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File 130024266726.jpg - (174.60KB , 444x444 , madotsuki2.jpg )
2320 No. 2320 [Edit]
How many of you are actually shut-ins? When was the last time you left the house? The last time I left the house was for a flu shot (that my parents made me get) in late January.
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>> No. 2321 [Edit]
Longest I've ever stayed in was 6 months, and by the 4th month I was already out of food. I had to survive with candy bars and expired canned food which literally killed me for 2 months.
>> No. 2322 [Edit]
Before my brother moved back in with me I was inside for 8 months. Now I go with him to the gas station and store sometimes. Appointments, too.
>> No. 2323 [Edit]
I leave the house like 10 times a year

you didnt die even when you were killed?
>> No. 2325 [Edit]
>When was the last time you left the house?
This morning.
>> No. 2327 [Edit]
Okay i seriously need to know now.
What VN is this damn girl from?
>> No. 2329 [Edit]
Yume Nikki i think

not a VN, its a extremely overrated 'game' about a girl with schizophrenia.

of course you wouldnt know that if i didnt tell you because there is no real plot that i know of, its pretty much just wandering around 'scary' areas trying to figure out what you are meant to do.
>> No. 2331 [Edit]

That's uncalled for and off-topic. No need to get butthurt because you were expecting a conventional game.
>> No. 2332 [Edit]
i was answering his question.

no need to get butthurt because you expect everyone to like the same shit you like.
>> No. 2333 [Edit]
I couldn't care less whether people like it or not. You could have answered the question without the side-commentary. There's enough drama on /so/ as it is.
>> No. 2334 [Edit]
besides the 'overrated' comment i was just explaining how it plays.

and likewise you could have just looked over anything you dont agree with, you are the one causing the drama here, friend.
>> No. 2335 [Edit]
Before today, I rarely left the house. It was not unheard of for me to go months at a time without leaving. Now, with my parents blessings, I've decided to go to a "Mental Health Counselor." I'm supposed to go every week, and I am intimidated as fuck.
>> No. 2336 [Edit]
I haven't since christmas, when my mother woke me up at 1pm and dragged me out of the house to go and see my grandmother.
>> No. 2337 [Edit]
Take it easy you lot. The sexual tension in this thread.
>> No. 2338 [Edit]
S-shut up! I-It's not like i like him or anything! Idiot!
>> No. 2339 [Edit]
Not including this week were I've left the house multiple times, I haven't left since early Sept.

If I have work, I leave for that and to buy food. Other then that I never leave the house
>> No. 2343 [Edit]
Last time I left my house was in mid-February or so. I went for a half hour walk at 3am. I leave the house once a month/12 times a year around 3am-4am to stop by the bank machine and withdraw money to pay for rent. Well, did. Ever since February I've been broke. Now with no motive to go outside I don't see myself leaving my room anytime soon. Unless someone breaks down my door and throws me out of my house. Which is sort of likely to happen given my current situation.

Excluding quick midnight bank machine runs, it's been years since I really went anywhere other than my room or the kitchen. I was at my worst when I first shut away about 5 years ago, since I couldn't leave my room at all, unless it was to sneak to the kitchen or bathroom at midnight. Just opening my door felt impossible back then, so, I guess I've slightly improved since then.

As a side note, I haven't had a haircut in two years. I don't know how people manage to get to hairdressers. What do shut-ins normally do with their hair? Cut it themselves?
>> No. 2344 [Edit]
I wish my parents would let me see a psychiatrist, but they got mad at me last time I brought it up. They also got mad when I told them how sad I am so for the last 3 years I've kept all my problems to myself.

>What do shut-ins normally do with their hair? Cut it themselves?

I shave my head. Always feels nice
>> No. 2345 [Edit]
The last time I had to leave the house was two weeks ago, when I had to take my midterms at college.

I haven't left the house out of my own will in months, though.
>> No. 2353 [Edit]

>As a side note, I haven't had a haircut in two years. I don't know how people manage to get to hairdressers. What do shut-ins normally do with their hair? Cut it themselves?

You might want to read this thread: >>1459


>I wish my parents would let me see a psychiatrist, but they got mad at me last time I brought it up. They also got mad when I told them how sad I am so for the last 3 years I've kept all my problems to myself.

Well I'm more or less the polar opposite. My mom forces me to visit this kind of specialists regularly. Then she always complains that I told them bunch of bullshit.

Just a month ago it happened again. I told him things as I see them, he told my parents that I seem to be fine but we - as family - are definitely not and suggested group therapy. My mom was might pissed. For quite some time I've been confident that it's her who needs to see a psychiatrist.
>> No. 2359 [Edit]
I used to be. Staying inside for months at a time was glorious, if a bit tiring. But now I am attending college because if I didn't I would be outside a hell of a lot more.
>> No. 2364 [Edit]
>What do shut-ins normally do with their hair? Cut it themselves?

My sister is also a hikikomori, and so we cut each others hair.
>> No. 2366 [Edit]
That sounds really sweet. For me my Mom shaves my head and beard in the backyard once every few months. She cuts my Dad's hair too
>> No. 2383 [Edit]
File 130036667885.jpg - (14.06KB , 384x396 , 1245704609980.jpg )
Damn I'm jealous
>> No. 2384 [Edit]
this made me sort of happy
>> No. 4367 [Edit]
One time I didn't go outside for 9 months, that was glorious.
>> No. 4368 [Edit]
For the four to three months break between high school and uni, I was a nocturnal, sleep deprived and depressed shutin. Unfortunately uni has forced my lifestyle to be more active.
>> No. 4370 [Edit]
I've been a shut-in for two years now.
>> No. 4376 [Edit]
I have not left the house in a month.

My longest time spent without leaving is a year.
>> No. 4384 [Edit]
I don't have indoor plumbing, so I technically have to go outside several times every day. Shit sucks, literally.


Saving this new (to me) picture of my waifu. Many thanks, OP.
>> No. 4387 [Edit]
I go out every day during the week for classes, though I never talk with anyone unless I have to, and usually no longer than a few seconds. I don't know how you guys slip under the radar like you do. I wish I could go my daily life without anyone ever noticing me. Other than classes, I'll go visit my sister from time to time, since she's really my only close relative and the only person I can really enjoy or even tolerate being around.
>> No. 4388 [Edit]
It's funny how my parents often consider me to be a "shut-in" because I haven't left the house since Saturday. I can hardly imagine how they would feel like I was like you guys.

How do most of you manage? Leech money off of parents? Savings? I'm not a hikikomori or a NEET but having social anxiety and occasionally taking medication for it, I can at least sympathize with most of you.
>> No. 4389 [Edit]
My parents buy me pretty much whatever I want, but I don't really ask for much. Just a game every once in a while
>> No. 4396 [Edit]
I went a year straight without leaving my house at the height of it. I don't mean leaving my property, I mean not even going outside. The next two years after that I probably went outside 3 or 4 times in total.

Now I leave my house twice a week a bout. I guess one could consider it "progress". I consider it torture.
>> No. 4398 [Edit]
I don't leave except for to go to work or school. I'm not neet but I have no social life. I'm really good at pretending though. I talk with people at school and make shit up.

I started taking online classes this summer. I don't have to go to school at all and I haven't left my room in over a week because I've still got food. When I run out of food, I'll go get some.
>> No. 4405 [Edit]
don't usually go out except for classes or work. socially retarded.
>> No. 4406 [Edit]
>What do shut-ins normally do with their hair? Cut it themselves?
I cut it with a knife when I feel it's getting "metal-long". It makes me feel bad-ass for a couple of minutes. I can not handle the thought of going to a barber shop and having them cut it too short, or them talking to me about...anything, really.

As for myself, I found that I usually have to leave the house at most, twice a week. Mostly because, if I stay inside too long, I feel like I might go insane. There's only so much I can do before the boredom builds to a breaking point. I like wandering around in the city, because I feel like nobody knows who I am. If I remain inconspicuous enough, I even feel like I'm not being judged or sized up. That feeling of "humanity" (that's as best as I can describe it, believe it or not) doesn't last for very long, unfortunately.

I also enjoy late-night trips to the convenience store whenever I really need to go. Usually just get a slushee and one of their many shitty, store-brand instant meals.
>> No. 4407 [Edit]
If you have long hair and cut it yourself, please make give yourself a buzzcut or bald. It is SO much more hygenic and looks way better.
>> No. 4411 [Edit]
>looks way better

>> No. 4412 [Edit]
Long hair don't care.
>> No. 4413 [Edit]
I look ridiculous with even relatively short hair. I still hold a certain vanity to myself, I guess. I like to look "good" (in my own eyes, mind you).

When/if I move to some monastery or something to become a monk, I'd shave my head for sure (I've actually considered that). Until then, screw it. It takes balls to shave your head, though - Something I severely lack.
>> No. 4451 [Edit]

>I still hold a certain vanity to myself, I guess. I like to look "good"

Almost everybody does. Many people will claim otherwise if asked and some of us might feel bad because being concerned about one's appearance is 'what normalfags do' but in the end most people do care an there's nothing to be ashamed of.
>> No. 4509 [Edit]
Not as much of a shut-in as I used to be. I suppose it's rather hard living as such through adulthood, there comes a time at which you have to take some responsibilities (as small as they may be).

But I do spend most of my free-time doubled up inside and, am still as socially awkward as ever.

Longest I've ever stayed in was four months by the way —That was a long time ago.

Even as an eternally single loner it still feels nice looking groomed. Boosts your self-confidence.
>> No. 4515 [Edit]
If I can't keep myself looking nice, it becomes much more difficult to convince myself I'm better than everyone else in the world. As a shut in I'd say appearance is doubly important.

And I usually leave my apartment twice a year, but receive regular packages, so I do need to interact with the postman more often than I'd like. I have been living in this fashion for nearly five years now, and it doesn't look as though change will be on my horizon.
>> No. 4543 [Edit]
I just left the house yesterday to visit my grandparents' graves. My mom kissed their gravestone which is really gross. This saturday I'll need to go an hour and a half away to go to a wedding, so that fucking sucks.
>> No. 4553 [Edit]
>This saturday I'll need to go an hour and a half away to go to a wedding, so that fucking sucks.
What city/area will the wedding be held? I'm going to one on Saturday too. Of course the chance of you going to the same one as me is very slim, but I'm still kind of curious.
>> No. 4557 [Edit]
>> No. 4561 [Edit]
On some nights, when it's cool outside, I might step outside for a walk or a drive. It just feels really good, like I'm exploring new places.

I almost never leave home during the day, though.
>> No. 4635 [Edit]
Ah, yeah that's different from me. Oh well

I wish there was an easy excuse to not attend a wedding without seeming like an ass.
>> No. 4743 [Edit]
Well the wedding i went to turned out to be the worst, longest night of my life for reasons I didn't even foresee (the wedding itself was the least of it). I'm not going to go into details because I doubt anyone cares. How was yours?
>> No. 4750 [Edit]
I care, but if you don't want to talk about it I understand.
>> No. 4752 [Edit]
I care too.
>> No. 4754 [Edit]
I care as well.
>> No. 4757 [Edit]
I really don't like to get into specific real life details on the internet. Thanks for caring though
>> No. 4883 [Edit]
I visit family and sometimes go shopping with them, or on walks with them, and am in the backyard a lot so I get outside. Most time is spent inside though.

You unlucky bastard, what does a person who never interacts with other people need to worry about getting sick for, you've been infected with mind altering medication. Your parents have probably been replaced already.
>> No. 5030 [Edit]

Translation: We love you and you should tell us, it'll help you vent!
>> No. 5031 [Edit]
Just don't say anything incriminating.
Come on!!!
>> No. 5044 [Edit]
I'm not really a hikki but I haven't left my house in a long while. Yesterday my father asked me to send a letter for him and even though I didn't exactly feel like going out it's not like I could say 'sorry, I'd just rather watch Chinese cartoon with cute girls doing cute things'.

... I don't even know where to begin. It was a nightmare I'd rather forget as soon as possible. I had to cross the border to actually send it and since I haven't spoken that language in a long ass while I forgot almost all of it. I sweated at least 3 liters, my hands shook so much that a person with Alzheimer's would look like a competent surgeon in comparison, I stuttered a lot (my thick, heavy accent doesn't help) and eventually I even got a nosebleed.
>> No. 5061 [Edit]
You mean Parkinson's, right?
>> No. 5456 [Edit]
It was horrible and one of the longest nights for me too. I kept trying to pretend I didn't exist and was somewhere else, but it didn't work. Shit sucked even more since I actually had to stay the night at the house, and the wedding didn't end until around 12AM or so. I didn't really talk to anyone, especially after most of my relatives left. I went to "sleep" early in a guest room to get away from everyone.

I would rather fake sleep than stand/sit awkwardly by myself getting weird condescending glances while people party and drink with their friends, is what I thought. Another thing I kept saying to myself was that I would never have to experience something like this ever again, and that somewhat temporarily put me at ease.

If any of my other relatives got married, it probably wouldn't be for at least another 10 years, and by that time I'll probably be long gone from them.
>> No. 5457 [Edit]

Yeah, I did.

... Oh wow, what a brainfart.

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