Say It ain't So, joe, please say It ain't So.

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2559 No. 2559 [Edit]
Here's what it feels like to be me, in terms of mental workings:

Deep background:
- Dread (fear of death?)

- Extreme sexual deviancy
- Self-loathing
- Praise for own intellect

Foreground thoughts:
- Mentally singing snippets of songs
- Relentless meta-analysis engine: thinking about own thoughts, recognizing clichés/cultural references, acknowledging that recognition, ad nauseam

I wonder if I'm completely insane or just a self-absorbed, neurotic little shit.
>> No. 2561 [Edit]
You aren't special, you know, I guess most of the socially outcast group is like that, everyone's thinking about shit all the time.
>> No. 2562 [Edit]
I'm pretty much the same way OP, only my dread is caused by fear of losing things I love. Like my parents, or my access to anime and such due to internet regulation and stuff. That's my biggest fear right now
>> No. 2563 [Edit]
All of these apply to me, and I believe to most of brohnos as well. And you know what? Even many normals too. We (humans) all have our own shit to deal with, and you are not a worse person for suffering it. Please do not put down yourself.
>> No. 2564 [Edit]
I don't see a problem here.

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