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2628 No. 2628 [Edit]
Does anyone else do nothing all day?

I don't do anything. No anime, no VNs, no manga, no porn, no TV, no games, no IRC, no messenger, no facebook.

I just sit around all day until I have to go eat a little food to stop myself from starving. When I'm not sitting around I'm lying in bed. Mostly I spend my time thinking about things. Sometimes I stare at my dolls or change their poses. I think I'm longing for something but have given up ever trying to attain it.

Sometimes I go online to look around at what's happening in the world. I often go on boards like this to see how people are (I don't hate people) which is what leads to me ask. Whether anyone else is like this?

Silent all day. Doing nothing all day. Waiting.

I wasn't always like this. A year ago I had friends and would actually do stuff. Anime stuff. Drawing. Music. Fighting games. But it just isn't fun any more and now I have nothing. And those friends just disappeared.
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>> No. 2632 [Edit]
I wish I could help but I'm in the same situation. I just sit in front of my screen all day, waiting for something.. I don't feel like going to college, I don't feel like working. I don't feel like doing anything.
>> No. 2634 [Edit]
I sleep a hell of a lot, but I don't just lie in bed awake.
>> No. 2635 [Edit]
  Sometimes, yeah. But overall, I feel that's behind me. Don't ask me what I did to get through it. I didn't do anything. It just kind of changed on it's own.

Good timing, though. Today I didn't really feel like doing anything. In the end I went for a walk, borrowed a book from library but after getting home I read 30 or so pages and just kept lying on my bed, staring and the ceiling. I wanted to check something on the 'net so I checked what's up on /tc/ but I plan to just go to back bed, maybe sleep some more (although I slept for like 13 hours this night). When the weather is like it is today (i.e. just plain good - clear sky, the temperature is just right, light, cool wind) I don't feel like doing much. I'm a meteopath from a family of meteopaths so it feels natural for me.

But yeah, apathy is horrifying thing. You might feel like you'd want to do something about it but you dont care enough to actually force yourself to do something.

Song somewhat related. I like to listen to it on boring, lazy days like today.
>> No. 2637 [Edit]
I have periods of time like that.
It usually passes after a week, when I finally find an exciting videogame/tv show.

For example, I was like that last week, but this week I have minecraft! and I'm playing it day and night.
>> No. 2638 [Edit]
But for me it isn't characterised by laziness.

If I have work to do for University, I will go and do it. When the work is done, I am left with nothing.

Lately I've been finding it difficult to concentrate though...
>> No. 2639 [Edit]
I spend most of the day going back and forth between a few different websites and occasionally playing a game I don't care about
>> No. 2640 [Edit]
It is called sloth.
>> No. 2641 [Edit]
Nah I like doing some stuff. What I do do, however, is waste time browsing the internet and talking about reading, playing games, etc... like right now.
>> No. 2642 [Edit]
I have gone through periods like this. I have narrow interests (like a lot of /tc/ I imagine) and every once in awhile I get a little sick of them. Plus, you know, depression.

I had it pretty bad last summer. I would just lay back in this chair and look at the ceiling for awhile, or cover my eyes with my arm (less effort to hold it in place than my hands).
>> No. 2643 [Edit]
losing interest in things you previously enjoyed is a classic symptom of depression.

I stopped watching TV, anime and reading. I started listening to audiobooks because it requires the least amount of effort.
>> No. 2650 [Edit]
I am exactly like OP, but not by choice.

Parents are power nuts, and will not let anyone do anything during peak electricity hours. I am the only person in my house, however, with computer rationing, and it drives me nuts only using the internet from 8PM to 11PM on weekdays.

I sleep from 11 PM to 10 AM. I eat when I am bored. I sometimes send in job applications. I usually do housework and yardwork during the day ever since I was screamed at and threatened with being kicked out for sitting around doing nothing. Sometimes I just walk to a 20-year abandoned house in my neighbourhood and just sit in there, comparing it to my vacated mind.

I may get a job. Maybe then I can get a life so I can go back to actually playing video games and enjoying things, and having money to go out and see friends again. Also gain rights to use my computer whenever the hell I want because I will be paying for my own usage (about $10 a month right now).
>> No. 2671 [Edit]
Anyone else feel that their passion towards anime,manga and whatnot is dwindling? I don't know if it's depression or whatever but I find it hard to get excited about anything anymore. I used to do nothing but watch anime all day and now I can't even bring myself to watch a single episode and actually enjoy it. It's like my only love is slipping from my very fingertips...
>> No. 2672 [Edit]
I did once, but it came back to me when i forced myself to watch some stuff.
Try rewatching an old favorite?
>> No. 2676 [Edit]
I lost interest in anime ages ago, but its the only thing I ever enjoyed, I find myself playing video games now even though I hate them because I have nothing else to do
>> No. 2677 [Edit]
Yep. I used to be actively interested in hobbies and such, but I stopped a long time ago. I don't do anything anymore. I sit on the floor for a few hours or lay in bed and just do nothing. Most of my time is spent sleeping. I don't even know why I wake up anymore, really.
>> No. 2678 [Edit]
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Yes. The only show I can barely manage to watch is Precure.
>> No. 2679 [Edit]
I think its our standards, whether we realize it or not. Even shows that I think are good, I sometimes find myself not enjoying them so much, or pausing to arse around on the internet. I used to watch between five and ten episodes a day, now I struggle to watch two.
>> No. 2683 [Edit]
I feel like this whenever I'm sick. Usually, the entire day is spent on playing MMOs or watching anime. If I'm not doing either, it's mostly because I have a headache and all I want to do is rest. I don't even know why I'm tired all the time, all I know is that I don't think doing anything will really matter.
>> No. 2684 [Edit]
Not me, I can't stand doing nothing. Sleeping and reading forums on the internet all day, sure, I could do that for the rest of my life - but not nothing.
I wonder if you guys will look down on me like I do on people who say they can't stand to be alone.
>> No. 2685 [Edit]
When I get down to the choice of doing nothing and being bored, and doing homework, I'd rather do nothing and be bored.
>> No. 2691 [Edit]
I'm in the same situation you're in. All I do all day is sit and think. Or sometimes I just sit, without thinking. I better find myself something to do, before I go apeshit and do something I'll regret for the rest of my life.
>> No. 2692 [Edit]

Nope, I used to be pretty restless myself. I couldn't stand 'wasting' time. It's not like anyone will give it back to me, right? So I thought I'd rather spend it doing something fun than doing absolutely nothing.

But right now I just don't give enough of a damn anymore. Lying on your bed all day long can be somewhat enjoyable, too.
>> No. 2693 [Edit]
I've been feeling this way a lot lately. I'm not exactly doing nothing because I am at college right now, but everything I do is the bare minimum to keep afloat, and I have no interest in doing anything else. Lately the world's been feeling more dreamlike and unreal. I've lost all hope that I'll ever have anything I want, so I'm going through the motions right now just to survive.

I started seeing a shrink at my university last week, but so far I've done most of the talking, telling him all this and about my family, my life, habits, etc. Not sure what he can really do for me, but it's better than nothing. He's the only person I can tell all this stuff to in person because of confidentiality, so that's something at least.
>> No. 2694 [Edit]

I started seeing a shrink at my university last week, but so far I've done most of the talking, telling him all this and about my family, my life, habits, etc.

Well, that's how it generally works. Expect a sentence or two for every five minutes you'll spend talking.

>Not sure what he can really do for me, but it's better than nothing. He's the only person I can tell all this stuff to in person because of confidentiality, so that's something at least.

Yeah, after some time I realized that it's all that could've been done for me. But just saying some things out loud made me realize a lot of things. But as I said, there's nothing wrong with me, I'm just lazy. Since we're talking about a shrink maybe he'll give you some meds to improve the chemical balance of your brain (that is, if it's imbalanced) and some stuff might work out. Or it might not. Sorry, I'm not really the type who sugar coats things.
>> No. 2695 [Edit]
He's a psychologist, so he can't prescribe any drugs for me. I don't intend to start taking meds anyway. It's probably not covered by my insurance and I'm also afraid of the side effects.

>But just saying some things out loud made me realize a lot of things.

Yeah, it does feel good to get things off my chest, and if a doctor can hear my issues he might be able to give me a more objective view on them. He did suggest I go join a certain student group where I might share some interests with the other members, but you know. It's not likely I'll actually do it.
>> No. 2696 [Edit]
You nailed what is going on here. This may be the worst symptom of depression for a lot of us. I imagine a number of us here have nothing else in their lives other than hobbies. Losing that one thing is literally like losing everything. You just end up wasting away.

I really want to watch anime and play video games again, but it takes too much effort, and even stuff I know is good doesn't generate any enjoyment anymore.
>> No. 2698 [Edit]
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> Sometimes I go online
Sometimes? God damn I wish I had the patience you did. If I could go all day laying in bed without a computer, I would.
>> No. 2701 [Edit]

>He's a psychologist, so he can't prescribe any drugs for me.

Oh, I was under impression that shrink = psychiatrist. Well, in that case it's the same for both of us I guess. Ultimately it comes down to whether you're willing to 'help' yourself or not.
>> No. 2752 [Edit]
Is that right? Maybe I was using the term the wrong way. I always thought a psychologist was called a shrink because he "shrinks" your head with his questions to narrow down your mental issues and such.

I guess I shouldn't expect much from him, then. My expectations weren't that high in the first place anyway. I see a lot of people, some here as well, talking about taking meds, but I just can't bring myself to do that. I want to solve my problems by understanding myself better and exerting my own will. Maybe these counseling sessions can help me do that, at least.

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