People posting things I don't like will be sentenced to death by gas chamber.

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File 130054017529.jpg - (57.85KB , 304x450 , 7774.jpg )
2412 No. 2412 [Edit]
I am such a shitty person. I am lazy and unmotivated, I always straddle the thin line between pass and fail and I failed two subjects last year. I am a slightly short, extremely skinny piece of shit who hasn't grown ever since year 10 and anyone who wanted to knock me out, could. I don't have any friends and I'm extremely introverted. I have social anxiety. I don't have any money. I don't have a job. When I do not have school, I spend almost all my waking time, about 14 hours, in front of the computer fucking browsing forums, not even playing games, but fucking F5'ing the same forums over and over again.

I make no effort to hide this on other forums and messageboards I go to. People on these forums innocently say 'ahaha anon, you're just exagerating' or 'ahaha, don't worry hes just a very good troll, nobody is really that bad'. Its only reasonable that people try to rationalise things, that they try to tone down the unlikely extremes that they see. But that unlikely extreme exists. Only in the context of /so/, the fucking bog of the internet where worthless scum come to commit suicide, do people truly believe I am a bad person.

I just wanted to, I dunno, openly wallow in self-pity. I'm not digging for compliments.
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>> No. 2413 [Edit]
File 130054228037.jpg - (83.21KB , 400x410 , animey1.jpg )
> forums
> messageboards
people still go on those?
>> No. 2414 [Edit]
Aren't we on a forum/messageboard right now? Not all forums are the generic kind with usernames and such.
>> No. 2415 [Edit]
this is an imageboard!
>> No. 2416 [Edit]
File 130054404321.jpg - (6.25KB , 161x115 , b frend pls.jpg )
Don't worry OP, I believe you. I still like you though. Where are you from, and what're you studying?
>> No. 2417 [Edit]
I am from Sydney, Australia. I am a second year studying engineering.
>> No. 2418 [Edit]
More importantly - it's anonymous.
>> No. 2419 [Edit]
File 130055048982.png - (8.61KB , 250x250 , 1274845535763.png )
Yep, sounds just like me. I'm 23, never had a job, about to fail college (again). I'm poor, my family is a disaster. I'm ugly, don't have friends. I'm timid and introvert, have a hard time talking to people.

We don't have a goal in life so it makes it as whole depressing and uninteresting. We fall into bad routines which make it harder to break the cycle. We simply keep going on for some reason unknown, even though we feel unhappy and just plain shitty.
>> No. 2420 [Edit]
I'm pretty much just like you OP. I spend all day going back and forth between a few different sites, though I only post on here and /jp/.
>> No. 2423 [Edit]
File 130056192394.jpg - (86.30KB , 694x474 , 1275054286550.jpg )
>We simply keep going on for some reason unknown

The reason is probably that we deem ourselves to be so shit that we deserve to be miserable and that we should cage up that misery within ourselves rather than allow ourselves to die and pass the misery off to people who might've had a chance to otherwise live happy lives. It's our job and our punishment as failures to make sure it stays within us and doesn't spread to other, better people.
>> No. 2424 [Edit]
I keep living in the hope that virtual reality is perfected in my lifetime and I will one day be able to be a cute 2D girl.
>> No. 2425 [Edit]
I share the OPs sentiment, but not his urge to "share" his misery on random forums.
>> No. 2428 [Edit]

Not the one who asked, but I was in engineering too, for a year and a half. I never figured out what I was doing there though. I guess I just never managed to get too much into it.

How do you feel about it OP? Do you have a personal interest in it, or are you just doing it cause people would look down on you for wasting the oportunity to go to college?
>> No. 2432 [Edit]
>Only in the context of /so/, the fucking bog of the internet where worthless scum come to commit suicide

Hey no need to insult us too
>> No. 2435 [Edit]
Doing it because I'll be looked down upon if I don't.
>> No. 2439 [Edit]
I'm in the same boat OP, except replace forums with a browser game I've gotten pretty pro at. I made a thread similar to this and I just quit caring, even though I just play the game and occasionally switch off of it to play new vegas (or multitask them) I've felt pretty up lately. I think I'll do my science homework too, since its the only class I have homework in I haven't bombed besides the one that is a joke.

I still haven't told my parents out of being unsure how to do it, it doesn't help that my grandmother is in the hospital and might not make it... Though she and my grandpa were pretty big players in the stock market at one time to my understanding. Cruel to say but if she dies it may end up a solution to some of my financial problems for a while at least.

Just say "fuck it" for a few days and come back seeing how you feel OP, its helped me thus far, although I don't know if it will help you or continue to help me.
>> No. 2441 [Edit]
a lot of normal people spend almost all their waking time watching TV. at least youre studying.
>> No. 2442 [Edit]
I don't really study. I just attend all my classes without doing any homework. When I get home from school I eat, then its straight to the computer until bedtime.
>> No. 2443 [Edit]
Hah, that's exactly what I do, though I manage to fit in a few hours of playing games.
>> No. 2446 [Edit]
OP, I have been in a permanent state of "fuck it". I failed two of my college classes, parents still have not found out. I tried doing different things, like switching to Linux instead of Windows, in hopes of learning some new shit. But I just read about the things I need to know, and say fuck it to everything else.

That's what I do everyday, to everything. I just don't care. I don't know what I am doing or what I want anymore. I never made any really bad decisions, I never had big regrets. I don't smoke, I don't drink. I'm not close to anyone. I'm just floating around society, doing the bare essentials to fit in.

Where I live the government is corrupt like fuck, but nobody bothers to do anything. Businesses and companies rob us of our freedom every day, children get trialed as adults in murder cases, and both my personal and financial privacy is virtually non-existent. I know about all this bad shit in the world, but I don't do anything to stop it. I know I am being infringed on my personal rights, but what's the point? It doesn't matter anymore. Nothing ever really mattered.
>> No. 2447 [Edit]
what I meant was at least youre doing something with your life and might have a somewhat decent chance of finding a job later. some people dont even have that.
>> No. 2460 [Edit]
This is me, as well.

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