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2605 No. 2605 [Edit]
Sorry if we already have a topic like this one, but - how do you explain your unemployment to your parents, if you are unemployed?
My father assumes that my lack of a job means I'm just not trying hard enough, even when I show him all of the (many) applications I've been sending out. I show him youth unemployment statistics, but he doesn't give a shit. In his eyes I remain lazy.
>> No. 2606 [Edit]
For some reason they never bring it up (my sister does though). I think they realize I have big social issues so they don't push me on it.
>> No. 2607 [Edit]
Im a student.
>> No. 2609 [Edit]
My parents accepted that I will remain a useless sack of shit long ago. Every once in a while, they will rib me about it though
>> No. 2610 [Edit]
There are no jobs, I can't look harder


There isn't much I could do, I want a job more then anything right now
>> No. 2612 [Edit]
My father is rather ashamed of me for it, seeing as how he thinks the meaning of life is to acquire money.
My mom would always give me crap about working, trying to push me into jobs, I'm hoping this unemployment thing might keep her off my back.
She's the type that thinks people should have a job, just to have a job, and ignored the fact I was loosing money by keeping my last job.
I think things with the economy, and her getting hours cut back lately, making her look to a unemployment, makes her more willing to accept me being unemployed.
>> No. 2613 [Edit]
I'm in school but it isn't enough. They want me to be "active." And to work for my schooling, despite the fact they said they would pay for it before.
>> No. 2614 [Edit]
My mom's alright with me being unemployed since I'm in college. I myself would rather be working, though, but a lack of a driver's license and my mom not wanting me to drop out makes that pretty difficult.
>> No. 2616 [Edit]
My mother moved us to the most desolate and obscure place she could find without going too far from my grandmother.

I have no licence and can't walk to the nearest thing that resembles a job opportunity, eight miles away.

I can't get into college because my grades were crappy. I want to get into a community college and raise my GPA to apply to a school with my selected language major, but that would take a shitload of work I'm not up for doing yet.

My mother's partner has been unemployed for over ten years. She hasn't even applied for a job since she moved here from California in 1998.

They both give me a load of shit for not having a job, and saying I do nothing when I'm the only thing that's keeping the house up (I fix and clean everything) and heated (I cut wood for the woodstove). The hypocrisy is sickening.

Pro with my life is that I'm taking time off for all the shit I was forced to do for twelve years.

Con is that my sleep schedule is extremely off-balance and no money. Also I have become the most boring person to talk to for all of my family who were once more interested in my aspirations than their own childrens'. Most phone conversations with my grandparents end quickly because I don't do anything. I guess I could get a bypass surgery or knee replacement to have something to have in common with them.

I do want to get a job and money, it's just extremely inconvenient for everyone involved (they won't teach me how to drive) and I just can't see myself working, especially in a region where all employment is either manual labour that is transient like construction, or is at a fast food place or retail store.
>> No. 2617 [Edit]
my parents have always been cool with it. perhaps theyve been too cool; I kind of wish they pushed me hard after I finished high school so I didnt end up wasting 2 years of my life. I feel like I'm so far behind everyone else my age that I may as well give up.
my mom always offers to help with applications and she emails me jobs (usually theyre way out of my league). eventually she emailed me about this one job which approached her because they had her resume on file from a few years ago, she told them she wasnt interested but would pass the details on to someone who might be. I called the place to arrange and interview, showed up and got hired on the spot.
>> No. 2636 [Edit]
I take 16 credit hours in college now.

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