No. 2707
>I don't like to talk to them about things. A lot of the time when I hear them speak, I get this venomous, bitter sort of disgusted hatred feeling which is hard to contain. (...) Over protective mother. Father who is too tame. They are good people though, and I realize I am very fortunate to have a home like this, to be as privileged as I am. I feel bad for feeling this way
Same here, pretty much word for word (well, maybe switch 'tame' with 'apatethic').
So let's play a game, OP. Let's see who will hold out longer. Whoever commits suicide first loses. Just like that. It's a silly proposal, I know, but I want to try that. We can just post somewhere (or send an email or whatever) every 10 days or so. If the other party doesn't turn up for a week after the appointed date it's over. If we'll both manage to 'survive' until 2011 we can call it a tie.
How's it sound?