No. 2411
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, Asuka (given up).jpg
A similar TL;DR story started going on on me about... dammit: 7 years ago...
But after all these years, and as long as I can see, all motivation we ever find in life is just a provisional palliative, until revealing itself as a joke. Something might -or not- catch your attention, given certain circumstances; but, presummably, when the status quo changes again or gets into deep problems, our deepest pasions and dearest beliefs will be reduced again to juvenile mistakes. We're likely gonna regret things -and badly- anyway: our failures for being failures, and our so called achievments for being so damn cheap to have lead us (and the world?) to this very moment and place. As long as we keep on living, we're not likely going to find any ultimate truth or (good) destiny, but just the illusions of them. So the best I could say to all this vicious path is: * * SILENCE * *...
For good or bad, we could try to live as we want, each and every moment. For a couple of times (important ones), we might even get the chance to live as we think we should live, and be the clossest to our (otherwise unattainable) ethical-selves. All that before failling altogether, once again, more ridiculously and painfully than ever. Because, apparently, we simply can't escape from being in the wrong. Because, apparently, we can't get a single damned thing straight. Because, apparently, after all this years we haven't really learned absolutely nothing. Because, maybe, since knowledge always refers to more knowledge (i.e. more language), it steps aside from itself. Because our single lives being so insignificant, maybe implies that any given action, inspired by any given reason, might be perfectly equivalent to do absolutley nothing (for anyother given reason).