how I am. I had one real life friend but I haven't spoken to him in months, and I honestly don't care because I'd rather have internet friends.
>> No. 3610 [Edit]
I'm exacly opposite. In real life I can be blatantly mean to people, insult or look down on them, as long as they're stupid enough to deserve it of course. And I'm able to not give a damn about what they think about me. Because I know that little related to reality matters and I have an utopia waiting for me in my room, or in my mind to be more precise. My laptop being my main companion. But somehow this companionship creates an internet persona in my utopia. I'm absolutely powerless to this persona, I can't insult or look down on it unlike real life people. But the most painful part is when I'm the one being insulted. I feel absolutely worthless, and most of the time stay depressed to hell for the rest of the day. I just can't bring myself to believe that bullshit is being typed by a retard and not by a perfect being who is everything I ever wanted to be. It's almost similar to an omnipotent god for me. And I just can't get over this situation and kill this false god.

This's exacly why I mostly refrained from posting on internet so far. Even on anonymous websites. Hell, anonymous ones are even worse actually. Because the whole concept fuels that persona. I can understand if a poster has the intelligent capacity to criticize me on a forum e.g. But having a name makes me unbearebly insecure. This dilemma is only broken on tohno-chan.
>> No. 3648 [Edit]

Yeah, man. It's just the level that I'm comfortable with. The only drawback is I do meet people in my travels on the internet that I think I could actually be IRL friends with but they never live near me. Then again, if they did things might be different so why spoil it?


>I just can't bring myself to believe that bullshit is being typed by a retard and not by a perfect being who is everything I ever wanted to be.

This was really well put, and I don't think you realize that a lot of us feel the same way at least to some degree.

I know when I used to get super-owned it would make me feel really shitty. Two things eventually occurred. I stopped trolling everything that moved and therefore had fewer negative interactions. This took a while. It's gotten to the point that I will only flame someone that is being a complete jackass or is a troll himself. Raids and hurt feelinged faggots making troll threads for the most part.

Everyone else I just look at as a potential bro. What can I say? If I don't take this perspective it makes me feel even more alone in the world and that's never any good. Like most people on this board, I suffer from pretty severe depression and I just can't let myself go there.
>> No. 3649 [Edit]

Oh, the other thing that eventually occurred is I got verbally raped so many times in threads I literally stopped giving a crap and it didn't hurt anymore.
>> No. 3688 [Edit]
In the past ive adopted a 'dont attack your enemies unless they attack you' and i changed that to 'its okay for preemptive flaming during vendetta-esque shit on forums - e.g. you and this motherfucka get into shit all the time on a namefag forum so its a 'war' not a 'battle'. On *chan boards and whatnot I only flame now if its that or say a 'collective' flamewar (e.g. someone insults autistics or blacks, and you join in being autistic or black flaming the person as a 'Neurotypical faggot' or 'KKKracker').

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