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2276 No. 2276 [Edit]
You know what I've found out is a big help?

Buying books online. Where I live, it takes over a month to get them delivered - meaning it's over a month of having something to look forward to.

And then, you have to read the books you bought last time before the new ones arrive, so as not to create a backlog - meaning you're constantly reading books, and feel like you're accomplishing something.

Plus, I think even just the act of purchasing something feels good to me for some reason. Even with my parents' money. Maybe it's a quick dopamine boost.
>> No. 2277 [Edit]
One more: play one of those browser games where you have a limited number of actions per day, or something of the sort. You can't waste your life on it, but it's yet something else to look forward to.
>> No. 2278 [Edit]
You could read online for free too, if you'd like.
>> No. 2279 [Edit]
I use the library.
>> No. 2282 [Edit]
I play Urban Dead whenever I get bored. Always satisfying to break into a house full of survivors and bite/infect all of them
>> No. 2285 [Edit]
Fuck I love Pokemon.
Sorry for off topic post.
>> No. 2287 [Edit]

I'm all for downloading books, but that sort of defeats OP's point, doesn't it?
>> No. 2288 [Edit]
If you enjoy buying books (I do), you may love this site:

Imagine Amazon but completely free shipping, no matter how much you order and they have everything you can imagine save a nice manga selection. I can't read on a computer screen cos I like to get comfortable with a book, and this is a nice site to find good books cheap.
>> No. 2291 [Edit]
Oh, man, thanks a lot for this. They have a pretty decent selection of Mishima books. And they're not that expensive, either...
>> No. 2292 [Edit]

>Free shipping worldwide.

FTFY, in case other people might be interested. Also, thanks for the link, they really have a very nice selection.
>> No. 2295 [Edit]
OP here -

thanks, that's amazing. Usually the shipping runs me about as much as the books.

I do too. How come they don't make a god-damned Pokemon MMO? It's the only thing that could compete with WoW.
>> No. 2299 [Edit]

>One more: play one of those browser games where you have a limited number of actions per day, or something of the sort. You can't waste your life on it, but it's yet something else to look forward to.

Oh boy, I remember discussing this topic on a forum back in the day. It was an advice I've given to people in a similar situation: try to do something on a daily/weekly basis. With this you will have something to look forward to every day and you will finally regain your grasp of time (I think this topic started when I recalled I wanted to watch a movie that aired on Monday and sat down before my TV on Wednesday thinking it is Monday -where did my two days disappear?). I would copy that post if I could but it wouldn't be of much help to you as I wrote it in my mother tongue. Overall, I recommened webcomics (I'm also the guy who created the webcomics thread on /ot/), short story compilations (read a specific amount of stories daily, never more, never less), books (same as above but with specific amount of pages instead - NEVER MORE), some tv dramas (specific amount of eps; anime works too but obviously it wasn't exactly the best idea to recommend it so nonchalantly) etc.

But it's a 'do as I say, not as I do' situation. For the time being I have a good grasp of time due to my circumstances but I don't really do anything on daily/weekly basis anymore (except for following 2-3 webcomics and checking the NBA results).
>> No. 2301 [Edit]
Webcomics, huh. It's a shame Achewood's all but dead, but there's always Jerkcity.
About the post in your mother tongue: I have a hunch you might be Brazilian, are you? If so, me too.
>> No. 2302 [Edit]

Nope, Eastern Europe here (and if you're wondering whether /tc/ might be getting invaded by eastern Europeans after reading the /ot/ thread about tsunami aftermath rest easy, I'm the same guy; also, easily recognizable due to writing more in parentheses in one sentence than one person should in lifetime). I don't want to name the country, though.

I'm also the OP of the books thread in /ot/. I feel bad about neglecting it for such a long time but I did my best to keep it alive for a while. I wanted to make people read something because it really does feel like you're accomplishing something (even though you don't). Later I noticed a similar thread was also created in /mt/ and felt bad about bumping my own thread.

So yeah, if you read anything interesting and feel like sharing it post in one of those threads.
>> No. 2324 [Edit]
>I have a hunch you might be Brazilian, are you? If so, me too.
So since he's not Brazilian, does that mean you aren't either?
>> No. 2330 [Edit]
I'm now an illegal immigrant to Brazil of all places.
>> No. 2392 [Edit]
>you may love this site:

I do love that site. its much cheaper than anywhere else. but "free shipping worldwide" is kind of a joke because the purchase price changed depending on what country you access the site from.

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