Say It ain't So, joe, please say It ain't So.

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File 130076777994.jpg - (140.61KB , 900x1000 , 1299395727936.jpg )
2506 No. 2506 [Edit]
Do you get weird looks/stares whenever you're outside in public?

I'm rarely ever outside, yet when I do go outside I always manage to get stared at. People will walk past me and turn their head around to look at me. Sometimes if they're with another person they'll look at me then whisper to each other.

I don't get it. I'm ugly but I dress plainly so I don't know how I stand out. I'm getting stares like as if I just killed their whole family. I wish I could wear sunglasses so people couldn't see my eyes, but that would make me get stared at even more.

Shit sucks.
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>> No. 2507 [Edit]
It's the paranoia, it happens to me too.
People stare at each other all the time in the street, you just notice it more because you never get out. The whispers are probably nothing about you, just the regular talk while walking.

Don't wear sunglasses though, they draw a lot of attention, you are only going to stand out from the crowd like that.
>> No. 2508 [Edit]
Yes, with good reason. I'm 6'3", skinny as a rail, and I have huge hair. Picture a walking palm tree.
>> No. 2509 [Edit]
In high school I'd always think people were laughing at me when I heard laughter. I fully recognized that as a paranoid delusion but it still made me feel so nervous and uncomfortable.
>> No. 2510 [Edit]
>Sometimes if they're with another person they'll look at me then whisper to each other.

>> No. 2512 [Edit]
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I go to University once or twice a month and people don't give a shit about me, there.

I only got some glances near my house presumably because, apart from being dirty, I go to the convenience store on pijamas and sandals, on days and hours people are working or whatever. At first it was shameful, but now I don't care.
>> No. 2513 [Edit]
I do quite often, but eh they can stare all they want. It's not like they honestly give a fuck past the 10 seconds of seeing me. I don't remember random creepy people in the streets, do you?

The image for the OP is by far my favorite. For many reasons
>> No. 2515 [Edit]
I'd love to know why passing cars beep their horns at me sometimes
>> No. 2516 [Edit]
They do that to me too. I used to completely overreact and briefly consider charging at the car and throwing something at it. And then the slim window of opportunity would pass and I'd just feel angry and angsty at myself. "What the fuck was I doing wrong which people noticed?" "What the fuck is wrong with me, do I have a fucking spine?"

Now that I think about it, I think its just an opportunistic act of being a jerk, with little chance of repucussion for the attacker. Don't take it personally.
>> No. 2518 [Edit]
I used to get this a lot. I don't know why either. Now I'm a foreigner where I live, which is a lot better. It's a lot easier being "that weird foreigner" than "that weird guy", you know.
>> No. 2520 [Edit]
I have pretty bad acne, so naturally I assume that's why people are staring at me. Lately I just fucking stare back for the pleasure of seeing them divert their eyes.
And yeah, people do stare more if you're wearing sunglasses - but I give noticeably less of a shit, so it's worth it. It also means you can, yourself, stare at cute girls.
>> No. 2521 [Edit]
During my last job, people would stare at me and gawk at me all the time as if I was wearing a big chicken suit without paints, they would also wave at me from time to time.
Needless to say, this really bothered me.
it was like mental torture being made to walk around outside in a public area in uniform, which in some respects looked silly, having a fake, sewed on badge, and badges on the shoulders which were ripped off as the uniforms were given to me, leaving markings.
I might have gone insane if not for my tinted sunglasses which allowed me to close my eyes and pretend I wasn't there, without looking, more, strange.
This whole thing kind of makes me understand how the nightkin feel...

It's bad enough to always think people are staring at you, it's much worse to know it.
>> No. 2522 [Edit]
It happens.

Before, when I see someone stare at me or laugh at me, I look away and save them the trouble of someone disgusting paying any attention to them. Afterwards, I would walk a bit faster so I could get home quicker.

Nowadays, when someone stares at me and/or laughs at me I just stare at them with a dead-ish look on my face. Usually, they stop talking about me; but there are times when they say "What are you looking at?!", those times, I just keep staring until they get tired of it and they go away. It only happened once, but it started a fight once where the guy punched me; the good thing is, was that people helped me up afterwards and treated the guy like a total asshole.
>> No. 2524 [Edit]
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one time while walking home grom the grocery store I needed to crossover an intersection while the light was red. As I got close to one car the woman in it started screaming, i could see she was looking right at me, I wasn't even walking toward her car i was walking near it....
heres a picture to illustrate this
>> No. 2527 [Edit]
When I was at school I always noticed people looking at me in the corridors, and the whispering to each other as if I couldn't notice.

I don't really know why, I never even done anything embarrassing in school and just kept to myself.

Haven't been outside since.
>> No. 2528 [Edit]
Women are irrational and are shitty drivers, who knew?
>> No. 2529 [Edit]
her car wasn't even moving...
>> No. 2530 [Edit]
Women are also insane.
>> No. 2533 [Edit]
This is sort of related... It always seems like people won't sit beside me on the train. It's probably just paranoia but it seems like I'm always the only person with open space beside them, even when it's really crowded and lots of people are standing I'll be the only person with a seat to myself. On one hand it's alright because I get the seat to myself but I also wish it didn't happen because it's fairly humiliating, knowing that strangers would rather stand than have to sit near you.
>> No. 2535 [Edit]
This used to happen to me all the time when I took the bus. I'm glad I stopped having to deal with that when I got a car.
>> No. 2536 [Edit]
I thought we finally got over our misogyny in /so/.

I'm sorry but this is just a fact of life. People will sit on an empty seat before sitting on a slightly occupied one, sit one space away from someone before sitting next to them, and sit next to a friendly looking person before sitting next to someone who looks really dodge. I look like a pretty normal person when I'm outside so people don't seem to have any problems with sitting next to me, but I can't neccesarily say the same for you. Its not that they immeadiatly noticed you're a disgusting otaku. Maybe you could fix up the way you dress a little.
>> No. 2537 [Edit]
It's not paranoia. If you wear earbuds with the music player off you can hear their critics, same thing with dark glasses you can see them giggling while looking at you.

Worse yet, my entire family does it. It's like a game for them "criticize people and laugh at at them" while we are in the car. It makes me wanna puke.
>> No. 2538 [Edit]
What misogyny? it's a fact, spend a few years driving and you'll see this yourself.
>> No. 2539 [Edit]
but I like misogyny
>> No. 2540 [Edit]
this happens to me in school, there is always a square or rectangular assortment of empty seats surrounding me.
>> No. 2541 [Edit]
no, it isnt a fact. look at the statistics and you will see for yourelf.
>> No. 2544 [Edit]
I didn't
>> No. 2574 [Edit]
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use google

Its fun to make fun of people, the difference with me though is I will do it to your face.
>> No. 2578 [Edit]
>I don't get it.
You're not being stared at. You're just being self conscious. People naturally observe their surroundings, and when you're in public that includes you. I recommend taking it easy and not caring.
>> No. 2644 [Edit]
Not really. I just look like a skinny teenager with long hair. It's more when people try to talk to me that shit gets weird.

Back in highschool (which wasn't even a year ago) people would talk behind my back all the time because I was extremely awkward around people in class. Several times I felt like dropping out so I didn't have to deal with that shit anymore.

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