No. 2239
I saw my 'friends' throw a cat at a wall. Not very hard and in the end the cat seemed to be completely unharmed but it made me feel sick either way.
I haven't said a thing to them, though. Everyone seemed to enjoy it. This is why I regret ever bothering with 'normal' people.
The worst I've actually done is probably push a dog with my foot a little. I didn't kick him or anything like that, I was just messing with him. It was not playful, though - I actually wanted to annoy him. Shame on me.
As for the things I wanted to do... Well, let's say that whenever I see an animal I feel a strong urge to do something bad to it. I'm sometimes afraid I won't be able to control myself. But as I've said, I have never really done anything.
I guess I hate all living things. I enjoy destroying stuff, no matter what it is. Whenever I have something sharp in my hands (scissors, knife) I think about stabbing someone. One time, my father handed me an averruncator in a gardening shop because he needed both of his hands to lift something else. I swear I almost stabbed the woman who popped out of nowhere and startled me.
I'm pretty sure I never ever hit anyone. I guess I'm good at restraining myself.
... Oh wait, that was a lie just now. I have never done anything to bigger animals, sure, but I remember doing all sorts of things to insects and spiders. I burned ants with my magnifying glass and plucked spiders' legs out. The latter is somewhat interesting as a close friend of mine suffered from a very bad case of arachnophobia. He wasn't exactly a good guy - he got into lots of fights, had some problems with the police, was close to getting sent to reformatory once. But whenever he saw a spiders he squeeled like a little girl and run for his life. It was so bad that he refused to even play video games with spiders. I shit you not.
Now I also suffer from arachnophobia. I could pick up a spider without anyproblems when I was a kid but after being around a though huy who was afraid of them I kinda contracted it.
Overall I'm a pretty cruel guy I guess. But that's only part of me. I remember that I liked to step on slugs' empty shells as they made a nice cracking sound. I was an expert at telling apart empy shells from inhabited ones. There was one time where I was certain that the shell was empty so I stepped on it but I realized I was wrong in an instant. I kept crying for like 20 minutes after that and never again stepped on a shell. I was ~7, maybe 8.
And as much as I hate other human beings I am known to be very polite and kind. When I see elderly people carying around empty bags I sometimes ask if they need help, when using public communication I always free my seat when I see some old lady who needs it more than I, I sometimes give some money to beggars even though I'm rather poor myself. I've been told I've got plenty of charisma a few times. During my time in elementary school I was well liked and since people thought I'm a trustworthy person I was chosen as a class representative a few times. Oh boy, how oblivious can other people be?
In the end more othen than not it's people like us who end up as serial killers. Then the neighbours/relatives/friends are interviewed and everybody is shocked - 'he was such a nice guy, I still can't believe he has done something like that'. But I'm gonna be just fine, I lack balls to do anything of this sort.