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File 130102024528.jpg - (97.99KB , 800x482 , 1289669399017.jpg )
2565 No. 2565 [Edit]
Do you ever imagine yourself explaining/showing things to people?
Having conversations with old acquaintances that you haven't meet in years?

I'm not someone who likes to talk but I often find myself making discussions in my mind.
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>> No. 2566 [Edit]
When I talk to myself I will sometimes talk as if I am explaining something to myself. Like if I'm building something in minecraft or the sims I will explain each step.
>> No. 2567 [Edit]
Yeah I do that except its not a discussion. I just plan out what I would say in my head without any regard as to what the other person could possibly say back.

Yawn, why do boring old survey threads like these get so many replies. I try to write someone nice and original and well thought out and everyone ignores it, then something like this pops up and we get lots of replies, but they just repeat what everyone else has said.
>> No. 2568 [Edit]
People like to talk about themselves, of course.
>> No. 2569 [Edit]
Well /so/ is mostly a place to talk about your problems after all
>> No. 2570 [Edit]
I talk to myself all the time. A lot of it is just explaining concepts or my opinions on them.

It helps me not totally forget how to speak, for the times when I actually have to talk with other people.
>> No. 2572 [Edit]
Yeah, if I go a long time without speaking my voice gets very weak and raspy. Thinking out loud solves that problem, though from what my family tells me I still speak too quietly
>> No. 2575 [Edit]
>> No. 2581 [Edit]
I do this all the time, not just with old acquaintances, but with current friends and even strangers that just happened to pass by. I guess I do it largely because no one asks the questions I want asked or shows interest in what I'd like them to.

It's good to see that I'm not the only one that does it, though.
>> No. 2589 [Edit]
Frequently, I sort of make elaborated conversations I could have had with the people I met throughout the day, I'll go as far as giving them different personalities and making up their part of the discussion.

In it, I'm always an easy-going, calm, approachable person that enjoys talking about the universe and cosmic things and the little problems of our daily life... I wish I had a friend.
>> No. 2590 [Edit]
I have conversations with myself to get ideas for cartoons. Otherwise, no.
>> No. 2801 [Edit]
Damn brohno's, never stop being awesome.
I do this every day. No one ever shows interest in things I do, so my only way to socialize with them is to make conversation with them in my head. I do this to explain video games, anime, controller mods, piano, etc.

It's the best way to fend off the lonely, without actually having to socialize.
>> No. 2802 [Edit]
And I thought I was weird for doing that...
>> No. 2805 [Edit]
I feel like I have multiple personalities. I'm always writing dramas on my own, if you know what I mean. I feel like I'm writing a short story using a stream of consciousness. Maybe that's why I can easily write them. Anyway, I am like most of you, I guess? I only care about interesting people, and since they're so rare to find I mostly end up creating them myself.
>> No. 2806 [Edit]
I have a sexual side and my normal side. My sexual side is the one that usually tempts me into masturbating. It's kind of cool because I can use "her" to make masturbating more interesting, like sexually teasing myself. I'm pretty fucked
>> No. 2807 [Edit]
This sounds pretty interesting. I gave up on masturbation a while ago, but this might make it fun again. It's like I am my own waifu!
>> No. 2808 [Edit]
That's pretty much what it feels like
>> No. 2809 [Edit]
I find fapping to be more fun if you pretend you are a cute girl being sexually toyed with by either an older woman or guys. I could list the sex stuff I would buy if I ever move out but that's something for another thread
>> No. 2814 [Edit]
Are you a male?

I just wouldn't have the imagination to create a sexy female persona for making masturbation more pleasurable.
>> No. 2815 [Edit]
>Are you a male?

yes, I am.

>I just wouldn't have the imagination to create a sexy female persona for making masturbation more pleasurable.

It probably helps that I've had major "I wish to be the little girl" feelings for as long as I can remember.
>> No. 2816 [Edit]
Ah I see. In that case your mind has probably gotten all the wiring installed for efficient imaginatings.
>> No. 2817 [Edit]
Yes, my inner monologue is often explaining things or making comments to people in my head. In some cases I even physically pause what I'm doing or linger because that's where I would be elaborating on something in the explanation.
>> No. 2818 [Edit]
I'm afraid I'll start talking out aloud to myself in public because I'm so used to doing it at home.
>> No. 2819 [Edit]
I do that all the time, almost as if they were there.
>> No. 2820 [Edit]
I have this same fear. And actually, I do sometimes speak out loud, and I don't even notice it.

I must be going crazy.
>> No. 2821 [Edit]
I feel like I'm an eroge protagonist sometimes, if you know what I mean. I'll write a VN of my life someday, I swear.
>> No. 2822 [Edit]
I do this all the time. Even when I really don't want to, I can't help myself with it. I think it's another one of those habits common to all of us here in /tc/.
>> No. 2828 [Edit]
Think of it as practice for that book you're going to write one day. You know, that one - Welcome To The NHK, only better.
>> No. 3268 [Edit]
I do this all the time actually
I even do this for stuff i could potentially post online
>> No. 3278 [Edit]
I do, but when I became a hikikomori I was much younger. 7 odd years have passed so I doubt anyone could even recognize me anyway.
>> No. 3326 [Edit]
I talk to myself A LOT and yes alot of my talking are about conversations or stuff i want to do
feels bad man
>> No. 3329 [Edit]
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Always, but increasingly in the past 2 years...

Sometimes I give decent speeches (mental masturbation, if you want: WAY more exciting than any other fapping). Sometimes I sart losing myself some "discussion", finding weak points as I expose them and so getting upset; then, it can take me from hours to find the apropriate refutations, up to weaks to hit and (self)expose the last revision of my statements, as a consequence of being (self)defeated.
>> No. 3333 [Edit]
Whenever I think about stuff, I always pretend somebody is listening in.
>> No. 5019 [Edit]
Yeah, i do that all the time. My psychologist told me its a part of my schizophrenia.
>> No. 5026 [Edit]


...I hope I'm not becoming schizophrenic.
>> No. 5028 [Edit]
I spend most of my time living as though I'm from some "other's" perspective. The more I try to focus and work around it, the less real things seem. Also, I seem to process and experience these dream like delusion states much slower then I would reality, unfiltered.

Is this schizophrenia too, or am I stuck on something else?

I'd really like to know, I've sort of given up on getting better and have prepared myself for suicide should things get much worse or a significant period of time pass without improvement
>> No. 5066 [Edit]
It is looks like you experience depersonalisation or derealisation
In your case it can be a symptom of some neurological or psychiatric disorder. You should see a doctor. Do not even think to "give up" - it can be cured by medicines and this "strange feeling" will cease even before your illness will be cured completely.
>> No. 5067 [Edit]
File 130761511936.jpg - (59.81KB , 450x557 , 1300719006586.jpg )
Nope, someone just told me that it's a very common thing so there's no need to worry friend! It's not a sing of schizohprenia. Not schizophrenia. Don't worry, baby. Okay?
>> No. 5088 [Edit]
Sometimes when going to sleep, I imagine myself having conversations with people I used to know, where they go really well and the person ends up liking me a lot more. Helps me sleep.
>> No. 5089 [Edit]
When I find something I have a decent amount of information on I'll explain it out loud like I'm explaining to someone else. I'll going into full d detail and use analogies.

Its never to anyone specific, but it keeps me talking to some degree
>> No. 5131 [Edit]
when i imagine conversations i make faces to go along with what i pretend is being said but pretty dramatically. so now i try not to think in public because people pointed out that i was making faces and shaking my head to myself too much

Post edited on 11th Jun 2011, 7:26pm
>> No. 5156 [Edit]
Yes. Though usually it's just imaginary people who I made up in my mind. Sometimes the conversations last for hours.

Oh crap, yeah. I remember back in school when I used to space out and make weird faces which got me some nasty running jokes people always made when I was around...
>> No. 5157 [Edit]

My mom says I keep making weird faces all the time. I remember none of it. Either I'm totally unaware of it or it's her who's going insane (wouldn't surprise me, really).
>> No. 5160 [Edit]
(>>5156 here)

Yeah, my mom used to tell me that too when I lived at moms and was playing a game in the livingroom...
>> No. 5284 [Edit]
>Do you ever imagine yourself explaining/showing things to people?
Quite often, almost daily. It's sort of a fantasy of someone coming and lifting me up from this misery.

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