Say It ain't So, joe, please say It ain't So.

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2254 No. 2254 [Edit]
I joined the army, I thought I could become a better human being, but as soon as I got home for the weekend, I went back to browsing chans and playing visual novels. Whats wrong with me? Will I ever become a normal person?
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>> No. 2255 [Edit]
Nope lol
>> No. 2256 [Edit]
If you enjoy doing that, what's wrong with having hobbies? Don't think there are "normal persons" either, just people who conform more and others who don't.

How's army anyway?
>> No. 2258 [Edit]
Why would you want to become normal? If you like browsing chans and playing visual novels than why force yourself to change?
>> No. 2259 [Edit]
I'm all for trying to be productive, but there's nothing wrong with your hobbies. I would imagine after a stint in the military anyone would need some serious down time. Stop beating yourself up, soldier.
>> No. 2262 [Edit]
>become a better human being
Your hobbies don't make you a bad person, but the army certainly will.
>Will I ever become a normal person?
You never will.
>What's wrong with me?
You are afraid of yourself.
>> No. 2263 [Edit]
The army is all about removing your humanity so you can become a tool of war. This was probably the biggest mistake you will ever make in your life
>> No. 2264 [Edit]
the idea that joining the army makes you into a better person is totally disgusting to me
>> No. 2265 [Edit]
It's probably because American media constantly depicts soldiers as the best people ever, and joining the army will make you just like them!
>> No. 2267 [Edit]
>removing your humanity so you can become a tool of war.

Awesome, where do I sign up?
>> No. 2268 [Edit]
File 130005499766.jpg - (27.41KB , 445x301 , full_metal_jacket_bathroom.jpg )
Just don't snap and become like this guy, please?
>> No. 2269 [Edit]
>It's probably because American media constantly depicts soldiers
Nope, it teaches discipline and hard work. Most of the NEETs and hikkis out there aren't like us, they aren't happy with their chosen life. Joining the army for a couple of years will solve that problem.

That's bullshit, and you know it.
Listening to what your superior says =/= removing your humanity.
Because this is what the army teaches people, most soldiers never learn how to kill people.
They learn how to "kill" human shaped targets.
>> No. 2297 [Edit]

Damn, this might mark the first time when I agree with something you said.

inb4 I agree with Popo and my whole world comes tumbling down.


Second, this sounds great to me.

Also I already typed a response to OP (before anyone else responded so I was glad when I saw wnd response) but I deleted it. I wrote the usual stuff: 'why is it wrong?', 'it's not like it makes anyone suffer' etc. Why do I delete the post I'm just about to send is beyond me.
>> No. 2422 [Edit]
I feel like i'm becoming less of a human, and more of a dog or some other type of pet.
yesterday, we were taking a break, because everyone in my team was tired and injured (boots hurt) a 4th year cadet walked past us, and threw a piece of bread into some bushes for amusement. we ran into it to pick it up like a bunch of rats while he laughed, because we were so hungry.
a teammate told me , "i never imagined i'd be doing this"

looking back, 6 months ago, i was lying on my bed, eating cookies while playing visual novels, watching anime or browsing chans from 10pm to 5am. i was never cold, sweaty, hungry or thristy.
it's like i got on a spaceship and moved to a completely different planet.
>> No. 2426 [Edit]
What country's military is this? Because that sounds pretty fucked up.

I know how you feel though, I spent about 4 years in the Canadian military. I watched anime on my ipod in my sleeping bag so no one could see and kept a picture of my waifu to look at when the going got tough. Although I never felt like a dog or lost my humanity to become a killing machine or some stupid shit like some people believe.
>> No. 2461 [Edit]
I remember this guy on /jp/ going about how he regrets not being able to go hikki like some of the people on that board, how his dad made him get a job. And how once a year he takes his accrued vacation time and binges on anime/VNs/etc and lives like he wanted to. He really hates his job I take it.

What about the cursing like a sailor dickish cursing/racist "jokes"/etc that some people in the military pull. Apparently they make some dickish "jabs" on each other in some branches (I think Marine corps and some parts of army for the US)

I -can- put up with that "politically incorrect" bullshit as well as being chewed out by people, but I sure as fuck would not choose that.

My best guess is the US or Russian militaries. As I can see that sort of shit happening in both. In the case of the US did OP join some special forces or combat infantry group?
>> No. 2468 [Edit]

What's with this?
>> No. 2469 [Edit]
sorry, we were working on the site a bit.

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